Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 00:43:39 +0100 (BST) From: Andrew Gordon <> To: <> Subject: if_dc - ADMTek AN983B problem (solution) Message-ID: <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --0-615467604-1054511019=:46670 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Problem: if_dc driver fails to read MAC address from AN983B (on-board ethernet on MSI motherboard in this case). Not only does it get the wrong value of MAC address, but it permanently trashes the EEPROM contents, so that it is necessary to use the manufacturer's utility to re-set the MAC address in the EEPROM before it will work again in Windows. Analysis: if_dc only claims to support the AN985B, not the AN983B, though they appear from the datasheet to be the equivalent and have the same device ID ('985 is cardbus, '983 is ordinary PCI). If the EEPROM reading code in the driver is commented out, the driver works OK and the EEPROM is not corrupted. I had expected this to be the usual sort of problem with on-motherboard devices being configured in a non-standard way (and maybe storing the MAC address elsewhere), but in fact it seems to be a perfectly standard implementation with an EEPROM dedicated to the AN983B (adjacent to it on the PCB). Solution: For this device, the only thing that the driver attempts to read from the EEPROM is the MAC address. However, according to the datasheet (and confirmed by testing) the MAC address is automatically loaded into the PAR0/PAR1 registers after reset, so we can simply read it from those registers directly rather than doing the bit twiddling to access the EEPROM by brute force. The enclosed patch does this, and works well for me (I've minimised the changes, so only 3 lines of diff). I'm working in RELENG_4, but there have been no relevant changes to the driver and the patch applies unchanged to -current too. Caveats: I only have this one type of motherboard for testing; I don't have any AN985B cards to see if my patch upsets them. Also, the driver treats the "Accton EN2242" as equivalent to the AN985B - I'm guessing that this is just a card built from the AN983B but using different vendor/device Ids for branding purposes, so I've made my patch apply to these too, but again I can't test. The code that I've replaced looks a bit odd: it seems to read the MAC address from a copy of the EEPROM in the softc that it recorded earlier, then immediately over-writes that by reading it directly from the EEPROM again. Did this ever work? --0-615467604-1054511019=:46670 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="if_dc.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="if_dc.patch" SW5kZXg6IGlmX2RjLmMNCj09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NClJDUyBm aWxlOiAvdXNyL2N2c2Jhc2UvcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9zcmMvc3lzL3BjaS9pZl9k Yy5jLHYNCnJldHJpZXZpbmcgcmV2aXNpb24gMS45LjIuNDENCmRpZmYgLXUg LXIxLjkuMi40MSBpZl9kYy5jDQotLS0gaWZfZGMuYwk1IE1hciAyMDAzIDE4 OjQyOjMzIC0wMDAwCTEuOS4yLjQxDQorKysgaWZfZGMuYwkxIEp1biAyMDAz IDIzOjM1OjE0IC0wMDAwDQpAQCAtMTg3MSw3ICsxODcxLDcgQEANCiAJCXNj LT5kY19mbGFncyB8PSBEQ19UWF9VU0VfVFhfSU5UUjsNCiAJCXNjLT5kY19m bGFncyB8PSBEQ19UWF9BRE1URUtfV0FSOw0KIAkJc2MtPmRjX3Btb2RlID0g RENfUE1PREVfTUlJOw0KLQkJZGNfcmVhZF9zcm9tKHNjLCBzYy0+ZGNfcm9t d2lkdGgpOw0KKwkJLyogRG9uJ3QgcmVhZCBTUk9NIGZvciAtIGF1dG8tbG9h ZGVkIG9uIHJlc2V0CSovDQogCQlicmVhazsNCiAJY2FzZSBEQ19ERVZJQ0VJ RF85ODcxMzoNCiAJY2FzZSBEQ19ERVZJQ0VJRF85ODcxM19DUDoNCkBAIC0x OTk0LDkgKzE5OTQsOCBAQA0KIAkJYnJlYWs7DQogCWNhc2UgRENfVFlQRV9B TDk4MToNCiAJY2FzZSBEQ19UWVBFX0FOOTg1Og0KLQkJYmNvcHkoJnNjLT5k Y19zcm9tW0RDX0FMX0VFX05PREVBRERSXSwgKGNhZGRyX3QpJmVhZGRyLA0K LQkJICAgIEVUSEVSX0FERFJfTEVOKTsNCi0JCWRjX3JlYWRfZWVwcm9tKHNj LCAoY2FkZHJfdCkmZWFkZHIsIERDX0FMX0VFX05PREVBRERSLCAzLCAwKTsN CisJCSoodV9pbnQzMl90ICopKCZlYWRkclswXSkgPSBDU1JfUkVBRF80KHNj LCBEQ19BTF9QQVIwKTsNCisJCSoodV9pbnQxNl90ICopKCZlYWRkcls0XSkg PSBDU1JfUkVBRF80KHNjLCBEQ19BTF9QQVIxKTsNCiAJCWJyZWFrOw0KIAlj YXNlIERDX1RZUEVfQ09ORVhBTlQ6DQogCQliY29weShzYy0+ZGNfc3JvbSAr IERDX0NPTkVYQU5UX0VFX05PREVBRERSLCAmZWFkZHIsIDYpOw0K --0-615467604-1054511019=:46670--
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