From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun Aug  6 23:11:16 2000
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Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 08:12:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Ariel Burbaickij <>
X-Sender: hg9456@sun34
To: Ben Smithurst <>
Cc: Ariel Burbaickij <>,
Subject: Re: Problmes with Soundblaster 16 pci getting commonplace and noend
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On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, Ben Smithurst wrote:

> Ariel Burbaickij wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Ben Smithurst wrote:
> > 
> >> Oh, if it's 3.4, that's different.  Did you try just "device pcm0"?
> >> That might work.
> >   It is does not work as already mentioned with proved working soundcard
> >   and proved under many systems.
> Sorry if you've said elsewhere, but what do you mean by doesn't work?
> The card is detected but doesn't work, the card isn't even detected and
> shows as "unknown card", or nothing at all is detected by the kernel?
> In other words, what do "dmesg" and "cat /dev/sndstat" show?  (Note that
> you need to do "cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV snd0" as well, or "sh MAKEDEV snd1"
> if your card is detected as pcm1.)
  With working under other systems is meant: I heard the sound from the
  card and even can use it with sufficient quality in Internet telephonie
  application(full duplex)
  By not working under FBSD is meant:It is not even recognized at all.
  dmesg|grep pcm* produce nothing that could be classified as having
  anything common with soundcard

> -- 
> Ben Smithurst                 / / PGP: 0x99392F7D
> FreeBSD Documentation Project /

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