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Date:      Mon, 5 Nov 2001 21:32:21 +0100
From:      Wilko Bulte <>
To:        Matthew Dillon <>
Cc:        Mike Silbersack <>, "Matthew N. Dodd" <>, freebsd-scsi@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG, sos@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: ahc(4) reports PCI parity error interrupt
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 12:07:08PM -0800
References:  <> <>

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On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 12:07:08PM -0800, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :...
> :> I have not yet tried this yet. But I tried something else
> :> (my EE genes made me try this):
> :>
> :> - I moved the Brooktree TV card from the slot furthest from the AGP
> :>   video card to the PCI slot closest to it.
> :>
> :> Interestingly enough this made all the PCI errors go away, I ran continous
> :> buildworlds overnight, in parallel with continuous 'dd's of da0 and ad0,
> :> in parallel with fxtv.
> :>
> :> All of this ran without a hitch. Interesting..

> :Hm... I was at a talk once where an HP EE mentioned that pci slots should
> :be filled in order due to capacitance and timing issues.  I didn't pay
> :much attention to that, perhaps I should follow that layout in the future.
> :I really don't like putting cards near the overly warm AGP video card
> :though... oh well.
> :
> :Mike "Silby" Silbersack
>     I'll bet what's really happening is that the brooktree TV card
>     is generating a lot of noise on the power busses, and moving it
>     simply moved it closer to larger caps on the motherboard or
>     perhaps better caps on the AGP card.

Hmm. Interesting theory. Difficult to verify though. I did have this problem
on 2 different mainboards, but that does not mean both boards could not have
had the same power grid decoupling / bulk cap. issue of course.

Well.. it works now.

|   / o / /_  _   		email:
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte		Arnhem, The Netherlands	

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