From owner-freebsd-bugs  Fri Jul  4 14:47:01 1997
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Message-Id: <>
To: Brett Glass <>
cc: bugs@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Serious maintenance bug in 2.2.2-R 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 04 Jul 1997 14:49:21 MDT."
From: David Greenman <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 14:48:55 -0700
Sender: owner-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG
Precedence: bulk

>Upgraded a system to 2.2.2-R not long ago, and just discovered that it was
>running out of disk space. Why? Because the new /etc/daily, /etc/weekly,
>and /etc/monthly no longer cleaned up or rotated the log files! They were
>growing and growing, and began overflowing the disk on this busy system,
>causing all manner of havoc.  Worse still, the nightly backups that
>normally went to our backup catching machine were overflowing ITS disk,
>leaving us vulnerable to data loss.
>I don't know whether this problem occurs exclusively on upgrades, but it's
>a ticking time bomb that could cause major problems. Does 2.2.2-R have any
>provisions to rotate and clean up log files? For now, I've added code from
>2.1.0-R to daily.local, weekly.local, and monthly.local to get things back
>under control.

   This is handled by "newsyslog". See /etc/newsyslog.conf and the associated
manual pages.


David Greenman
Core-team/Principal Architect, The FreeBSD Project