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Date:      Sat, 13 May 2006 23:51:18 +0100 (BST)
From:      Gavin Atkinson <>
Subject:   www/97233: [patch] Change the "Report a Bug" link on the home page
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         97233
>Category:       www
>Synopsis:       [patch] Change the "Report a Bug" link on the home page
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-www
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat May 13 23:00:34 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Gavin Atkinson
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-RC i386
>Organization: - Solaris Zone Hosting
	The home page currently has a "Report a Bug" link in the
"Shortcuts" section.  While I'm not even sure this should belong on the first
page potential users see, without a doubt it shouldn't link directly to the
form that users should fill in - the least they should do is search to see if
the bug they are reporting has already been reported.  The attached patch
changes the link to point to the "Bug Reports" section of the website (which
contains a link to the form anyway), and also moves it down a bit so that
it's not the second link of that section on the front page.

--- fbsdhomepage.diff begins here ---
Index: www/en/index.xsl
RCS file: /usr/cvs/www/en/index.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.146
diff -u -r1.146 index.xsl
--- www/en/index.xsl	9 May 2006 07:30:29 -0000	1.146
+++ www/en/index.xsl	13 May 2006 22:43:02 -0000
@@ -163,9 +163,6 @@
 					  <a href="{$base}/community/mailinglists.html" title="Mailing Lists">Mailing Lists</a>
-					  <a href="{$base}/send-pr.html" title="Report a Bug">Report a Bug</a>
-					</li>
-					<li>
 					  <a href="{$base}/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/index.html" title="FAQ">FAQ</a>
@@ -177,6 +174,9 @@
 					  <a href="{$base}/ports/index.html" title="Ports">Ports</a>
+					<li>
+					  <a href="{$base}/support/bugreports.html" title="Bug Reports">Bug Reports</a>
+					</li>
 			  </div> <!-- FRONTSHORTCUTSCONTENT -->
--- fbsdhomepage.diff ends here ---


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