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Date:      Mon, 25 Sep 1995 12:57:13 -0400
From:      Coranth Gryphon <>
Cc:        hackers@FreeBSD.ORG,
Subject:   Re: ports startup scripts
Message-ID:  <>

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>From Mon Sep 25 11:52:00 1995
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 08:53:10 -0700
Subject: Re: ports startup scripts
Cc: hackers@FreeBSD.ORG,
X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII

> |>  > Consider:  A package which requires a daemon to be run needs to add a
> |>  > startup and a shutdown script to the list of scripts to be executed.
> |>  
> |>  That's why I've been advocating a single master file. It adds the script
> |>  to the startup script directory (we've been calling it "/etc/init/d") and
> |>  makes a one line addition to "inittab".

> One of the biggest wins of the SVr4/Solaris2/etc. system is that
> packages -NEVER NEED TO EDIT STARTUP FILES-.  Automatic editting
> of files is DANGEROUS and should be avoided.

> |>  Actually, a single file is the easiest to control ordering in.
> |>  Last I checked, line 1 always came before line 2. :-)

> Ah, but can you guarantee that the install script that inserts a
> few new lines is putting them in the right place?

Can you guarantee that the install script is going to get the numbering
right if we go with implicit order based upon script name?  Or worse, is
every install going to check to make sure that no other scripts exists which
use that order number? Or renumber all the other scripts if they do? Or
come with a list of numbers to choose from?

I think these are a LOT more dangerous. File order is explicit and simple.
Anything else is headaches.

> |>  > It may also need to add a cron job to rotate the damons logs.
> |>  
> |>  No. With the new "daily" script handler (Jordan, have you told anyone
> |>  else about this yet?) all it needs to do is add a line to the scheduled
> |>  jobs config file (current name "sched.conf" like:
> |>  
> |>  	rotate_log	daily	/some/log/file

> Could this be changed to 'add a file to the scheduled jobs directory',
> to avoid the need to automatically edit a file?

If you want, put it as "mumble.daily" in /etc/bin and it will be run

Yes, this relies upon implicit order (whatever "find" returns), which I
really don't like. But I couldn't see any other option, and if you
were hand-adding scripts you could bloody well get the order right yourself
DESIGNING a system around implicit order I consider reckless.

And yes, I know that SysV does it, and that is works fine for whoever.
I don't like SysV. Specifically, I don't like this "feature" of SysV.
That's what I run a BSD variant.

It boils down to that. A few other people have said it, and I'll say it too.
I don't want FreeBSD to become a SysV-clone. That's what Linux is for.

If people want changes to the startup mechanism, to incorporate the best
concepts from SysV, that's fine. It's call improving.

But throwing out the entire "rc" script concept, and going with (pick an
implemention, any mutant implementation) SysV-clone I consider bad.

It also comes down to implementation and support. I'll gladly volunteer
to write and support the version I'm pushing for, and do whatever
the improvements to that base design that people want.

Will you volunteer the same for your version? Including a re-write of the
"daily/weekly" stuff that reallly should use the same mechanism?


Coranth Gryphon <>      |  "Faith Manages."      |
                                          |        - Satai Delenn  |
Phone: 603-598-3440   Fax: 603-598-3430   +------------------------+
USMail: 3 Hansom Drive, Merrimack, NH  03054
Disclaimer: All these words are yours, except Europa... 

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