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To: Brooks Davis <>
Cc: freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: netgraph help(?) 
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Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 12:26:55 +1100
From: Tony Landells <>
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Hi Brooks,

> No matter what you do that's going to add overhead.  You'd certaintly
> be better off with a pair of Gigabit ethernet adaptors.  The netgear
> ones are under $300US.

Thanks for your comment, and you're completely correct.

The reason I'm doing what I'm doing is that I have these boxes in to
build firewalls on (hence the large number of interfaces--we have a
fairly complicated network).

I'm trying to do a feasibility study of using FreeBSD boxes to do some
IPSec stuff, and so I'm trying to get a feel for:

	FreeBSD will do it easily using boxes just like these

	FreeBSD looks like it's CPU bound, so if we buy dual-processor
	boxes it can probably do it

	the cost of a box that could do what we want is so expensive
	we should look at other solutions.

However, this is largely (at this stage) a curiosity thing and so I
have to use existing hardware, so shelling out ~ $600US for stuff
that may finish up sitting on a shelf is not realistic.

Tony Landells					<>
Systems Manager					Ph:  +61 3 9677 9319
Australian Clearing Services Pty Ltd		Fax: +61 3 9677 9355
Level 4, Rialto North Tower
525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

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