From owner-freebsd-smp Sat Aug 17 05:16:25 1996 Return-Path: owner-smp Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id FAA21296 for smp-outgoing; Sat, 17 Aug 1996 05:16:25 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id FAA21291 for ; Sat, 17 Aug 1996 05:16:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Received: by via sendmail with stdio id for; Sat, 17 Aug 1996 14:16:19 +0200 (SAT) (Smail-3.2 1996-Jul-4 #1 built 1996-Jul-21) Message-Id: Subject: Re: SMP on Intel MG15 To: Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 14:16:18 +0200 (SAT) In-Reply-To: from "" at Aug 16, 96 07:24:30 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25] Content-Type: text Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk I wrote: > I have just received an Intel Xtended Xpress/MG15 with dual > P54C-133 Pentiums on loan for 2 weeks and would like to try > out FreeBSD's SMP code on it. Is the code in a state to test > and if so, where can I find it. Many thanks for all the info. A status report: 1) The SMP kernel doesn't compile if you have: options "I586_FAST_BCOPY" (Not serious, I just removed it) 2) The machine locks up shortly after the SMP kernel load: FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor motherboard Boot cpunumber=0x0 [ machines freezes ] I presume this means that the machine is reporting the number of CPUs in a non-recognised format. APIC supports appears to be enabled in the BIOS. -Russell