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From: (Alex G. Bulushev)
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Subject: Re: Small Problem with Linux Emul
In-Reply-To: <> from "Terry Lambert" at "Oct 29, 97 08:44:55 pm"
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> > >   Use the BSDI quake server.  It uses less CPU than the linux server,
> > > because it doesn't require add as much overhead.
> > 
> > I would, but it is the 1.64 level server that crashes on half the maps I have
> > tried and also has quite a few bugs in it that have been fixed in the
> > 2.01 server (which only exists for linux/solaris).
> Plus doing that wouldn't get the Linux emulation bug fixed.

we succesfully used 2.0 server with linux emulator before Sep 97
after some changes in -current kernel in Sep server starts, but
have no connection ...
now it not work in 3.0-971012-SNAP ...


> Were those "ie:" number for "scrambled address" real numbers?
> If you can, you should convert them to hex, and look at the output
> of netstat -rn and arp -a to see if they are coming from a route,
> gateway, NATD or other IP address "translator", or if the hex values
> match the actual physical addresses, etc..
> Probably it's one of those strange "raw packet" receives, and the
> FreeBSD flag values aren't the same as the Linux ones, and the stub
> in the emulator needs fixed.
> Or it could be a really hairy problem instead... 8-(.
> 					Terry Lambert
> ---
> Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
> or previous employers.