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Date:      Fri, 09 Jul 1999 09:03:12 -0400
From:      Dutch Collins <>
To:        doc@FreeBSD.ORG
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: WordPerfect 8 & SGML/DocBook -
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <> <>

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Nik Clayton wrote:
> [ CC'd to, and reply-to pointed there, as this is
>   really a doc issue ]


> On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 06:38:41PM -0400, Dutch Collins wrote:
> > I have started reading the specs for FreeBSD documentation. I was
> > wondering if anyone has tried writing with WordPerfect 8. It does
> > support DTDs, so the documentation says.
> I haven't yet -- I have an on-off working relationship with Emacs that
> sees me through :-)

At least its not vi.

> > Since my BSD disk is "Shagged" [1] (not for long) and I am stuck in
> > windoze-land with WP8 - I need to find  the DocBook DTD and try it. In
> > WP8's environment it states that DocBook is supported. I don't know
> > enough to take WP at it's word, although I would like to check it out.
> Get the DocBook DTD from  I don't know what
> you need to do to get it work with WP8, hopefully the WP docs will help.
> If you do get it working, could you document how you did it, so it can
> be added to the primer?

I have tried a HTML document in WP8. It loaded, but the user interface
is a
little strange. There is a rather odd method to their system but that
be me - I hack HTML in an editor like Pico.

Here is how I am going to attack this:

1) Verify that DocBook and WP8 really do work.
    a) use the windoze version first due to disk problems.
    b) use the X version second. Q - are the results the same?

2) Take my scribble and document it using X-WP8.

3) If I have to, I will upload enough of the /doc stuff to my shell
   account (BSDI) in order to check the WP8 output.

4) Give an offering. May cause my scsi drive to get here quicker.

> > [1] is it ok to say  shagged in public if you are not in Great
> > Britain?
> Yeah, Baby.

See P. Anderson RE: for more detail ... I still don't get it. Powers
is funny? Don't think so.

> N
> ...  FreeBSD -- Shagadelic

Ok, I have run out of words now. See ya later.


> --
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