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Date:      Fri, 1 Sep 2000 00:35:38 +0700
From:      oleg dashevskii <>
Subject:   VMWare not working...
Message-ID:  <>

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4.1-STABLE (29-aug), VMWare 2.0.2-621.
When I press "Power on" in VMWare window, it doesn't even show its logos!
[1]+  Abort trap              vmware   - that's the only answer.

the log goes in attach.

% od

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="win98.log"

Sep 01 00:33:12: Log file switched to /var/tmp/vmware-log.od.
Sep 01 00:33:12: Log for VMware Workstation PID 26441
Sep 01 00:33:12: changing state 0 from 0 to 1870
Sep 01 00:33:12: changing state 1 from 0 to 1873
Sep 01 00:33:12: changing state 2 from 0 to 1877
Sep 01 00:33:12: Host version
Sep 01 00:33:15: CPUID numEntries=1 AuthenticAMD
Sep 01 00:33:15: CPUID version=0x58c features=0x8021bf ebx=0x0
Sep 01 00:33:15: VT: Redirecting kernel output to /dev/tty1
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA version 1.1
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA event base 0, error base 156
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA DirectVideo flags 0x401
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA acceleration supported
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA pixmap not supported
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA start 0xec000000 size 2097152 bank size 2097152 pitch 2048
Sep 01 00:33:15: XINFO DGA addr 0x28776000
Sep 01 00:33:15: Msg_Hint hint.mks.noXKB (not shown)
Sep 01 00:33:16: License /home/od/.vmware/license_476628_000
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Fields = Cpt, Name, Email, LicenseType, LicenseClass, LicenseFeature, Count, LicenseKey, ProductID, ProductType, Expiration
Sep 01 00:33:16:    StartFields = Cpt, Name, Email, LicenseType, Field2
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Field2 = LicenseClass, LicenseFeature, Count, Field3
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Field3 = LicenseKey, ProductID, ProductType, Expiration
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Cpt = COPYRIGHT (c) 1998-2000 VMware, Inc.
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Name = oleg dashevskii
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Email =
Sep 01 00:33:16:    LicenseType = User
Sep 01 00:33:16:    LicenseClass = Evaluation
Sep 01 00:33:16:    LicenseFeature = None
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Count = 1 of 1
Sep 01 00:33:16:    LicenseKey = 476628_000
Sep 01 00:33:16:    ProductID = VMware for Linux
Sep 01 00:33:16:    ProductType = 2.0
Sep 01 00:33:16:    Expiration = 2000-9-22
Sep 01 00:33:16: Chosen license: /home/od/.vmware/license_476628_000
Sep 01 00:33:18: changing directory to /home/od/vmware/win98/.
Sep 01 00:33:18: Msg_Hint hint.guisession.chdir (not shown)
Sep 01 00:33:18: changing state 1 from 1873 to 1873
Sep 01 00:33:18: changing state 2 from 1877 to 1878
Sep 01 00:33:18: Log file switched to /home/od/vmware/win98/win98.log.
Sep 01 00:33:20: PowerOn
Sep 01 00:33:20: changing state 0 from 1870 to 1871
Sep 01 00:33:20: VMX86: version='unreleased' build='$Name: build-621 $' option=Release2.0.2
Sep 01 00:33:20: UNAME Linux 2.2.12 FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE #7: Tue Aug 29 18:50:36 NOVST 2000
    od@spi i386
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- COMMAND LINE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- CONFIGURATION
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            config.version = 2
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            ide1:0.present = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           ide1:0.fileName = /dev/cdrom
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT         ide1:0.deviceType = atapi-cdrom
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT     ide1:0.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            ide0:0.present = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           ide0:0.fileName = /home/od/vmware/win98/win98.hda
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT         ide0:0.deviceType = rawDisk
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT               ide0:0.mode = persistent
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           floppy0.present = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT          floppy0.fileName = /dev/fd0
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    floppy0.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                   memsize = 32
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                     nvram = /home/od/vmware/win98/win98.nvram
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT              log.fileName = /home/od/vmware/win98/win98.log
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                   guestOS = win98
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    serial0.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    serial1.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    serial2.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    serial3.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            mouse.hostType = PS/2
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            mouse.fileName = /dev/mouse
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT      sound.startConnected = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT       gui.controlShiftAlt = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT      gui.powerOnAtStartUp = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT   gui.fullScreenAtPowerOn = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                apmSuspend = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT             suspendToDisk = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT        gui.exitAtPowerOff = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT       hard-disk.enableIBR = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT      gui.fullScreenResize = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                   logging = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                     debug = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                redoLogDir = /usr/home/od/vmware/win98/
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- USER DEFAULTS
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- USER PREFERENCES
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT       preferences.version = 2
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                mru.config = /home/od/vmware/win98/win98.cfg:/home/od/vmware/win98_2/win98.cfg:
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            hint.mks.noXKB = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT pref.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT pref.checkPhysicalHostMemoryLimit = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT pref.checkReservedMemoryLimit = TRUE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT              pref.autoFit = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT     hint.guisession.chdir = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT       pref.grabOnKeyPress = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT     pref.grabOnMouseClick = FALSE
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT     pref.maxLockedMemSize = 32
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           vmware.fullpath = /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           wizard.fullpath = /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-wizard
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            dhcpd.fullpath = /usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmnet-dhcpd
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT             loop.fullpath = "/usr/local/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-loop
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT                    libdir = /usr/local/lib/vmware/lib
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    vmnet1.HostOnlyAddress =
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT    vmnet1.HostOnlyNetMask =
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT         = Introduction.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT   tag.configurationEditor = ConfigEditor.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT             tag.ideConfig = ConfigDisks.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT          tag.floppyConfig = ConfigFloppy.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           tag.mouseConfig = ConfigMouse.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT             tag.netConfig = ConfigEthernet.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT        tag.parallelConfig = ConfigParallel.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT          tag.serialConfig = ConfigSerial.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT           tag.soundConfig = ConfigSound.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT             tag.memConfig = ConfigMemory.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT            tag.miscConfig = ConfigMisc.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT        = ToolsInstall.htm
Sep 01 00:33:20: DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
Sep 01 00:33:20: GuestOSId = 0x5004 
Sep 01 00:33:20: Created the /var/tmp/ram0 temporary file.
Sep 01 00:33:20: changing state 1 from 1873 to 1873
Sep 01 00:33:20: Chosen license: /home/od/.vmware/license_476628_000
Sep 01 00:33:20: Monitor controlFlags set to 0x6001808d
Sep 01 00:33:20: MHZEstimate 351
Sep 01 00:33:20: Floppy: floppy.minVirtualTime=0.010 [ms]
Sep 01 00:33:20: Forking AIO Floppy pid=26452 sharedArea=0x2aa9f000 size=0xa000
Sep 01 00:33:20: Floppy0 present
Sep 01 00:33:21: Caught signal 11 -- pid 26441
Sep 01 00:33:21: Suspending VM...
Sep 01 00:33:21: Dumping core...
Sep 01 00:33:21: Slave Floppy exits


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