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Date:      Thu, 18 Jan 1996 15:56:20 -0800 (PST)
From:      -Vince- <vince@apollo.COSC.GOV>
To:        current@FreeBSD.ORG
Cc:        se@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   ncrcontrol
Message-ID:  <Pine.BSF.3.91.960118155128.603B-100000@apollo.COSC.GOV>

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	Looks like ncrcontrol is core dumping on the following:

root@apollo [3:47pm] [~] /usr/sbin/ncrcontrol -s tags=0
Jan 18 15:53:36 apollo /kernel: pid 798: ncrcontrol: uid 0: exited on signal 11
Segmented fault

Running it as:
root@apollo [3:47pm][~] /usr/sbin/ncrcontrol
T:L  Vendor   Device           Rev  Speed   Max Wide Tags
0:0  DEC      DSP5400S         427L  10.0  10.0   8    -

  total   DSP5400S transf.  disconn interru
t/s kb/s  t/s kb/s length   exp une fly brk
  0    0    0    0      0     0   0   0   0
  8   59    8   59   7552     8   0   8   0
  0    0    0    0      0     0   0   0   0
  0    0    0    0      0     0   0   0   0
  5   28    5   28   5734     5   0   5   0

	So this was after the committed change to ncr.c was made.

-Vince- vince@COSC.GOV - GUS Mailing Lists Admin - http://www.COSC.GOV/~vince
UC Berkeley AstroPhysics - Electrical Engineering (Honorary B.S.)
Chabot Observatory & Science Center - Board of Advisors
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