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Date:      Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:28:36 +0200
From:      Petre Bandac <>
Subject:   bash newbie question
Message-ID:  <01121021283600.00268@k>

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	I've just installed freebsd 4.4 and started playing with it, in the idea 
that it would look similar to linux {to which I'm quite familiar, since I use 
it from almost an year]

	however, I had the surprise to see that whatever shell I choose, the tab key
doesn't act like in the bash from linux - I mean I want it to extend the 
keyword/keywords so I can choose the command I want to issue.

	are there any settings that I can modify to make the shell look 100% like 
the bash from linux or the tab key won't be here so "helpful" like in linux ?

thanks in advance


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