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Date:      Thu, 25 Mar 2021 10:23:30 -0700
From:      Mark Millard <>
To:        tech-lists <>
Subject:   Re: RPi and powerd, was: Re: RPI4 clock speeds and serial port ( temperatures idle and -j4 buildworld buildkernel )
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On 2021-Mar-24, at 14:13, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:

> On 2021-Mar-23, at 16:15, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:
>> On 2021-Mar-23, at 12:57, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:
>>> On 2021-Mar-23, at 06:56, tech-lists <tech-lists at> =
>>>> Hi,
>>>> latest build run:
>>> Had a -mcpu=3Dcortext-a72 world and kernel been
>>> installed and booted first? Was the system
>>> running a world and kernel that had not been
>>> tuned for the Cortex-A72?
>> I've started an experimental build in my
>> -mcpu=3Dcortex-a72 tuned context . . .
>>>>>>> World built in 22976 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j6
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 6 Hours : 22 Minutes : 56 Seconds
>>>> created kernel.bin from kernel.full
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Kernel build for GENERIC-NODEBUG completed on Mon Mar 22 =
>>>>>>> UTC 2021
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Kernel(s)  GENERIC-NODEBUG built in 2086 seconds, ncpu: 4, make =
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 0 Hours : 34 Minutes : 46 Seconds
>>>> commands used:
>>>> 1. cd /usr/src
>>>> 2. git pull --ff-only
>> I'm simply from-scratch rebuilding what I'm
>> already running, based on main 7381bbee29df from
>> 2021-03-12:
>> # ~/
>> merge-base: 7381bbee29df959e88ec59866cf2878263e7f3b2
>> merge-base: CommitDate: 2021-03-12 20:29:42 +0000
>> def0058cc690 (HEAD -> mm-src) mm-src snapshot for mm's patched build =
in git context.
>> 7381bbee29df (freebsd/main, freebsd/HEAD, pure-src, main) cam: Run =
all XPT_ASYNC ccbs in a dedicated thread
>> FreeBSD RPi4B 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT =
mm-src-n245445-def0058cc690 GENERIC-NODBG  arm64 aarch64 1400005 1400005
>>>> 3. make -j10 cleanworld
>>>> 4. make -j10 cleandir
>>>> 5. make -j10 clean
>> My /usr/obj/cortexA72_clang/ was empty at the
>> start of the buildworld buildkernel .
>> devel/ccache is still not installed.
>>> This does not show ccache being cleared out
>>> before the below. So the times may be examples
>>> of "with ccache benefit" times. The contrast
>>> with mine and Bob P.'s times suggests a
>>> nice time-benefit can occur.
>>>> 6. make -j6 buildworld
>>>> 7. make -j6 buildkernel
>> I'm using "-j6 buildworld buildkernel".
>>>> here's the src.conf :
>> I'm using my normal src.conf equivalent, not
>> yours. (So the experiment is comparable to my
>> normal past experiments in this respect, matching
>> what I've reported in the past.)
>>> I seem to get intermittent access to
>>> but got to
>>> see the file content eventually.
>>>> relevant rc.conf settings:
>>>> powerd_enable=3D"YES"
>>>> powerd_flags=3D"-r 1"
>> I commented out the config.txt line that assigned
>> arm_freq_min and the /etc/sysctl/conf line that
>> assigned an arm frequency.
>> I put the 2 powerd_* lines above in my /etc/rc.conf .
>>>> sysctl.conf settings:
>>>> vfs.read_max=3D128 # default 64 # Cluster read-ahead max block =
>> I added the above line to my /etc/sysctl.conf .
>>>> config.txt:
>>>> kernel=3Du-boot.bin
>>>> over_voltage=3D6
>>>> arm_freq=3D2000
>>>> sdram_freq_min=3D3200
>> Ignoring comment differences, mine matches
>> for such lines.
>> I rebooted on the basis of all these changes
>> before starting the "-j6 buildworld buildkernel"
>> style build.
>>> Thanks much for the information.
>> So, 6..10(?) of hours from when the
>> build started I should have time frames
>> to report for a "no ccache benefit"
>> build to compare to my past reported
>> build times.
> Summary: Overall somewhat under 9 hrs historically
> turned into somewhat under 15 hrs 35 min, adding
> somewhat over 6.5 hours to the time. Not a
> configuration that I'm likely to generally use.
> The details:
> First a reminder of the prior timing that I
> reported for my normal configuration of my
> normal -j4 buildworld buildkernel in my
> usual overclocking style:
> World build completed on Thu Mar 11 18:39:37 PST 2021
> World built in 29780 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j4
> Kernel build for GENERIC-NODBG completed on Thu Mar 11 19:18:02 PST =
> Kernel(s)  GENERIC-NODBG built in 2305 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j4
> So a few minutes under 9 hr total for my
> normal configuration.
> By contrast, for the configuration in this
> experiment:
> World build completed on Wed Mar 24 06:10:39 PDT 2021
> World built in 52030 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j6
> Kernel build for GENERIC-NODBG completed on Wed Mar 24 07:16:50 PDT =
> Kernel(s)  GENERIC-NODBG built in 3971 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j6
> Notes on some of what may be going on here:
> Given the RPi4's memory subsystem and its RAM caching,
> my first guess is that the -j6 (instead of -j4) leads
> to the RAM caching being far less effective and so RAM
> access looks far slower overall, with more waiting for
> other threads memory activity (memory bus contention).
> In some past experiments, I've seen configurations
> where -j3 did buildworld buildkernel faster than
> -j4 : before I started setting the RAM clock rate
> minimum as well. So this "-jM < -jN" is faster for
> the smaller M is not a new type of potential
> conclusion and -j4 (or -j3) vs. -j6 may be another
> example.
> I've also done a type of benchmarking that saturates
> what the RPi4 can do --with fewer than 4 cores
> involved in order to reach saturation in the
> benchmark.
> (Benchmark on a scale-of-problem and RAM access
> pattern that makes the RAM caching fairly ineffective.
> A MACCHIATObin Double Shot also has 4 Cortex-A72
> cores and does not have this property for the
> benchmark: different RAM caching. Even runninf the
> RPi4B and MACCHIATObin Double Shot at the same
> arm CPU speed, the MACCHIATObin Double Shot takes
> less time for the same work.)
> So I might retry the build with, say, -j4 but the
> rest being the same (after clearing out the existing
> build). That would likely hint at if the hypothesis
> has a chance of being correct vs. incorrect.

Turns out that the -j4 buildworld timing almost
exactly matches -j6 for the type of context:
buildworld took about 81 sec longer (out of
somewhat more than 52000 sec). (The 8 GB RPi4B's
have sufficient RAM to not run out during -j6 .
4GB ones might as well. 2GB ones likely would
runout [swap/page activity].)

As similar point goes for buildkernel: around
33 sec longer (out of somewhat less than 4000

World build completed on Thu Mar 25 04:43:53 PDT 2021
World built in 52111 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j4
Kernel build for GENERIC-NODBG completed on Thu Mar 25 05:50:38 PDT 2021
Kernel(s)  GENERIC-NODBG built in 4004 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j4

So using -j6 was not an notable improvement over
using -j4 for the type of context but also was not
a significant harm either (sufficient RAM present
to avoid consequences of that type).

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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