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Date:      Thu, 29 Apr 1999 10:12:29 -0700
From:      Mike Smith <>
To:        "Daniel J. O'Connor" <>
Cc:        Mike Smith <>, freebsd-smp@FreeBSD.ORG,, Terry Lambert <>
Subject:   Re: Really slow SMP 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 30 Apr 1999 00:43:06 %2B0930." <> 

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Symbols, grasshopper.  Also, how -current are you?

> This message is in MIME format
> --_=XFMail.1.3.p0.FreeBSD:990430004306:372=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On 27-Apr-99 Mike Smith wrote:
> >  I know why; I'm waiting on feedback from peter regarding these patches, 
> >  but I'd appreciate anyone else seeing the problem to try them too.
> Well, without the patches I get a panic like so ->
> ...
> APIC_IO: routing 8254 via pin 2
> Trap 12
> fault virtual address   = 0x0
> fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
> instruction pointer     = 0x8:0x0
> stack pointer           = 0x10:0xc0329f8c
> frame pointer           = 0x10:0xc0329f98
> code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
>                         = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
> processor eflags        = interrupts enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
> current process         = 0 (swapper)
> interrupt mask          = <- SMP: XXX
> trap number             = 12
> panic: page fault
> mp_lock = 0000001d; cpuid = 0; = 0
> WITH the patch I get ->
> avail mem = ...
> Programming 24 pins in IOAPIC #0
> AP#1 (PHY #1) failed!
> panic y/n? [y] (choose n)
> ...
> ...
> panic's same as before.
> ---
> Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
> for Genesis Software -
> "The nice thing about standards is that there
> are so many of them to choose from."
>   -- Andrew Tanenbaum
> --_=XFMail.1.3.p0.FreeBSD:990430004306:372=_
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="GUPPY"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=GUPPY; SizeOnDisk=3535
> machine		"i386"
> cpu		"I686_CPU"
> ident		TEST
> maxusers	32
> options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel
> options         USERCONFIG              #boot -c editor
> options         VISUAL_USERCONFIG       #visual boot -c editor
> options		INET			#InterNETworking
> options		FFS			#Berkeley Fast Filesystem
> options		NFS			#Network Filesystem
> #options		"CD9660"		#ISO 9660 Filesystem
> options		PROCFS			#Process filesystem
> options		"COMPAT_43"		#Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
> options		UCONSOLE		#Allow users to grab the console
> options		KTRACE			#kernel tracing
> options		SYSVSHM
> options		SYSVSEM
> options		SYSVMSG
> options		DDB
> options         DDB_UNATTENDED
> #options		BOUNCE_BUFFERS		#For ADV controller
> options		CONSPEED=115200		#default speed for serial console
> options		"MSGBUF_SIZE=32768"
> options		SOFTUPDATES
> options         SMP                     # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
> options         APIC_IO                 # Symmetric (APIC) I/O
> config		kernel	root on wd0 dumps on wd0
> controller	isa0
> controller	pci0
> controller	fdc0	at isa? port "IO_FD1" bio irq 6 drq 2 vector fdintr
> disk		fd0	at fdc0 drive 0
> disk		fd1	at fdc0 drive 1
> controller	wdc0	at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 flags 0xa0ffa0ff vector wdintr
> disk		wd0	at wdc0 drive 0
> disk		wd1	at wdc0 drive 1
> controller	wdc1	at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15 flags 0xa0ffa0ff vector wdintr
> disk		wd2	at wdc1 drive 0
> disk		wd3	at wdc1 drive 1
> device		wcd0
> options         IDE_DELAY=2000  # Be optimistic about Joe IDE device
> options		"VM86"
> options		VESA
> # atkbdc0 controlls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
> controller      atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD tty
> device          psm0    at isa? tty irq 12
> device          atkbd0  at isa? tty irq 1
> device          vga0    at isa? port ? conflicts
> # splash screen/screen saver
> pseudo-device   splash
> # syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
> device          sc0     at isa? tty     
> # Mandatory, don't remove
> device		npx0	at isa? port "IO_NPX" irq 13 vector npxintr
> device		sio0	at isa? port "IO_COM1" tty irq 4 vector siointr
> device		sio1	at isa? port "IO_COM2" tty irq 3 vector siointr
> device		ed0	at isa? port 0x280 net irq 5 iomem 0xd8000
> controller      ppbus0
> device          nlpt0   at ppbus?
> device          plip0   at ppbus?
> device          ppi0    at ppbus?
> device          pps0    at ppbus?
> device          lpbb0   at ppbus?
> controller      ppc0    at isa? disable port ? tty irq 7
> device		de0
> device		fxp0
> controller	pnp0
> controller      snd0
> device sb0      at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 vector sbintr
> device sbxvi0   at isa? drq 5
> device sbmidi0  at isa? port 0x330
> device opl0     at isa? port 0x388
> device awe0     at isa? port 0x620
> device          joy0    at isa? port "IO_GAME"
> device          apm0    at isa? conflicts
> controller smbus0
> controller intpm0
> device smb0     at smbus?
> controller iicbus0
> controller iicbb0
> device ic0      at iicbus?
> device iic0     at iicbus?
> device iicsmb0  at iicbus?
> controller      ahc0
> controller      scbus0  #base SCSI code
> device          ch0     #SCSI media changers
> device          da0     #SCSI direct access devices (aka disks)
> device          sa0     #SCSI tapes
> device          cd0     #SCSI CD-ROMs
> device         od0     #SCSI optical disk
> device          pass0   #CAM passthrough driver
> pseudo-device	loop
> pseudo-device	ether
> pseudo-device	pty		16
> pseudo-device	bpfilter	4
> pseudo-device	gzip		# Exec gzipped a.out's
> pseudo-device	ccd	4	#Concatenated disk driver
> pseudo-device	vn
> --_=XFMail.1.3.p0.FreeBSD:990430004306:372=_
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mptable"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=mptable; SizeOnDisk=3020
> ===============================================================================
> MPTable, version 2.0.15
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MP Floating Pointer Structure:
>   location:			BIOS
>   physical address:		0x000f5630
>   signature:			'_MP_'
>   length:			16 bytes
>   version:			1.1
>   checksum:			0x80
>   mode:				Virtual Wire
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MP Config Table Header:
>   physical address:		0x000f1400
>   signature:			'PCMP'
>   base table length:		292
>   version:			1.1
>   checksum:			0x5e
>   OEM ID:			'OEM00000'
>   Product ID:			'PROD00000000'
>   OEM table pointer:		0x00000000
>   OEM table size:		0
>   entry count:			28
>   local APIC address:		0xfee00000
>   extended table length:	0
>   extended table checksum:	0
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MP Config Base Table Entries:
> --
> Processors:	APIC ID	Version	State		Family	Model	Step	Flags
> 		 0	 0x11	 BSP, usable	 6	 5	 3	 0xfbff
> 		 1	 0x11	 AP, usable	 6	 5	 3	 0xfbff
> --
> Bus:		Bus ID	Type
> 		 0	 PCI   
> 		 1	 PCI   
> 		 2	 ISA   
> --
> I/O APICs:	APIC ID	Version	State		Address
> 		 2	 0x11	 usable		 0xfec00000
> --
> I/O Ints:	Type	Polarity    Trigger	Bus ID	 IRQ	APIC ID	PIN#
> 		ExtINT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   0	      2	   0
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   1	      2	   1
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   0	      2	   2
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   3	      2	   3
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   4	      2	   4
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   5	      2	   5
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   6	      2	   6
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   7	      2	   7
> 		INT	active-hi        edge	     2	   8	      2	   8
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	   9	      2	   9
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  10	      2	  10
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  11	      2	  11
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  12	      2	  12
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  13	      2	  13
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  14	      2	  14
> 		INT	 conforms    conforms	     2	  15	      2	  15
> 		INT	active-lo       level	     0	 7:A	      2	  19
> 		INT	active-lo       level	     0	 9:A	      2	  17
> 		INT	active-lo       level	     0	11:A	      2	  19
> 		SMI	 conforms    conforms	     2	   0	      2	  23
> --
> Local Ints:	Type	Polarity    Trigger	Bus ID	 IRQ	APIC ID	PIN#
> 		ExtINT	 conforms    conforms	     0	 0:A	    255	   0
> 		NMI	 conforms    conforms	     0	 0:A	    255	   1
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # SMP kernel config file options:
> # Required:
> options		SMP			# Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
> options		APIC_IO			# Symmetric (APIC) I/O
> # Optional (built-in defaults will work in most cases):
> #options		NCPU=2			# number of CPUs
> #options		NBUS=3			# number of busses
> #options		NAPIC=1			# number of IO APICs
> #options		NINTR=24		# number of INTs
> ===============================================================================
> --_=XFMail.1.3.p0.FreeBSD:990430004306:372=_--
> End of MIME message

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\

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