From owner-freebsd-current  Thu Dec 18 11:50:42 1997
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Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 14:48:54 -0500 (EST)
From: Chuck Robey <>
To: "Russell L. Carter" <>
cc: freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Motif on -current
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On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Russell L. Carter wrote:

> I need Motif to get Grass up and running on -current.  But I see 
> Xi does not support anything newer than 2.2.2, and the fellow
> on the phone would not admit that their product would run on
> even 2.2.5.  So if you're running Motif on 3.0-something, could
> you let me know what it is and where you got it so I can run 
> out and get the same thing?
> (I have the latest lesstif and the build bleeds all over the
>  place when compiling the dependent Grass files, so I would
>  like to reduce the porting complexity by starting out with
>  a Known Quantity for Motif, once I get it up and running I'll
>  try lesstif again...)

Yes, XiG's New Motif runs quite nicely under current (I'm using it right

> Thanks,
> Russell

Chuck Robey                 | Interests include any kind of voice or data         | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1  |
Greenbelt, MD 20770         | I run Journey2 and picnic, both FreeBSD
(301) 220-2114              | version 3.0 current -- and great FUN!