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Date:      Fri, 14 Apr 95 12:45:27 -0700
From:      Allyn Hardyck <allynh@barkley.ME.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject:   Typo in /etc/security?
Message-ID:  <9504141945.AA18992@barkley.ME.Berkeley.EDU>

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So far I'm pretty psyched by the way FreeBSD 2.0 is set up and performs
(although I'd still like some ideas on how to set up CAP with Native
Ethertalk).  When I discovered that it's configured to print a list of
setuid files every day and compare it to yesterday's list, I looked for
ps, just as an example.  I was surprised not to find it.  After some
experimentation I found that the command in /etc/security:

find $mount -xdev -perm -u+s -or -perm -g+s

seems only to return the files that have the gid bit set and not
those that have the uid or both uid and gid bits set.

This seems to give the union:

find $mount -xdev \( -perm -u+s -or -perm -g+s \)

Why are the number of returned filenames limited to 20?

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