From owner-freebsd-questions  Fri Jun  1  8:46: 8 2001
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Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 12:03:26 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nick Rogness <>
To: "Gerald T. Freymann" <>
Cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: natd and NetMetting
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On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Gerald T. Freymann wrote:

> > Is there some magic I can perform to get NetMeeting to operate from
> > a machine behind my natd box?
>  One of the guys on my home network has tried running Netmeeting. He
> says the other party can see and hear him ok, he can't see the remote
> party.

	Yes, that is the symptom that I have heard of.  The reason he can
	not see the other party, is because his host is trying to send to
	a private address...that is non routeable.  If you talk to him,
	you can verify that netmeeting on his machine is trying to connect
	to the private address of the machine that is on your private

>  I was wondering... if you "temporarily" made a wide open firewall (if
> you're using ipfw that is) if that will fix up things? I see some
> "natd" errors about no permission to write back packet... and was
> curious if that would solve the Netmeeting problems.

	The firewall is not the problem...its nat.

>  That depends of course if the entire problem is with natd as opposed to
> the firewall+natd but just an idea!

	Yep.  You may be able to run some sort of H323 gateway proxy that
	would eliminate the problem.  Check out [I

Nick Rogness <>
 - Keep on Routing in a Free World...
  "FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!"

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