Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 20:30:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Garrett Cooper <> To: Craig Rodrigues <> Cc: Doug Barton <>,, FreeBSD Questions <>, Fbsd8 <>, Subject: Re: bin/160979: 9.0 burncd error caused by change to cd0 from acd0 Message-ID: <alpine.BSF.2.00.1109262027460.81576@toaster.local> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --967339439-1742936270-1317094260=:81576 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT On Mon, 26 Sep 2011, Craig Rodrigues wrote: > On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Doug Barton <> wrote: >>> >>> I have used burncd on many releases of FreeBSD, on many machines >>> without problem. I can see the fact that burncd suddenly failing to >>> work on ATAPI hardware could annoy and confused end-users. >> >> It doesn't fail to work on ATAPI hardware. It fails to work on cd0 which >> is a SCSI device. The fact that it's emulated doesn't matter. > > True, but the subtlety of that distinction will be lost on a lot of end-users > not familiar with the implementation of the FreeBSD storage implementation. > To them "burncd just doesn't work, when it used to". > > >>> Can we modify burncd to somehow detect if ATAPI-CAM is enabled, and print out >>> a more useful error message? >> >> Sure, as soon as someone volunteers to create that patch. No one is >> *trying* to annoy users, but things change around here because people >> are interested in changing them. > > > I am not familiar enough with the ATA_CAM work. Is there a a sysctl or ioctl > that can be queried from userspace to detect if ATA_CAM is configured > in the kernel? > > I would suggest something like: ... Please fix it and move on. Thanks, -Garrett $ usr.sbin/burncd/burncd -f /dev/cd0 blank burncd: device provided not an acd(4) device: /dev/cd0. Please verify that your kernel is built with acd(4) and the beforementioned device is supported by acd(4). --967339439-1742936270-1317094260=:81576 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=burncd-acd-error-message.patch Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <alpine.BSF.2.00.1109262030530.81576@toaster.local> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=burncd-acd-error-message.patch SW5kZXg6IHVzci5zYmluL2J1cm5jZC9idXJuY2QuYw0KPT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PQ0KLS0tIHVzci5zYmluL2J1cm5jZC9idXJuY2QuYwkocmV2 aXNpb24gMjI1NzA0KQ0KKysrIHVzci5zYmluL2J1cm5jZC9idXJuY2QuYwko d29ya2luZyBjb3B5KQ0KQEAgLTE1OSw4ICsxNTksMTYgQEANCiAJaWYgKChm ZCA9IG9wZW4oZGV2LCBPX1JEV1IsIDApKSA8IDApDQogCQllcnIoRVhfTk9J TlBVVCwgIm9wZW4oJXMpIiwgZGV2KTsNCiANCi0JaWYgKGlvY3RsKGZkLCBD RFJJT0NHRVRCTE9DS1NJWkUsICZzYXZlZF9ibG9ja19zaXplKSA8IDApDQot CQllcnIoRVhfSU9FUlIsICJpb2N0bChDRFJJT0NHRVRCTE9DS1NJWkUpIik7 DQorCWlmIChpb2N0bChmZCwgQ0RSSU9DR0VUQkxPQ0tTSVpFLCAmc2F2ZWRf YmxvY2tfc2l6ZSkgPCAwKSB7DQorCQlpZiAoZXJybm8gPT0gRU5PVFRZKQ0K KwkJCWVycngoRVhfSU9FUlIsDQorCQkJICAgICJkZXZpY2UgcHJvdmlkZWQg bm90IGFuIGFjZCg0KSBkZXZpY2U6ICVzLlxuXG4iDQorCQkJICAgICJQbGVh c2UgdmVyaWZ5IHRoYXQgeW91ciBrZXJuZWwgaXMgYnVpbHQgd2l0aCAiDQor CQkJICAgICJhY2QoNCkgYW5kIHRoZSBiZWZvcmVtZW50aW9uZWQgZGV2aWNl IGlzICINCisJCQkgICAgInN1cHBvcnRlZCBieSBhY2QoNCkuIiwgZGV2KTsN CisJCWVsc2UNCisJCQllcnIoRVhfSU9FUlIsICJpb2N0bChDRFJJT0NHRVRC TE9DS1NJWkUpIik7DQorCX0NCiANCiAJaWYgKGlvY3RsKGZkLCBDRFJJT0NX UklURVNQRUVELCAmc3BlZWQpIDwgMCkNCiAJCWVycihFWF9JT0VSUiwgImlv Y3RsKENEUklPQ1dSSVRFU1BFRUQpIik7DQo= --967339439-1742936270-1317094260=:81576--
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