From owner-freebsd-scsi  Wed Nov 17  1:36:10 1999
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Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:35:59 +0100
From: Martin Cracauer <>
To: Kris Kirby <>
Cc: scsi@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: 512 / 2048 switchable CDROM (Pioneer DRM-600)
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In-Reply-To: <>; from Kris Kirby on Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 01:50:58PM -0600
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In <>, Kris Kirby wrote: 
> I've got a Pioneer DRM-600 (on the front panel) which IDs as a DRM-604
> over the SCSI bus. On the back panel, it says DRM-600-A. It has a switch
> for 512 or 2048. I suspect this is for compatiblity with Sun
> workstations. FreeBSD is going to need 2048, right? 

Most workstations require 512bytes/block for booting. 

As far as I know, most/all CDROM drives can be switched from 512 to
2048 bytes by SCSI commands with no problems. The jumper is just there
to set the powerup default, as the workstation's firmware is not
clever enough to send the switch command before the OS is up.

> I ask because the
> last time I connected it (and I don't remember what the switch settings
> were) I got messages from the kernel telling me that it required Vendor
> Specific commands.

I don't think these are related to the jumper, as the jumper is
useless bejond initial use if I'm corrent with the above.

Martin Cracauer <>
BSD User Group Hamburg, Germany

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