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Date:      Mon, 8 Apr 96 20:34 WET DST
From: (Frank Durda IV)
Subject:   Re: floppy format detection [was Re: devfs questions]
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[5]I've did format autodetection, though in my CP/M driver. :-)  I've
[5]seen better autodetection in another CP/M driver, and i've seen many
[5]worse examples later.

The old Tandy 16/6000 XENIX floppy driver did semi-automatic format
detection, and it had to deal with far more complex combinations of formats
than what we are talking about supporting here.  It had to do these:

Size	Track 0		All other tracks	Cylinder count	Data Cap.
8"/5"	128x26 FM	256x26 MFM (LS-DOS)		77	994.5K+boot
8"/5"	128x26 FM	256x27 MFM (TRSDOS)		77	1032.8K+boot
8"/5"	128x26 FM	512x16 MFM (XENIX/TRSDOS II)	77	1224K+boot
8"/5"	128x26 FM	128x26 FM (3741 format)		77	500.5K
8"/5"	256x26 MFM	256x26 MFM (CP/M?)		77	1001K
8"/5"	512x16 MFM	512x16 MFM (SAVE format)	77	1232K
All above formats could be single or double-sided
Later versions added:
8"/5"	512x16 MFM	512x16 MFM			80	1280K
8"/5"	512x15 MFM	512x15 MFM (PC 5.25" compat)	80	1200K
3"	512x18 MFM	512x18 MFM (PC 3.50" compat)	80	1440K

Detection of all of these formats was fine and simple as far as the user
was concerned, but there was a significant speed penalty on each device 
open, which worked out two or three media revolutions per format tested.
On 5RPS media (3.5"), the above tests could take as long as eight seconds
without "hints" and other tricks to speed the format identification,
regardless of CPU speed. 

The detection of the last three formats above was sped-up via the use of
"hints", settings the sysadmin configured to let the driver know what
hardware was really out there, similar to the CMOS settings of the PC.
This yielded a semi-automatic solution.   

Asking for the disk controller to locate a sector ID that wasn't there
to determine the true sector count cost one second, since the controller
would look for the sector ID for five media revolutions before giving up.
Searching for sector 18 and 16 to decide between 18, 16 and 15 sector
MFM formats could be very slow (two seconds spent on track 0 and then again
on track 2) if done completely automatically, so we didn't do it this way
and relied on hints to make assumptions on possible and impossible media

With the most likely formats tested firsts, nominal open time was 1.5
seconds, not including motor-on time.    Without hints, the test for
77 vs 80 track drive test would have exceeded 500msec by itself, and would
damage certain drive brands, which is why we didn't make that test

Don't forget that even with PC-AT compatible systems, there are still
drives out there that have broken media-change reporting (which MS-DOS
conceals by assuming media change is broken on ALL drives), so the media
type must be reverified each time the drive is opened, unless you know
absolutely that media-change reporting is working correctly on a given
drive.  Example, Tandon had drives that reported media changes, but only
if you removed the media while the drive was selected, ie, the drive select
light was on.  Media changes that occurred while the light was out were not
reported.  So, it only reports the change if you do it when you aren't
supposed to do it.  Great design.

IMO, the tradeoff between full automatic format detection, semi-automatic
detection (as in the 16/6000) and manual specification, is a question of
driver complexity plus how much delay you are willing to experience on each
open of the drive, plus whether you can determine certain things without
damage to the hardware.   I personally prefer having an semi-automatic
dev plus manual devs or an ioctl available for explicit settings.  In the
PC/AT world, the CMOS provides the "hints" needed to perform semi-automatic
operations and get the test time down to an acceptable level.

Frank Durda IV <>|"How do I know?  I re-wrote
or           | that driver once upon a time,
					    | that's how."
or ...letni!rwsys!nemesis!uhclem	    |

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