From owner-freebsd-hackers  Thu Oct 15 17:05:55 1998
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To: Stephen Hocking-Senior Programmer PGS Tensor Perth <>
cc: hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Need working kernel threads - here why 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 16 Oct 1998 07:49:38 +0800."
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 17:05:49 -0700
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From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <>
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[-current removed; please don't crosspost.  This is class -hackers material]

> The X inside Group have just released beta X servers that accelerate 3D 
> features on some cards. This allows OpenGL stuff to run rather well. They 
> state that they need a working threads implementation, and from some hints, I
> gather that user space threads aren't enough. They've  released them for SCO 
> Unixware & Linux. FreeBSD is prominent by its absence.

Have they said anything about what *kind* of threads they need?  If
not user space threads, what specifically do they require with kernel
threads?  These kinds of details need to be ironed out before a
general call for volunteers is made or the volunteers have no idea
what they're even supposed to be doing.  We have some form of kernel
threads in 3.0, but the user interface portion is undone and probably
won't be done until someone gets with XiG or whomever and works out
what the users even want.

- Jordan

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