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Date:      Sat, 9 Aug 2008 19:39:42 GMT
From:      Jeremy Messenger <>
Subject:   ports/126403: Request test USE_WEBPLUGINS in pointyhat-exp
Message-ID:  <>
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>Number:         126403
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Request test USE_WEBPLUGINS in pointyhat-exp
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Aug 09 19:40:01 UTC 2008
>Originator:     Jeremy Messenger
>Release:        FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #34: Sat Apr 12 11:52:18 UTC 2008 i386

I am requesting to test USE_WEBPLUGINS in pointyhat-exp that will touching
about 35 ports and Mk/ We need it, because the lib/browser_plugins
is too general for multi-browser these day. Some plugins can cause one of
browser crash. The framework will be in www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins.


# Documentation and examples:
# Makefile.webplugins will create symlinks automatically for each supported
# applications that supports the webplugins framework.  Also, it will remove
# these symlinks when the plug-in port is uninstalled.
# USE_WEBPLUGINS	- Specify a list of application(s) that this plug-in
# 			  port supports.  For each of these applications, a
# 			  symlink will be created in
# 			  lib/browser_plugins/symlinks.  See
# 			  WEBPLUGINS_APPS_ALL_* below for the list of
# 			  supported applications.
#			  applications)
# WEBPLUGINS_NAME	- If your port installs file(s) in ${WEBPLUGINS_DIR},
# 			  then you can tweak WEBPLUGINS_NAME to change the
# 			  name of the directory
# 			  (lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/WEBPLUGINS_NAME).
# WEBPLUGINS_FILES	- The plug-in file(s) that are going to be linked
#			  in lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/*/. It cannot
#			  be empty or the port will set IGNORE.
# WEBPLUGINS_DIR	- The directory where the plug-in file(s) can be
# 			  found.  Each plug-in file in WEBPLUGINS_FILES
# 			  must be found in WEBPLUGINS_DIR.  If your port
# 			  does not install in WEBPLUGINS_DIR, but in its own
# 			  path. You will need to specify that here or
# 			  symlinks will be created to non-existent files.
# The USE_WEBPLUGINS supports wildcards, native, and linux; so you can do any
# of the following:
#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=gecko* (Supports gecko18 and gecko19.)
#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=native (Supports gecko*, opera*, and webkit-gtk2)
#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=linux (Supports linux-*)
#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=opera webkit-gtk2
# Example to add in Makefile and pkg-plist if the plug-in file(s) install in
# WEBPLUGINS_DIR, and if your port does this manually:
#	Makefile:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	[...]
# fooplugin.xpi
#	.include <>
#	.include "${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins"
#	post-install:
#	.include <>
#	------------------------------------------------------
# You do not need to add lib/browser_plugins and lib/browser_plugins/symlinks
# in pkg-plist, because they will be removed automatically.
#	pkg-plist:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	[...]
#	%%WEBPLUGINS_DIR%%/fooplugin.xpi
#	@dirrmtry %%WEBPLUGINS_DIR%%
#	------------------------------------------------------
# Here is what it will look like when it creates the symlinks:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko18/ -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko18/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/fooplugin.xpi
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko19/ -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko19/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/fooplugin.xpi
#	------------------------------------------------------
# If your port uses libtool, and installs any *.a and *.la files, do not add
# these files to WEBPLUGINS_FILES.  WEBPLUGINS_FILES should be *.so or/and
# *.xpi ONLY.
# Example to add in Makefile and pkg-plist if your port installs plug-ins in
# its own directory, and you need to set WEBPLUGINS_DIR.
#	Makefile:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	[...]
#	WEBPLUGINS_DIR=#{PREFIX}/lib/application
# fooplugin.xpi
#	.include <>
#	.include "${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins"
#	[...]
#	.include <>
#	------------------------------------------------------
# As for the pkg-plist, it should only include the actual files your
# port installs:
#	pkg-plist:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	[...]
#	lib/application/fooplugin.a
#	lib/application/
#	lib/application/
#	lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
#	@dirrm lib/application
#	------------------------------------------------------
# Here is what it will look like when it creates symlinks:
#	------------------------------------------------------
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko18/ -> /usr/local/lib/application/
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko18/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko19/ -> /usr/local/lib/application/
#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/gecko19/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
#	------------------------------------------------------




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