From owner-freebsd-current  Mon Mar  3  8:22:33 2003
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Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:22:30 -0500 (EST)
From: "James E. Flemer" <>
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Subject: install via serial console
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I've read the "recent" discussion[1] about why the install
media cannot use "/boot/loader -P" (broken K7 mobo's).  Is
this still the case?  Perhaps there could be a second
'miniinst' that had "/boot/loader -h" in the /boot.config
to facilitate install on headless machines.  I am aware of
how trivial it is to fix the standard kern.flp to use
serial console.  However, fixing an iso or building a new
one for serial console is not quite so quick.  (Nor is
finding the necessary combination of working floppy drives
and disks in my case.)

[1] Message Id: <8qb4el$18qb$>
    on freebsd-current.


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