From owner-freebsd-questions  Fri Sep 20 15:23:32 2002
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Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 18:23:45 -0400
From: Rob Clark <>
To: Adam Weinberger <>
Cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Being "CREATIVE" = RW8438E & md5 mismatches
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Here I have corrected one mistake that I made in previous post.
Also, I have tried your suggestion and the results (checksums) still do
not match.  In the process of the "dd" commands I am also getting:
acd0: READ_BIG - ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 error=0x00
this happens in either of the two "dd" commands used here.

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 01:08:15 -0700
Adam Weinberger <> wrote:

> >> (09.20.2002 @ 0044 PST): Rob Clark said, in 2.2K: <<
> > #dd if=/dev/acd0c of=/usr/home/rclark/dup.iso bs=2048
> > dd: /dev/acd0c: Input/output error
> >                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > 0+0 records in
> > 0+0 records out
> > 0 bytes transferred in 0.001256 secs (0 bytes/sec)
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Actually, the results from the "dd" command was a result of a pasting
faux pas on my part,
i.e., it should have been:
# dd if=/dev/acd0c of=/usr/home/rclark/dup.iso bs=2048
dd: /dev/acd0c: Input/output error
94609+0 records in
94609+0 records out
193759232 bytes transferred in 126.003480 secs (1537729 bytes/sec)

However, I did as you suggested:
(see below your post)

> what you're looking for is:
> dd if=/dev/racd0a of=stuff bs=2048
> > # md5 dup.iso
> > MD5 (dup.iso) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
> monkey@smacky:~% rm joe; touch joe; md5 joe
> MD5 (joe) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
> ::)


# rm dup.iso
# dd if=/dev/racd0a of=/usr/home/rclark/dup.iso bs=2048
dd: /dev/racd0a: Input/output error
94609+0 records in
94609+0 records out
193759232 bytes transferred in 126.659459 secs (1529765 bytes/sec)
# md5 4.7-RC1-mini.iso
MD5 (4.7-RC1-mini.iso) = f154f318622bddccd245d5b5e1af314a
# md5 dup.iso
MD5 (dup.iso) = 93511ace0a9e84eec1c9b76de79a53dc

Note: During the above process I re-started the process from the
beginning: burning same iso to clean cd media etc.  Using your
suggestion the md5 checksums still do not match.  



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