From owner-freebsd-bugs  Tue Apr 15 09:13:29 1997
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Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 20:12:44 +0400 (MSD)
From: Dmitrij Tejblum <>
To: Bruce Evans <>
Subject: Re: misc/3291: md2.h, md4.h, and md5.h headers useless for c++ programms
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On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Bruce Evans wrote:

> My man page synopsis checker test won't pass :-).  

Sorry, I cannot see the reason :-( I have no your man page synopsis
checker :-( (May be, you don't noticed that md2.3, md4.3, and md5.3
generated by make from mdX.3 and didn't say 'make' before synopsis check?)

> BTW, there are bugs
> in the synopsis for MD5.9.  The synopsis checker generates the following
> file from the synopsis:
> ....
> Compiling this with `cc -Wredundant-decls' shows that MD5Transform()
> is not declared in <sys/md5.h>.  In fact it is not part of the public
> interface, and most of the public interface is not documented.
	Yes, it seems that MD5Transform is static function in md5c.c. So,
MD5.9 is absolutly wrong. 
