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From: Diomidis Spinellis <>
 Re: docs/51480: Multiple undefined references in the FreeBSD manual 
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The following reply was made to PR docs/51480; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Diomidis Spinellis <>
Subject: Re: docs/51480: Multiple undefined references in the FreeBSD manual 
Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 10:48:01 +0300

 Something must be amiss.  These are some of the results on my system for
 your FOUND entries:
 $ man vflush
 No manual entry for vflush
 $ locate vflush
 $ man bus_teardown_intr
 No manual entry for bus_teardown_intr
 $ man bus_set_resource
 No manual entry for bus_set_resource
 $ man 9 printf
 No entry for printf in section 9 of the manual
 $ man NDFREE
 No manual entry for NDFREE
 $ uname -a
 FreeBSD spiti 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #2: Sat Apr  5 04:03:49 EEST
 2003     dds@spiti:/vol/obj/vol/src/sys/SPITI  i386
 Regarding the REF entries, these are the relevant contents of my
 usr/share/man/man9/boot.9 file:
 .\"     $NetBSD: boot.9,v 1.2 1996/09/24 07:01:26 ghudson Exp $
 Runs any shutdown hooks previously set by
 .Xr at_shutdown 9 .
 My system has been cvsuped using the tag:
 *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
 I checked the entries on another system I also maintain (using however
 similar procedures) and got the same results.  One of us (probably me)
 must be doing something quite wrong.
 Jim Brown wrote:
 > 1. Ensure your sources are up to date.  Some FOUND entries
 >    noted above were right in the directory.  Either your sources
 >    are incomplete, or the tool doesn't work right.  See #2.
 Can you please run a locate on e.g. vflush.9 on your system and also
 check the CVS branch its on?  I can not understand how I could be
 missing it.  Running the tool (it is just a perl script) on your system
 might also help.
 > 2. The tool may not find references that are
 >    second or third entries in a man page (such as printf(3)
 >    which has printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, asprintf ...)
 >    Check the tool for correctness.
 That should be ok, because there are hard links between the same pages,
 so I always find them.  If there are no hard links the user will not be
 able to obtain the given manual page.
 > 3. This PR is too large- you are better off closing this PR and
 >    submitting a separate PR for each section.
 I have not problem with that, especially if some of the results are
 wrong. (However, someone other than me has to do that; despite some
 threats I have received following this PR :-), I am not yet a
 [For the benefit of the two Cc'd who had shown interest in the PR, I am
 enclosing the rest of the email]
 Jim Brown wrote:
 > I hand checked section 9 of the manual to see if these assertions
 > are correct.  My results are shown below.
 > KEY:
 > FOUND   = I did find the reference in a man page .  Assertion is incorrect.
 > REF?    = I could not verify the assertion.  Man page likely changed since this PR was filed.
 > MISSING = I did not find the reference in a man page.  Assertion is correct.
 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/VFS_UNMOUNT.9.gz(60): Undefined reference to vflush(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/VFS_CHECKEXP.9.gz(63): Undefined reference to vfs_export_lookup(9)
 > REF?    /usr/share/man/man9/VOP_LOOKUP.9.gz(433): Undefined reference to VOP_ABORTOP(9)
 > REF?    /usr/share/man/man9/boot.9.gz(83): Undefined reference to at_shutdown(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/crypto.9.gz(211): Undefined reference to ((ipsec)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/mi_switch.9.gz(87): Undefined reference to issignal(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/namei.9.gz(192): Undefined reference to NDFREE(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/time.9.gz(109): Undefined reference to gettime(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(167): Undefined reference to vhold(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(169): Undefined reference to vdrop(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(177): Undefined reference to getnewvnode(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(178): Undefined reference to vfree(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(180): Undefined reference to vbusy(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(189): Undefined reference to VFS_GET(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/vnode.9.gz(224): Undefined reference to vfs_object_create(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/device.9.gz(55): Undefined reference to device_get_parent(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/device_quiet.9.gz(56): Undefined reference to device_detach(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/BUS_SETUP_INTR.9.gz(60): Undefined reference to BUS_TEARDOWN_INTR(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/bus_generic_map_intr.9.gz(46): Undefined reference to BUS_MAP_INTR(9)
 > REF?    /usr/share/man/man9/bus_alloc_resource.9.gz(115): Undefined reference to rman_activate_resource(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/bus_release_resource.9.gz(51): Undefined reference to bus_teardown_intr(9)
 > MISSING /usr/share/man/man9/DEVICE_IDENTIFY.9.gz(49): Undefined reference to BUS_ADD_CHILD(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/DEVICE_IDENTIFY.9.gz(55): Undefined reference to bus_set_resource(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/DEVICE_IDENTIFY.9.gz(90): Undefined reference to device_set_driver(9)
 > FOUND   /usr/share/man/man9/sbuf.9.gz(339): Undefined reference to printf(9)
 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > The large number of FOUND entries causes me to wonder
 > if the tool operates correctly.
 > Three thoughts: