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Date:      Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:57:28 +0300
From:      Daniel Kalchev <>
Subject:   Re: Light humour
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On 29.04.13 12:40, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Daniel Kalchev wrote:
>> On Apr 29, 2013, at 2:37 AM, Diane Bruce <> wrote:
>> By any measure a very good one. Could use some editing of course to ma=
ke it easier to comprehend for readers of different cultures though =85 a=
nd simplify English sentences . :)
>> Daniel
> I suggest others save time & not read URL above,
> 	A skim finds pretentious verbiage, socioligist's analysis
> 	of different views of GPL v BSD people v. Stallman ...
> 	"throughout the XIX century into the early XX"
> Cheers,
> Julian

You just prove that guy's point. Ironically, as with everything else -=20
any "don't read it" plea has exactly the opposite effect.

My observation is that the typical "Russian soul" kind of=20
thinking/expression is pretty much incomprehensible in the "western"=20
world. Some real gems are often ignored/lost because of this. As is, by=20
the way the concept of "Intelligentsia" which is in the core of that=20
particular article.

The author rightly points out that the different licensing models and=20
the resulting different culture (of development, administration, usage)=20
in the Linux and BSD worlds is the result of different perception and=20
values. The different knowledge and understanding of the .. world too,=20
plays a role. It's just like with how humans grow trough their life, you =

have one set of values as a child, other as young/adult and yet another=20
as a senior person.


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