From owner-freebsd-bugs Sun Apr 9 13:20:41 1995 Return-Path: bugs-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id NAA01395 for bugs-outgoing; Sun, 9 Apr 1995 13:20:41 -0700 Received: (from gnats@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id NAA01385 ; Sun, 9 Apr 1995 13:20:36 -0700 Date: Sun, 9 Apr 1995 13:20:36 -0700 Message-Id: <> From: Reply-To: To: freebsd-bugs Subject: bin/321: TCP/IP settings given during install are not kept FDIV015 In-Reply-To: Your message of Sun, 9 Apr 95 13:29 CDT Sender: Precedence: bulk >Number: 321 >Category: bin >Synopsis: TCP/IP settings given during install are not kept FDIV015 >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-bugs (FreeBSD bugs mailing list) >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Sun Apr 9 13:20:35 1995 >Originator: Frank Durda IV >Organization: >Release: FreeBSD 2.0.0-SNAP950322 i386 >Environment: FreeBSD 2.0.0-SNAP950322 i386 >Description: [FDIV015] When doing FTP download, the installation procedure asks for the machines domain name, system name, IP number and other information prior to downloading modules. After extracting modules you may also specify details of your domain, system name and IP information a second time (See FDIV014). But when you reboot, your system name is still "myname.mydomain" instead of being set based on the information given during the installation. >How-To-Repeat: Install the system and select the FTP download option. Enter all domain, system name, IP number, gateway, DNS and other information both times. Then let the system reboot normally. As the system boots, note the system name is myname.mydomain and that other IP-related files do not contain the settings you provided and these must now be entered a second (or third) time. >Fix: The hosts and sysconfig files should be updated with the information provided during the installation. *END* >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: