From owner-freebsd-questions Mon Mar 17 17:42:36 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id RAA22440 for questions-outgoing; Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:42:36 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id RAA22435 for ; Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:42:33 -0800 (PST) Received: from localhost (dwhite@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.6.12) with SMTP id RAA01225; Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:41:52 -0800 (PST) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:41:52 -0800 (PST) From: Doug White X-Sender: dwhite@localhost Reply-To: Doug White To: Jaime Bozza cc: Subject: Re: FreeBSD 2.2 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, Jaime Bozza wrote: > I noticed that FreeBSD 2.2-RELEASE is out. I'm looking at what's > involved in switching my 2.1.x (mostly 2.1.7's) systems over. Other than > doing an "upgrade" install, are their other easier ways to upgrade? That *is* the easiest way to upgrade, IMHO. FreeBSD Upgrade Checklist for 2.2: 1) Boot the new floppy. Select the 'update' option. Follow the prompts. Make sure you MOUNT your filesystems and not NEWFS them. Select the same distributions you did originally (including the kernel source, src/ssys!) and any you wish to add. 2) Hit 'commit' to start the upgrade. 3) When you're dumped to a shell prompt: . Your /etc directory is preserved as it was for 2.1.x. You will want to look in /etc/upgrade, which contains new & updated files for this release. . Using your old sysconfig as a guide, create a new sysconfig using the one in /etc/upgrade as a template. . Copy over the rc* files from upgrade/, so new features in sysconfig are used. Merge in any local changes, if necessary. If you are getting unusual messages from ipx, you forgot to do this. . Migrate other files as necessary. 5) Reboot, recompile & reinstall your kernel, reboot again, and enjoy. > noticed there isn't a FreeBSD-stable that I can sup from (something which > I enjoyed with 2.1.x) but there *IS* a ctm tree. Would I be able to > remove my current /usr/src tree and replace is with a ctm'd 2.2-RELEASE > tree? Then recompile, make my kernels, and reboot under 2.2? If so, what > should I be aware of? (For instance, major changes to /etc or /var trees) Yes, you could build completely from scratch. Sup has been replaced with cvsup, IMHO a much superior system. Packages & ports are available through the respective trees. You'll have to install the modula-3 libs as well to get it working properly, but once it gets going, look out :) cvsup comes with a conversion utility to bring over your supfiles to something cvsup can use. Doug White | University of Oregon Internet: | Residence Networking Assistant | Computer Science Major