From owner-freebsd-questions  Fri Apr 13 15:15: 7 2001
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Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:10:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linh Pham <>
To: Jeff <>
Cc: FreeBSD Questions <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject: RE: Setup doesn't see my network card
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On 2001-04-13, Jeff scribbled:

# Hello, I am trying to install FBSD v. 4.2 over ftp. I have a strange problem
# that I have not seen before. I have created the two boot disks with fdimage
# and they boot without any problem. I can set up the disk slices with no
# problem but when I go to setup the network connection all I am given is
# slip, parallel and ppp connection options. I have an ethernet card  and a
# cable connection that I have setup and running with win2k and have always
# (back to FBSD v. 3.2) been able to set it up in FBSD with no problem. At
# system probe the kernel sees the card (as da0 as I recall) but the setup
# portion doesn't. Any pointers, reading material or suggestions will be
# greatfully accepted. Thanks in advance, Jeff Phillips

What kind of network card do you have installed in the machine (make,
model, etc.)?

Linh Pham

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