From owner-freebsd-mobile  Mon Oct 26 16:25:44 1998
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To: Roger Hardiman <>
cc: mobile@FreeBSD.ORG, hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: PCIC_IRQ - disabling PCMCIA IRQ allocation 
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Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 00:25:04 +0000
From: Brian Somers <>
Sender: owner-freebsd-mobile@FreeBSD.ORG
Precedence: bulk

> Hi,
> One of the things PAO hase which the 3.0-RELEASE PCMCIA code does not
> have is the
> PCIC_IRQ kernel configuration.
> With it, it is possible to tell the PCMCIA card controller NOT to
> reserve itself an IRQ.
> This means no hot swapping of cards, but for my application (embedded
> systems) I cannot hot
> swap and I do not want an IRQ wasted by the card chipset.
> The patch for 3.0-RELEASE is trivial to include the PCIC_IRQ code
> (basically it forces a value in the
> pcic.c code).
> Is someone willing to commit this to -current if I supply the diff.
> It will then complete all my PCMCIA needs without needing the full PAO
> package.

I'm willing to if

1.  You can also specify the IRQ that the controller should use.
2.  Either Nate or Mike OKs it (I'll pass it to them for review first 
    - they're our resident laptop people).

> Bye
> Roger Hardiman
> Strathclyde University Telepresence Group


Brian <>, <>, <>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....

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