From owner-freebsd-questions  Sat Dec  5 19:08:59 1998
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Subject: Fbsd 3.0 RELEASE
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My system:
pentium 75
Operating system = freebsd 3.0

The problem;

As a root user i installed KDE from the ports directory with
*make install*

then i went to the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinitxinitrc and commented out the
default things at the bottom of the file, and placed *startkde* in that same
file. So, when a user types startx...  kde would be started.

it works fantastic for the *root* user.  But, for a *normal user* the
following occurs....
Kde starts, and goes on to create directories in the user's home/directory.
But, the for the normal user an error comes up saying "could not create
~/.kde/share/apps/kfm/magic  <-- this was created fine with the *root user.

When the *normal user* logs out of kde (so i can track down what might be
wrong) all of the directories that kde said it was making are not in that
*normal users* home directory.  Again i say kde is werking fine as a *root

The permissions on all of the normal users home directory,  that have a prob
with running kde... that users folder is drwxr-xr-x <--  would this stop kde
from creating those directories?

i am totally lost on this one.

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