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Date:      Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:37:30 -0800 (PST)
To:        freebsd-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   ports/5719: Update to the URT port
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         5719
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update to the URT port
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Feb 10 22:40:00 PST 1998
>Originator:     Pedro F. Giffuni
U. Nacional de Colombia
>Release:        2.2.5-R
Previous built procedure was horrible and didn't permit any work done
on the port. This version builds correctly, and fixes minor details. 

diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/Makefile urt/Makefile
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/Makefile	Fri Jun  6 00:31:56 1997
+++ urt/Makefile	Tue Feb 10 23:47:52 1998
@@ -7,30 +7,68 @@
-PKGNAME=	urt-3.1b
+PKGNAME=	urt-3.1b1
 CATEGORIES=	graphics
 DISTFILES=	urt-3.1b.tar.Z urt-doc.tar urt-img.tar
+EXTRACT_ONLY=	urt-3.1b.tar.Z
+PATCHFILES=	urt-3.1b-3.1b1.patch
 LIB_DEPENDS=	tiff\\.3\\.:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/tiff
 BUILD_DEPENDS=	${X11BASE}/lib/libpbm.a:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/netpbm
-EXTRACT_ONLY=	urt-3.1b.tar.Z
+CONFIGURE_ARGS=	config/urt
+MAKEFILE=	makefile
+MAN1=	aliastorle.1 applymap.1 avg4.1 crop.1 cubitorle.1 dvirle.1	\
+	fant.1 getx11.1 giftorle.1 graytorle.1 into.1 mcut.1		\
+	mergechan.1 painttorle.1 pgmtorle.1 pyrmask.1 rawtorle.1	\
+	repos.1 rlatorle.1 rleClock.1 rleaddcom.1 rleaddeof.1 rlebg.1	\
+	rlebox.1 rlecat.1 rleccube.1 rlecomp.1 rledither.1 rleflip.1	\
+	rlegrid.1 rlehdr.1 rlehisto.1 rleinterp.1 rleldmap.1 rlemandl.1	\
+	rlenoise.1 rlepatch.1 rleprint.1 rlequant.1 rlescale.1 		\
+	rleselect.1 rlesetbg.1 rlespiff.1 rlesplice.1 rlesplit.1	\
+	rlestereo.1 rleswap.1 rletoabA60.1 rletoabA62.1	rletoalias.1	\
+	rletoascii.1 rletogif.1 rletogray.1 rletopaint.1 rletoppm.1	\
+	rletops.1 rletoraw.1 rletorla.1 rletotarga.1 rletotiff.1	\
+	rlezoom.1 smush.1 targatorle.1 tifftorle.1 to8.1 tobw.1 unexp.1	\
+	unslice.1 urt.1 wasatchrle.1
+MAN3=	buildmap.3 bwdithermap.3 colorquant.3 dither.3 ditherbw.3	\
+	dithergb.3 dithermap.3 float_to_exp.3 hilbert.3 hilbert_c2i.3	\
+	hilbert_i2c.3 inv_cmap.3 librle.3 make_square.3 rgb_to_bw.3	\
+	rle_addhist.3 rle_cp.3 rle_debug.3 rle_delcom.3 rle_freeraw.3	\
+	rle_get_error.3 rle_get_set.3 rle_get_setup.3			\
+	rle_get_setup_ok.3 rle_getcom.3 rle_getraw.3 rle_getrow.3	\
+	rle_getskip.3 rle_hdr.3 rle_op.3 rle_open_f.3			\
+	rle_open_f_noexit.3 rle_put_init.3 rle_put_setup.3 rle_putcom.3	\
+	rle_puteof.3 rle_putraw.3 rle_putrow.3 rle_raw_alloc.3		\
+	rle_raw_free.3 rle_rawtorow.3 rle_row_alloc.3 rle_row_free.3	\
+	rle_skiprow.3
+#Note:	Don't compress man5, it won't work !
-		${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/urt
-		cd ${PREFIX}/share/doc/urt; \
-		  tar xf $(DISTDIR)/urt-doc.tar; \
-		  cd doc; \
-		  find -d . | cpio -dump ..; \
-		  cd ..; \
-		  rm -rf doc; \
-		  tar xf $(DISTDIR)/urt-img.tar; \
-		  chown -R root:wheel . ; \
-		  find . -type d -exec chmod 775 '{}' \; ; \
-		  find . -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \;
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+	${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/urt ${PREFIX}/share/examples/urt
+	cd ${PREFIX}/share/doc/urt; \
+	${EXTRACT_CMD} xf $(DISTDIR)/urt-doc.tar; \
+	cd doc; \
+	find -d . | cpio -dump ..; \
+	cd ..; \
+	${RM} -rf doc; \
+	cd ${PREFIX}/share/examples/urt; \
+	${EXTRACT_CMD} xf $(DISTDIR)/urt-img.tar; \
+	chown -R root:wheel . ; \
+	find . -type d -exec chmod 775 '{}' \; ; \
+	find . -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \;
 .include <>
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/files/md5 urt/files/md5
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/files/md5	Tue Jun  3 18:41:07 1997
+++ urt/files/md5	Mon Jan  5 18:40:37 1998
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 MD5 (urt-3.1b.tar.Z) = c9a377284d00c102c1a8af53d95a6b39
 MD5 (urt-doc.tar) = cc547e9b7ed77196e14c9897b1655ead
 MD5 (urt-img.tar) = 7ef7a295350dd2fa7d5aa580545f9ba4
+MD5 (urt-3.1b-3.1b1.patch) = ff90c5d85cda7736536a5db67f216be7
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/patches/patch-aa urt/patches/patch-aa
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/patches/patch-aa	Tue Jun  3 18:41:07 1997
+++ urt/patches/patch-aa	Wed Feb 11 01:02:14 1998
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/config/urt ./config/urt
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/config/urt	Wed Jul 15 15:47:15 1992
-+++ ./config/urt	Sat Sep 16 23:00:11 1995
+--- config/urt.orig	Wed Jul 15 15:47:15 1992
++++ config/urt	Wed Feb 11 01:01:24 1998
 @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 +# Configuration for HP 9000/300 series running BSD4.3
@@ -58,19 +57,23 @@
  ##define FILE_NAME_14_CHARS	If filenames are limited to 14 characters.
  ##define HAVE_CPROTO	If you have the cproto command.  Not normally required.
  ##define NEED_BSTRING	Your libc does not have bcopy or bzero (Sys V probably)
-@@ -92,16 +96,16 @@
+@@ -91,17 +95,17 @@
+ ##define NO_TOOLS	Don't build tool directory.
  ##define STDIO_NEEDS_BINARY	Your fopen() needs "b" specified for binary io
  ##define USE_TIME_H	You need to include time.h for time_t (Sys V)
- ##define SYS_V_SETPGRP	Your system has the SysV setpgrp() call.
+-##define SYS_V_SETPGRP	Your system has the SysV setpgrp() call.
 -##define USE_L_FLAG	Use -Llibdir -lrle instead of libdir/liblre.a.
 -##define USE_PROTOTYPES	Declare library functions with ANSI-C prototypes.
 -##define USE_RANDOM	Your libc has the BSD random() function.
++#define SYS_V_SETPGRP	Your system has the SysV setpgrp() call.
 +#define USE_L_FLAG	Use -Llibdir -lrle instead of libdir/liblre.a.
 +#define USE_PROTOTYPES	Declare library functions with ANSI-C prototypes.
 +#define USE_RANDOM	Your libc has the BSD random() function.
  ##define USE_STDARG	Use 'stdarg' instead of 'varargs' (ANSI).
- ##define USE_STDLIB_H	You have "stdlib.h".
- ##define USE_UNISTD_H	You have "unistd.h".
+-##define USE_STDLIB_H	You have "stdlib.h".
+-##define USE_UNISTD_H	You have "unistd.h".
++#define USE_STDLIB_H	You have "stdlib.h".
++#define USE_UNISTD_H	You have "unistd.h".
  ##define USE_STRING_H	You have "string.h", not "strings.h"
 -##define VOID_STAR	Your C compiler understands the 'void *' declaration.
 +#define VOID_STAR	Your C compiler understands the 'void *' declaration.
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@
  # DEST is where all programs will be put.  Can be overridden for specific
  # directories below.
-@@ -121,12 +125,14 @@
+@@ -121,12 +125,12 @@
  # library, include files, or manual pages, respectively, to be
  # installed anywhere.
@@ -90,18 +93,43 @@
 -##defpath CNV_DEST
 -##defpath TOOLS_DEST
 -##defpath INC_DEST
-+# This paths will be adapted (were? :-) by a configure script.
-+#defpath MAN_DEST FBSD_PREFIX/man
-+#defpath LIB_DEST FBSD_PREFIX/lib
-+#defpath GET_DEST FBSD_PREFIX/bin
-+#defpath CNV_DEST FBSD_PREFIX/bin
-+#defpath INC_DEST FBSD_PREFIX/include
++#defpath MAN_DEST /$(PREFIX)/man
++#defpath LIB_DEST /$(PREFIX)/lib
++#defpath GET_DEST /$(PREFIX)/bin
++#defpath CNV_DEST /$(PREFIX)/bin
++#defpath TOOLS_DEST /$(PREFIX)/bin
++#defpath INC_DEST /$(PREFIX)/include
  # Control of formatting.  If your "roff" program needs to be piped to
  # something to print, set ROFFPIPE to (e.g.) "| lpr"
-@@ -191,11 +197,10 @@
+@@ -145,9 +149,9 @@
+ #ifdef CGM
+ # Path to directory where CGM library and include files may be found
+ # Absolute or relative to URT root
+-#defpath CGMDIR 
+-LIBCGM = $(CGMDIR)/libcgm.a
++#defpath CGMDIR $(LOCALBASE)
++INCCGM = -I$(CGMDIR)/include
++LIBCGM = $(CGMDIR)/lib/libcgm.a
+ #endif
+ #ifdef CX3D
+@@ -163,11 +167,11 @@
+ # Where to find the MC-TeX include files.
+ INCMCTEX = h			# Note! relative to cnv/tex directory
+ # where to find the font description file
+-CONFFILE = /usr/local/lib/tex/fontdesc
++CONFFILE = $(LOCALBASE)/lib/tex/fontdesc
+ #endif
+ #ifdef FB
+-LIBFB = /usr/brl/lib/libfb.a
++LIBFB = $(X11BASE)/lib/brl/libfb.a
+ #endif
+ #ifdef GRINNELL
+@@ -191,11 +195,10 @@
  #ifdef PBMPLUS
  # PBMDIR should refer to the root of your PBM source tree.
  # If relative, it's relative to root of URT source tree.
@@ -111,12 +139,12 @@
 -LIBPBMPLUS = $(PBMDIR)/ppm/libppm.a $(PBMDIR)/pgm/libpgm.a \
 -		$(PBMDIR)/pbm/libpbm.a 
-+INCPBMPLUS = -I/usr/X11R6/include
-+LIBPBMPLUS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lppm -lpgm -lpbm
++INCPBMPLUS = -I$(X11BASE)/include
++LIBPBMPLUS = -L$(X11BASE)/lib -lppm -lpgm -lpbm
-@@ -216,9 +221,9 @@
+@@ -216,9 +219,9 @@
  #ifdef TIFF
  # Location of tiff library and include files.  Relative to URT root directory.
@@ -124,271 +152,17 @@
 -LIBTIFF = $(TIFFDIR)/libtiff.a
 +##defpath TIFFDIR
-+INCTIFF = -I/usr/local/include
-+LIBTIFF = -L/usr/local/lib -ltiff
++INCTIFF = -I$(LOCALBASE)/include
++LIBTIFF = -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -ltiff
  #ifdef X10
-@@ -227,6 +232,6 @@
+@@ -227,6 +230,6 @@
  #ifdef X11
 -LIBX11 = -lX11
 -INCX11 = 
-+LIBX11 = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
-+INCX11 = -I/usr/X11R6/include
- #endif
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/get/getx11/in_cmap.c ./get/getx11/in_cmap.c
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/get/getx11/in_cmap.c	Thu Apr 30 10:17:16 1992
-+++ ./get/getx11/in_cmap.c	Sat Sep 16 11:16:59 1995
-@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
-     if ( img->sep_colors ||
- 	 (img->img_channels == 1 && img->ncmap == 3 && img->cmlen) )
- 	/* If using color map directly, apply display gamma, too. */
--	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, img->gamma,
-+	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, (double) img->gamma,
- 				 display_gamma );
-     else
--	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, img->gamma, 1.0 );
-+	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, (double) img->gamma, 1.0 );
-     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
- 	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/include/rle_config.tlr ./include/rle_config.tlr
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/include/rle_config.tlr	Thu Apr 30 10:06:23 1992
-+++ ./include/rle_config.tlr	Sat Sep 16 11:31:57 1995
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- #endif /* NO_DECLARE_MALLOC */
--extern char *getenv( CONST_DECL char *name );
-+extern char *getenv( CONST_DECL char *CONST_DECL name);
- #else
- extern char *getenv();
- #endif
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/buildmap.c ./lib/buildmap.c
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/buildmap.c	Thu Feb 27 18:17:01 1992
-+++ ./lib/buildmap.c	Sat Sep 16 12:11:12 1995
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
-  */
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include "rle.h"
- #include <math.h>
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/makefile.src ./lib/makefile.src
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/makefile.src	Wed Mar  4 16:32:53 1992
-+++ ./lib/makefile.src	Sat Sep 16 10:44:35 1995
-@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
- 	vaxshort.o \
- 	$(OPT_OBJS)
--LIBNAME = librle.a
-+SOOBJS = $(
-+LIBANAME = librle.a
- # Just rebuild the object files.
- objs: $(OBJS)
-@@ -37,23 +40,13 @@
- # Do nothing if $(DEST) is empty (or not defined)
- install: buildlib
- 	@sh -c "if test '$(DEST)x' != x ; then \
--		echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--		cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
-+		echo cp $(LIBANAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
-+		cp $(LIBANAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
-+		echo cp $(LIBSONAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBSONAME) ; \
-+		cp $(LIBSONAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBSONAME) ; \
- 		if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \
--			echo ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--			ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--		else \
--			true ; \
--		fi ; \
--		if test -d $(DEST)/debug ; then \
--			echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--			if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \
--				cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--				echo ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
--			else \
--				true ; \
--			fi ; \
--			ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
-+			echo ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
-+			ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
- 		else \
- 			true ; \
- 		fi ; \
-@@ -63,14 +56,24 @@
- 	touch install
- # Rebuild the library from all the .o files.
--buildlib: $(OBJS)
--	-rm -f $(LIBNAME)
--	ar rc $(LIBNAME)
--	ar q $(LIBNAME) $(OBJS)
-+buildlib: $(LIBANAME) $(LIBSONAME)
-+	-rm -f $@
-+	ar rc $@ $?
- #ifndef NO_RANLIB
--	ranlib $(LIBNAME)
-+	ranlib $@
++LIBX11 = -L$(X11BASE)/lib -lX11
++INCX11 = -I$(X11BASE)/include
--	touch buildlib
-+.SUFFIXES: .so .o
-+	$(CC) -fPIC -DPIC $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c -o $*.so
-+	$(LD) -X -r $*.so
-+	-rm -f $@
-+	ld -Bshareable -o $@ $>
- # Clean up installed stuff and binaries
- pristine: clean
-@@ -86,9 +89,12 @@
- # Get rid of everything which must be recompiled on a different computer.
- clean:
- 	-rm -f *.o
-+	-rm -f *.so
- 	-@if test x$(DEST) != x ; then \
--		echo rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \
--		rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \
-+		echo rm -f $(LIBANAME) ; \
-+		rm -f $(LIBANAME) ; \
-+		echo rm -f $(LIBSONAME) ; \
-+		rm -f $(LIBSONAME) ; \
- 	else \
- 		true ; \
- 	fi
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.src ./makefile.src
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.src	Fri Jun  7 11:58:13 1991
-+++ ./makefile.src	Fri Sep 15 22:09:01 1995
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- # clean deletes all but source, pristine (below) deletes installed stuff, too
- default clean: doit
- 	@for d in $(DIRS) ; do \
--		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; make $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
-+		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
- 	done
- # install puts library, binaries and documentation into global location
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- install $(MAKE_TARGET) pristine depend:: doit
- 	@for d in $(ALLDIRS) ; do \
--		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; make $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
-+		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
- 	done
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.tlr ./makefile.tlr
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.tlr	Tue Aug  4 13:17:57 1992
-+++ ./makefile.tlr	Sat Sep 16 10:35:58 1995
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- 	@sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \
- 		'set -e ; for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \
- 			(cd \$$dir ; echo Make ${HERE}\$$dir ; \
--			 	make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \
-+			 	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \
- 		done' ; \
- 	  else \
- 		true ; \
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- 	@sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x  ; then eval \
- 		'for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \
- 			(cd \$$dir ; echo Install ${HERE}\$$dir ; \
--			 make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \
-+			 $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \
- 		done' ; \
- 	  else \
- 		true ; \
-@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
- 	    'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \
- 		if test -d $$dir ; then \
- 			(cd $$dir; echo Make ${HERE}$$dir pristine ; \
--			 make $(MFLAGS) pristine); \
-+			 $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) pristine); \
- 		else \
- 			true; \
- 		fi; \
-@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
- 	    'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \
- 		if test -d $$dir ; then \
- 			(cd $$dir; echo Clean ${HERE}$$dir ; \
--			 make $(MFLAGS) clean); \
-+			$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean); \
- 		else \
- 			true; \
- 		fi; \
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/man/makefile.src ./man/makefile.src
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/man/makefile.src	Thu Feb 27 18:26:52 1992
-+++ ./man/makefile.src	Sat Sep 16 13:51:29 1995
-@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@
- install-1: $(PAGES1)
- 	@-sh -c "if test '$(DEST)X' != X ; then \
- 		for i in $? ; do \
--			dpgm=\`basename \$$i .1\`.$(SUFF1) ; \
--			echo cp \$$i $(DEST1)/\$$dpgm ; \
--			cp \$$i $(DEST1)/\$$dpgm ; \
-+			dpgm=$(DEST1)/\`basename \$$i .1\`.$(SUFF1) ; \
-+			echo cp \$$i \$$dpgm ';' gzip -9nf \$$dpgm ; \
-+			cp \$$i \$$dpgm ; gzip -9nf \$$dpgm ; \
- 		done ; \
- 	else \
- 		true ; \
-@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
- install-3: $(PAGES3)
- 	@-sh -c "if test '$(DEST)X' != X ; then \
- 		for i in $? ; do \
--			dpgm=${PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME} ; \
--			echo cp \$$i $(DEST3)/\$$dpgm ; \
--			cp \$$i $(DEST3)/\$$dpgm ; \
-+			dpgm=$(DEST3)/${PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME} ; \
-+			echo cp \$$i \$$dpgm ';' gzip -9nf \$$dpgm ; \
-+			cp \$$i \$$dpgm ; gzip -9nf \$$dpgm ;\
- 		done ; \
- 	else \
- 		true ; \
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/into.c ./tools/into.c
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/into.c	Thu Apr 30 10:10:15 1992
-+++ ./tools/into.c	Sat Sep 16 10:32:26 1995
-@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@
- short forceflg;				/* overwrite an unwritable file? */
- extern int errno;
-+#ifndef BSD
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- void
- main(argc, argv)
-diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/makefile.src ./tools/makefile.src
---- ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/makefile.src	Tue Jan 28 15:47:42 1992
-+++ ./tools/makefile.src	Sat Sep 16 10:33:14 1995
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- fant.out: fant.o mallocNd.o
- 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(RI) fant.o mallocNd.o $(LIBS) -lm -o
- 	mv fant.out
- # rlebox and crop use some common code.
- rle_box.o: $(RI)/rle.h $(RI)/rle_config.h $(RI)/rle_raw.h
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
- # rleClock has it's own directory, must be built special
- rleClock.out: clock/font.c clock/font.h clock/font.src clock/rleClock.c
--	(cd clock ; make)
-+	(cd clock ; $(MAKE))
- # Incremental install, copies everything ("$?") since last install to DEST dir.
- install: $(PGMS) install-pgm
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/patches/patch-ab urt/patches/patch-ab
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/patches/patch-ab	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
+++ urt/patches/patch-ab	Tue Feb 10 14:48:42 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/get/getx11/in_cmap.c ./get/getx11/in_cmap.c
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/get/getx11/in_cmap.c	Thu Apr 30 10:17:16 1992
++++ ./get/getx11/in_cmap.c	Sat Sep 16 11:16:59 1995
+@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
+     if ( img->sep_colors ||
+ 	 (img->img_channels == 1 && img->ncmap == 3 && img->cmlen) )
+ 	/* If using color map directly, apply display gamma, too. */
+-	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, img->gamma,
++	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, (double) img->gamma,
+ 				 display_gamma );
+     else
+-	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, img->gamma, 1.0 );
++	img->in_cmap = buildmap( img_hdr, 3, (double) img->gamma, 1.0 );
+     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ 	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/include/rle_config.tlr ./include/rle_config.tlr
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/include/rle_config.tlr	Thu Apr 30 10:06:23 1992
++++ ./include/rle_config.tlr	Sat Sep 16 11:31:57 1995
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ #endif /* NO_DECLARE_MALLOC */
+-extern char *getenv( CONST_DECL char *name );
++extern char *getenv( CONST_DECL char *CONST_DECL name);
+ #else
+ extern char *getenv();
+ #endif
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/buildmap.c ./lib/buildmap.c
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/buildmap.c	Thu Feb 27 18:17:01 1992
++++ ./lib/buildmap.c	Sat Sep 16 12:11:12 1995
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+  */
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "rle.h"
+ #include <math.h>
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/makefile.src ./lib/makefile.src
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/lib/makefile.src	Wed Mar  4 16:32:53 1992
++++ ./lib/makefile.src	Sat Sep 16 10:44:35 1995
+@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
+ 	vaxshort.o \
+ 	$(OPT_OBJS)
+-LIBNAME = librle.a
++SOOBJS = $(
++LIBANAME = librle.a
+ # Just rebuild the object files.
+ objs: $(OBJS)
+@@ -37,23 +40,13 @@
+ # Do nothing if $(DEST) is empty (or not defined)
+ install: buildlib
+ 	@sh -c "if test '$(DEST)x' != x ; then \
+-		echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-		cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
++		echo cp $(LIBANAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
++		cp $(LIBANAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
++		echo cp $(LIBSONAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBSONAME) ; \
++		cp $(LIBSONAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBSONAME) ; \
+ 		if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \
+-			echo ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-			ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-		else \
+-			true ; \
+-		fi ; \
+-		if test -d $(DEST)/debug ; then \
+-			echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-			if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \
+-				cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-				echo ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
+-			else \
+-				true ; \
+-			fi ; \
+-			ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \
++			echo ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
++			ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBANAME) ; \
+ 		else \
+ 			true ; \
+ 		fi ; \
+@@ -63,14 +56,24 @@
+ 	touch install
+ # Rebuild the library from all the .o files.
+-buildlib: $(OBJS)
+-	-rm -f $(LIBNAME)
+-	ar rc $(LIBNAME)
+-	ar q $(LIBNAME) $(OBJS)
++buildlib: $(LIBANAME) $(LIBSONAME)
++	-rm -f $@
++	ar rc $@ $?
+ #ifndef NO_RANLIB
+-	ranlib $(LIBNAME)
++	ranlib $@
+ #endif
+-	touch buildlib
++.SUFFIXES: .so .o
++	$(CC) -fPIC -DPIC $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c -o $*.so
++	$(LD) -X -r $*.so
++	-rm -f $@
++	ld -Bshareable -o $@ $>
+ # Clean up installed stuff and binaries
+ pristine: clean
+@@ -86,9 +89,12 @@
+ # Get rid of everything which must be recompiled on a different computer.
+ clean:
+ 	-rm -f *.o
++	-rm -f *.so
+ 	-@if test x$(DEST) != x ; then \
+-		echo rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \
+-		rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \
++		echo rm -f $(LIBANAME) ; \
++		rm -f $(LIBANAME) ; \
++		echo rm -f $(LIBSONAME) ; \
++		rm -f $(LIBSONAME) ; \
+ 	else \
+ 		true ; \
+ 	fi
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.src ./makefile.src
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.src	Fri Jun  7 11:58:13 1991
++++ ./makefile.src	Fri Sep 15 22:09:01 1995
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ # clean deletes all but source, pristine (below) deletes installed stuff, too
+ default clean: doit
+ 	@for d in $(DIRS) ; do \
+-		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; make $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
++		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
+ 	done
+ # install puts library, binaries and documentation into global location
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ install $(MAKE_TARGET) pristine depend:: doit
+ 	@for d in $(ALLDIRS) ; do \
+-		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; make $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
++		( cd $$d ; echo make $@ on $$d ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $@ ) ; \
+ 	done
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.tlr ./makefile.tlr
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/makefile.tlr	Tue Aug  4 13:17:57 1992
++++ ./makefile.tlr	Sat Sep 16 10:35:58 1995
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ 	@sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \
+ 		'set -e ; for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \
+ 			(cd \$$dir ; echo Make ${HERE}\$$dir ; \
+-			 	make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \
++			 	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \
+ 		done' ; \
+ 	  else \
+ 		true ; \
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ 	@sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x  ; then eval \
+ 		'for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \
+ 			(cd \$$dir ; echo Install ${HERE}\$$dir ; \
+-			 make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \
++			 $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \
+ 		done' ; \
+ 	  else \
+ 		true ; \
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ 	    'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \
+ 		if test -d $$dir ; then \
+ 			(cd $$dir; echo Make ${HERE}$$dir pristine ; \
+-			 make $(MFLAGS) pristine); \
++			 $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) pristine); \
+ 		else \
+ 			true; \
+ 		fi; \
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+ 	    'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \
+ 		if test -d $$dir ; then \
+ 			(cd $$dir; echo Clean ${HERE}$$dir ; \
+-			 make $(MFLAGS) clean); \
++			$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean); \
+ 		else \
+ 			true; \
+ 		fi; \
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/into.c ./tools/into.c
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/into.c	Thu Apr 30 10:10:15 1992
++++ ./tools/into.c	Sat Sep 16 10:32:26 1995
+@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@
+ short forceflg;				/* overwrite an unwritable file?
+ */
+ extern int errno;
++#ifndef BSD
+ extern char *sys_errlist[];
+ void
+ main(argc, argv)
+diff -ur ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/makefile.src ./tools/makefile.src
+--- ../urt-3.1b-orig/tools/makefile.src	Tue Jan 28 15:47:42 1992
++++ ./tools/makefile.src	Sat Sep 16 10:33:14 1995
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ fant.out: fant.o mallocNd.o
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(RI) fant.o mallocNd.o $(LIBS) -lm -o
+ 	mv fant.out
+ # rlebox and crop use some common code.
+ rle_box.o: $(RI)/rle.h $(RI)/rle_config.h $(RI)/rle_raw.h
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+ # rleClock has it's own directory, must be built special
+ rleClock.out: clock/font.c clock/font.h clock/font.src clock/rleClock.c
+-	(cd clock ; make)
++	(cd clock ; $(MAKE))
+ # Incremental install, copies everything ("$?") since last install to DEST dir.
+ install: $(PGMS) install-pgm
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/pkg/PLIST urt/pkg/PLIST
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/pkg/PLIST	Tue Jun  3 18:41:07 1997
+++ urt/pkg/PLIST	Mon Jan  5 23:31:44 1998
@@ -210,12 +210,13 @@
 @dirrm share/doc/urt/pics
-@dirrm share/doc/urt/img
 @dirrm share/doc/urt
+@dirrm share/examples/doc/urt/img
+@dirrm share/examples/urt
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/00_TRANS.TBL urt/scripts/00_TRANS.TBL
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/00_TRANS.TBL	Tue Oct 21 16:26:47 1997
+++ urt/scripts/00_TRANS.TBL	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-F CONFIGUR                          	configure
-D CVS                               	CVS
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/00_TRANS.TBL urt/scripts/CVS/00_TRANS.TBL
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/00_TRANS.TBL	Tue Oct 21 16:26:47 1997
+++ urt/scripts/CVS/00_TRANS.TBL	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-F ENTRIES                           	Entries
-F REPOSITO                          	Repository
-F ROOT                              	Root
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Entries urt/scripts/CVS/Entries
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Entries	Tue Oct 21 07:04:45 1997
+++ urt/scripts/CVS/Entries	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/configure/ Jun  3 23:41:07 1997//
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Repository urt/scripts/CVS/Repository
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Repository	Tue Oct 21 07:04:45 1997
+++ urt/scripts/CVS/Repository	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Root urt/scripts/CVS/Root
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/CVS/Root	Tue Oct 21 07:04:45 1997
+++ urt/scripts/CVS/Root	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -rNu /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/configure urt/scripts/configure
--- /cdrom/ports/graphics/urt/scripts/configure	Tue Jun  3 18:41:07 1997
+++ urt/scripts/configure	Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-cd $WRKSRC || exit 1
-cd config || exit 1
-sed "s%FBSD_PREFIX%${PREFIX}%g" urt > urt.sed
-mv urt.sed urt
-cd ..
-chmod 755 ./Configure
-./Configure config/urt
-# has ``Makefile'' hardcoded.
-# do a link to makefile.
-# (We don't move it because it is present in dependencies).
-ln -s makefile Makefile
-exit 0


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