From owner-freebsd-isp  Sat Jun 28 03:48:49 1997
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Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 05:47:40 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Tom T. Thai" <>
To: "Jay D. Nelson" <>
cc: Michael Slater <>, freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Dialups with FreeBSD
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for mgetty, see if you can dialout first.

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, Jay D. Nelson wrote:

> I use the standard getty with no problems. I use a fixed gettytab entry
> and set the modem to no echo (E0), no responses (Q0), DTR drop resets
> modem (&D2 or 3 depending on your modem), CD follows carrier (&C1),
> hardware flow control (&K3) and DSR up after answer (&S1).
> Works fine for dial-in, ppp and UUCP.
> -- Jay
> On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Michael Slater wrote:
> ->Hello,
> ->     Despite my best efforts, i have been unable to get dialups to work on
> ->freebsd. I earlier had a machine with a stallion 8/32 PCI adapter card,
> ->and using mgetty, i just could not get it to give me a login prompt. I
> ->assumed that it was a problem with the Stallion driver, and left it untill
> ->now. Having just purchased a Cyclades 32 port card, i am experiencing the
> ->same problems while using mgetty .. i.e no login prompt. While watching
> ->the log, i noticed that it seems to get stuck on  " waiting for `` " when
> ->a user dials in. I tried using plain getty, with fixed speed entries but
> ->almost all of the time the user just gets a screen full of garbage. I am
> ->sure i am missing something really stupid, so if someone else has had this
> ->trouble, i would appriciate hearing about it.
> ->
> ->
> ->thanks
> ->
> ->Michael Slater
> ->

..............          ....................................
Thomas T. Thai          Infomedia Interactive Communications             TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087