Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:45:07 -0700 From: steve@Watt.COM (Steve Watt) To: Gunther Schadow <> Cc: questions@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: IPsec painful setup... Message-ID: <200104140145.f3E1j7298280@wattres.Watt.COM> In-Reply-To: Gunther Schadow <> "Re: IPsec painful setup..." (Apr 14, 1:23)
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I have tried both transport and tunnel mode; it seemed clear to me that transport wouldn't work, but I had to try it anyhow. I'd dearly love to use the FreeBSD box directly as the NAT box, but it's a DSL installation where the DSL line comes into a port on the router. Unless there are PCI DSL cards that are likely to work in such a scenario, I think I get to wrestle with this. You said "old gif tunnel method"; that implies that there's some new method? Where can I find info on that? I'm currently using gif tunnels, racoon for isakmp, and ipsec in tunnel mode. Thanks, On Apr 14, 1:23, Gunther Schadow wrote: } Subject: Re: IPsec painful setup... } if you try the old gif tunnel method with IPsec transport mode } ESP it will not work through a NAT box. The problem is transport } mode will choke on any change in the IP header, and NAT changes } the src address and port. I suggest you use FreeBSD as the } NAT box. Works nicely, if you have just one tunnel. Also if you } have an "other IPsec capable router" at the other end, it will } most certainly not understand the gif-tunnel + ESP transport mode } hack. You need to use IPsec ESP tunnel mode properly. Tunnel } mode might work through the NAT box, I believe. } } regards } -Gunther } } Steve Watt wrote: } > } > I've got a situation where I'm trying to set up an IPsec ESP tunnel } > to a box that's on the far side of a NAT box. I've successfully set } > up an IPsec tunnel to my box at home, but it's smart enough to have } > a routable IP address on one interface, unlike this other situation. } > } > Here's a picture of what I'm trying; maybe someone can help: } > } > (internal net A) (DSL line) } > +---------+ | +---------+ | +-------------+ } > | FreeBSD | v | | v | Other IPsec | } > | box +---+ NAT rtr +-- inet --+ capable +--- internal net B } > | ("A") | | | | router | } > +---------+ +---------+ +-------------+ } > } > Because it's a DSL line from the NATing router, I can't just hook up } > the network interface with the routable address to box A. } > } > The starting configuration is pretty much as described in the IPsec } > mini-howto on DaemonNews. } > } > So, the questions are as follows: } > } > 1. What address should I configure the local part of gif0 with? The one } > associated with the DSL line, or the (static) NATted address of box A? } > 2. Same question, but in the SPD } > 3. Will I need to consume an extra subnet for the internal address of } > gif0, or put it on internal net B's range (with a proxy arp), or ...? } > } > I can't seem to locate anything that provides adequate clues in this } > area; maybe I'm just SOL and need to upgrade the NAT rtr? } > } > Thanks, } > } > -- } > Steve Watt KD6GGD PP-ASEL-IA ICBM: 121W 56' 57.8" / 37N 20' 14.9" } > Internet: steve @ Watt.COM Whois: SW32 } > Free time? There's no such thing. It just comes in varying prices... } > } > To Unsubscribe: send mail to } > with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message } } -- } Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D. } Medical Information Scientist Regenstrief Institute for Health Care } Adjunct Assistent Professor Indiana University School of Medicine } tel:1(317)630-7960 }-- End of excerpt from Gunther Schadow -- Steve Watt KD6GGD PP-ASEL-IA ICBM: 121W 56' 57.8" / 37N 20' 14.9" Internet: steve @ Watt.COM Whois: SW32 Free time? There's no such thing. It just comes in varying prices... To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message
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