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Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 16:09:07 -0500
From: Jake Burkholder <>
To: Matthew Dillon <>
Cc: "David O'Brien" <obrien@FreeBSD.ORG>, current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Patch to improve mutex collision performance
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Apparently, On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 12:43:18PM -0800,
	Matthew Dillon said words to the effect of;

> :What John's patch does is spin while the lock owner is running on another cpu.
> :Spinning while there are no other processes on the run queues as well makes sense
> :but you'll also be doing a lot of acquires and releases of sched_lock.
> :
> :The only thing that jumped out at me looking at the patch is that critnest cannot
> :be 0 here because the sched_lock is held; holding a spin lock implies being in a
> :critical section.  I need to think about this more and would like you to wait until
> :John has a chance to look at it as well.
> :
> :Jake
>     Sure thing.


> Ah, critnest... you are right.  I should be checking for
>     critnest > 1.

I think you should just leave it alone, don't check critnest at all.
critnest != 1 is illegal because you can't acquire a sleep lock while
in an enclosing critical section.


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