From owner-freebsd-advocacy  Wed Oct 28 15:38:41 1998
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:37:16 -0600 (CST)
From: Licia <>
To: Greg Lehey <>
cc: "Jason C. Wells" <>, advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: FreeBSD certified software (was: WordPerfect 8 for Linux)
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(trimmed for brevity)

On Thu, 29 Oct 1998, Greg Lehey wrote:
> On Wednesday, 28 October 1998 at 11:19:33 -0600, Licia wrote:
> >
> > I've placed some possible examples of logos at the following urls :
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I'd go for number 3.  "Certified" doesn't sound so hot to me.
> BTW, it would make comparison easier if you'd
> pack them in an .html page so they could all appear on the screen
> together.

Consider it done.  The page can be found at
along with the updated images

> > They are not very high quality, and would need permission from
> > at least two copyright holders,
> Who's the second?  I'm assuming that you don't include FreeBSD in the
> list, since this is a FreeBSD effort.  AFAIK the only person who needs
> to give permission is Kirk McKusick.  I don't expect you'd have
> problems there.

The second would be the person who initially created the image on I modified to create fbsd-compat1.jpg... it would
be rude to actually use and distribute that without their permission.

> > but show what I seem to understand from this discussion.  Please
> > feel free to correct me :)
> I still think we need at least two distinct stickers: "Works with
> FreeBSD" and "designed for FreeBSD" are a good start.  Somehow we need
> to encourage people to put our sticker on anything that works with
> FreeBSD, and yet leave that little extra which might make them decide
> to port their product directly.
> Greg
> --
> See complete headers for address, home page and phone numbers
> finger for PGP public key

I have added the two current images as I understand them from the
discussion... again, these are mainly to help myself envision what's
being discussed, and I am not advancing these as official, authoritative,
or even as "good enough to use" :)

[ ]  [ ]  [ IrcNick : Licia ]
[ A happy user of FreeBSD :           ]
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