From owner-freebsd-hackers Tue Mar 25 09:42:51 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id JAA26371 for hackers-outgoing; Tue, 25 Mar 1997 09:42:51 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id JAA26365 for ; Tue, 25 Mar 1997 09:42:47 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] by with esmtp (Exim 0.56 #1) id E0w9aFA-0003QO-00; Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:42:44 -0700 To: Brian Somers Subject: Re: Backspace = ^H Cc:, Andrew Gierth In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:56:27 GMT." <> References: <> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:42:44 -0700 From: Warner Losh Message-Id: Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk Personally on my systems I fix this in xterm and the like by having the BackSpace keysym generate a DEL character. I do this for emacs and always stty erase ^? in my .cshrc files. I do this so that the *STUPID* Motif binaries work w/o me having to do stupid things for them. I use this solution in preference to the xmodmap solution because I generally only care about this working in X terms. Emcas groks BackSpace when run under X, so I'm happy with that. Since I can't run a text console due to the old Sun monitor I use, I don't bother much with making sure that is sane. Does this make sense for system defaults? Likely not given where BSD has been. What I have works for me, but would likely confuse people. As you can tell, I'm from the DEL is delete-backward-character camp. Must be related to that bumper sticker on my car: "VMS Forever." :-) Warner