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Date:      Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:05:13 GMT
From:      Stephen Hurd <>
Subject:   ports/114615: Fixes and extra functionality for emulators/doscmd
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         114615
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Fixes and extra functionality for emulators/doscmd
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jul 16 06:10:01 GMT 2007
>Originator:     Stephen Hurd
>Release:        6.2-RELEASE-p3
FreeBSD server.hurd.local 6.2-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p3 #0: Sat Mar 17 22:02:20 PDT 2007     admin@server.hurd.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SERVER  i386
A year or so ago I emailed these patches to the maintainer and didn't get any feedback.  Just rediscovered them so figured I should submit them before they get lost...

    Fixes the BIOS cursor handling so that programs such as the DOS
    and qbasic.exe work correctly
    Allows INT15 timeslicing so that programs which support it can avoid 100%
    CPU utilization
    Adds a -Q option which suppresses all video IO.  Also helps optimize the
    input behavior especially when polling for input.
    Adds a -F option which enables support for FOSSIL IO using stdio.

The extra two options have not been documented in the manpage as I lack proper

Add patches to the files directory.
manpage should be updated too.

Patch attached with submission follows:

# This is a shell archive.  Save it in a file, remove anything before
# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file".  Note, it may
# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
# have default permissions.
# This archive contains:
#	files/patch-bioscursor
#	files/patch-desqview-timeslice
#	files/patch-fossil-support
#	files/patch-quietmode
echo x - files/patch-bioscursor
sed 's/^X//' >files/patch-bioscursor << 'END-of-files/patch-bioscursor'
X--- /usr/ports/emulators/doscmd/work/doscmd-20040330/tty.c	Mon May  1 18:38:07 2006
X+++ tty.c	Mon May  1 18:38:51 2006
X@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
X #define	row (CursRow0)
X #define	col (CursCol0)
X /* Local functions */
X static void	_kbd_event(int, int, void *, regcontext_t *);
X static void	Failure(void *);
X@@ -1427,7 +1428,9 @@
X tty_move(int r, int c)
X {
X 	row = r;
X+	BIOS_CursRow0 = r;
X 	col = c;
X+	BIOS_CursCol0 = c;
X 	SetVREGCur();
X }
X@@ -1459,6 +1462,7 @@
X 				vmem[(height - 1) * width + i] = vattr | ' ';
X 		}
X 	}
X+	BIOS_CursRow0 = row;	/* Sync back with row */
X 	SetVREGCur();
X }
X@@ -1489,21 +1493,27 @@
X 	case 0x08:
X 		if (row > (height - 1) || col > width)
X 			break;
X-		if (col > 0)
X+		if (col > 0) {
X 			--col;
X+			BIOS_CursCol0 = col;
X+		}
X 		vmem[row * width + col] &= 0xff00;
X 		break;
X 	case '\t':
X-		if (row > (height - 1))
X+		if (row > (height - 1)) {
X 			row = 0;
X+			BIOS_CursRow0 = 0;
X+		}
X 		col = (col + 8) & ~0x07;
X 		if (col > width) {
X 			col = 0;
X 			tty_index(1);
X 		}
X+		BIOS_CursCol0 = col;
X 		break;
X 	case '\r':
X 		col = 0;
X+		BIOS_CursCol0 = col;
X 		break;
X 	case '\n':
X 		tty_index(1);
X@@ -1511,10 +1521,13 @@
X 	default:
X 		if (col >= width) {
X 			col = 0;
X+			BIOS_CursCol0 = 0;
X 			tty_index(1);
X 		}
X-		if (row > (height - 1))
X+		if (row > (height - 1)) {
X 			row = 0;
X+			BIOS_CursRow0 = 0;
X+		}
X 		if (attr >= 0)
X 			vmem[row * width + col] = attr & 0xff00;
X 		else
X@@ -1554,7 +1567,9 @@
X 	vmem[row * width + col++] |= c;
X     }
X     row = srow;
X+    BIOS_CursRow0 = srow;
X     col = scol;
X+    BIOS_CursCol0 = scol;
X     SetVREGCur();
X }
X@@ -1582,7 +1597,9 @@
X 	col++;
X     }
X     row = srow;
X+    BIOS_CursRow0 = srow;
X     col = scol;
X+    BIOS_CursCol0 = scol;
X     SetVREGCur();
X     return;
X--- /home/admin/doscmd-20040330/video.c	Mon May  1 17:41:16 2006
X+++ video.c	Mon May  1 18:08:12 2006
X@@ -167,14 +167,18 @@
X 	    cp &= 0xff;
X 	    cp |= value << 8;
X 	    row = cp / DpyCols;
X+	    BIOS_CursRow0 = row;
X 	    col = cp % DpyCols;
X+	    BIOS_CursCol0 = col;
X 	    break;
X 	case CRTC_CurLocLo:	/* Update cursor position in BIOS */
X 	    cp = row * DpyCols + col;
X 	    cp &= 0xff00;
X 	    cp |= value;
X 	    row = cp / DpyCols;
X+	    BIOS_CursRow0 = row;
X 	    col = cp % DpyCols;
X+	    BIOS_CursCol0 = col;
X 	    break;
X 	default:
X 	    debug(D_VIDEO, "VGA: outb 0x%04x, 0x%02x at index 0x%02x\n",
echo x - files/patch-desqview-timeslice
sed 's/^X//' >files/patch-desqview-timeslice << 'END-of-files/patch-desqview-timeslice'
X--- /usr/ports/emulators/doscmd/work/doscmd-20040330/bios.c	Mon Mar 29 16:00:00 2004
X+++ bios.c	Mon May  1 18:39:31 2006
X@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
X  */
X #include <sys/cdefs.h>
X+#include <time.h>
X __FBSDID("$FreeBSD: projects/doscmd/bios.c,v 1.9 2002/03/07 12:52:26 obrien Exp $");
X #include "doscmd.h"
X@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
X static void
X int15(regcontext_t *REGS)
X {
X+    const struct timespec rqtp={0,1};
X     R_FLAGS &= ~PSL_C;
X     switch (R_AH) {
X@@ -119,6 +121,17 @@
X 	break;
X     case 0x04:			/* Set ABIOS table */
X 	R_FLAGS |= PSL_C;	/* We don't support it */
X+	break;
X+    case 0x10:			/* DesqView */
X+	switch (R_AL) {
X+	    case 0x00:		/* Give up CPU time */
X+		nanosleep(&rqtp, NULL);
X+		break;
X+	    case 0x22:		/* Get version */
X+		R_BH = 0x0a;	/* Use v2.0 for timeslice support */
X+		R_BL = 0x01;
X+		break;
X+	}
X 	break;
X     case 0x4f:			/* Keyboard intercept */
X 	debug(D_TRAPS | 0x15, "BIOS: Keyboard intercept\n");
echo x - files/patch-fossil-support
sed 's/^X//' >files/patch-fossil-support << 'END-of-files/patch-fossil-support'
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/bios.c ./bios.c
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/bios.c	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./bios.c	Fri May  5 19:39:27 2006
X@@ -297,7 +297,10 @@
X     ivec[0x12] = vec;
X     register_callback(vec, int12, "int 12");
X-    vec = insert_softint_trampoline();
X+    if(fossil)
X+	vec = insert_fossil_softint_trampoline();
X+    else
X+	vec = insert_softint_trampoline();
X     ivec[0x14] = vec;
X     register_callback(vec, int14, "int 14");
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/callback.c ./callback.c
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/callback.c	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./callback.c	Fri May  5 19:39:27 2006
X@@ -76,6 +76,25 @@
X     2,
X     0,
X };
X+ * From the FOSSIL spec:
X+ * The driver has a "signature" that can be used to determine whether it is
X+ * present in memory. At offset 6 in the INT 14h service routine is a word,
X+ * 1954h,  followed  by a  byte that  specifies the maximum function number
X+ * supported by the driver. This is to make it possible to determine when a
X+ * driver is present and what level of functionality it provides.
X+ */
X+u_char fossil_softint_trampoline[] = {
X+    0xf4,	/* HLT */
X+    0xfb,	/* STI */
X+    0xca,	/* RETF 2 */
X+    2,
X+    0,
X+    0,
X+    0x54,
X+    0x19,
X+    0x1b,	/* Max. Supported FOSSIL AH */
X u_char hardint_trampoline[] = {
X     0xf4,	/* HLT */
X     0xcf,	/* IRET */
X@@ -102,6 +121,13 @@
X {
X     return (insert_generic_trampoline(
X 	sizeof(softint_trampoline), softint_trampoline));
X+    return (insert_generic_trampoline(
X+	sizeof(fossil_softint_trampoline), fossil_softint_trampoline));
X }
X u_long
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/callback.h ./callback.h
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/callback.h	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./callback.h	Fri May  5 19:39:27 2006
X@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
X callback_t	find_callback(u_long);
X u_long		insert_generic_trampoline(size_t, u_char *);
X u_long		insert_softint_trampoline(void);
X+u_long		insert_fossil_softint_trampoline(void);
X u_long		insert_hardint_trampoline(void);
X u_long		insert_null_trampoline(void);
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.c ./doscmd.c
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.c	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./doscmd.c	Fri May  5 19:39:27 2006
X@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
X     FILE	*fp;
X     char 	*col;
X-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "234AbCc:Dd:EGHIi:kLMOo:Pp:RrS:TtU:vVxXYz")) != -1) {
X+    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "234AbCc:Dd:EFGHIi:kLMOo:Pp:RrS:TtU:vVxXYz")) != -1) {
X 	switch (c) {
X 	case '2':
X 	    debug_flags |= D_TRAPS2;
X@@ -551,6 +551,9 @@
X 	    break;
X 	case 'E':
X 	    debug_flags |= D_EXEC;
X+	    break;
X+	case 'F':
X+	    fossil = 1;
X 	    break;
X 	case 'G':
X 	    debug_flags |= D_VIDEO;
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.h ./doscmd.h
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.h	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./doscmd.h	Fri May  5 19:39:27 2006
X@@ -224,6 +224,9 @@
X extern int	search_floppy(int i);
X extern void	disk_bios_init(void);
X+/* int14.c */
X+extern int	fossil;
X /* int16.c */
X void	int16(regcontext_t *);
Xdiff -u /root/doscmd-20040330/int14.c ./int14.c
X--- /root/doscmd-20040330/int14.c	Fri May  5 19:34:31 2006
X+++ ./int14.c	Fri May  5 20:23:09 2006
X@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
X #include "AsyncIO.h"
X #include "com.h"
X+/* exports */
X+int fossil = 0;
X #define N_BYTES	1024
X struct com_data_struct {
X@@ -58,7 +61,9 @@
X 	int		ids;            /* input data size */
X 	int		ods;            /* output data size */
X 	int		emptyint;
X+	int		fossil_mode;	/* FOSSIL has been enabled */
X 	struct termios	tty;
X+	unsigned char	param;		/* Copy of init params */
X 	unsigned char	div_latch[2];	/* mirror of 16550 R0':R1'
X 					   read/write */
X 	unsigned char	int_enable;	/* mirror of 16550 R1 read/write */
X@@ -257,7 +262,7 @@
X     struct com_data_struct *cdsp;
X     int i;
X-    debug(D_PORT, "int14: dl = 0x%02X, al = 0x%02X.\n", R_DL, R_AL);
X+    debug(D_PORT, "int14: ah = 0x%02X, dl = 0x%02X, al = 0x%02X.\n", R_AH, R_DL, R_AL);
X     if (R_DL >= N_COMS_MAX) {
X 	if (vflag)
X 	    dump_regs(REGS);
X@@ -269,16 +274,31 @@
X     case 0x00:	/* Initialize Serial Port */
X 	com_set_line(cdsp, R_DL + 1, R_AL);
X 	R_AH = get_status(cdsp);
X-	R_AL = 0;
X+	if (cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    R_AL = 0x08;
X+	    R_AL |= 0x80;
X+	}
X+	else
X+	    R_AL = 0;
X 	break;
X     case 0x01:	/* Write Character */
X     	if (write_char(cdsp, R_AL)) {
X-		R_AH = get_status(cdsp);
X+	    R_AH = get_status(cdsp);
X+	    if (cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+		R_AL = 0x08;
X+		R_AL |= 0x80;
X+	    }
X+	    else
X 		R_AL = 0;
X 	} else {
X-		debug(D_PORT, "int14: lost output character 0x%02x\n", R_AL);
X+	    debug(D_PORT, "int14: lost output character 0x%02x\n", R_AL);
X+	    if (cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+		R_AL = 0x08;
X+		R_AL |= 0x80;
X+	    }
X+	    else
X 		R_AL = 0;
X 	}
X 	break;
X@@ -296,28 +316,193 @@
X     case 0x03:	/* Status Request */
X 	R_AH = get_status(cdsp);
X-	R_AL = 0;
X+	if (cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    R_AL = 0x08;
X+	    R_AL |= 0x80;
X+	}
X+	else
X+	    R_AL = 0;
X 	break;
X     case 0x04:	/* Extended Initialization */
X-	R_AX = (LS_SW_TIME_OUT) << 8;
X+	if (fossil) {
X+	    cdsp->fossil_mode = 1;
X+	    R_AX = 0x1954;
X+	    R_BL = 0x1b;	/* Max supported FOSSIL AH */
X+	    R_BH = 5;
X+	}
X+	else
X+	    R_AX = (LS_SW_TIME_OUT) << 8;
X 	break;
X-    case 0x05:	/* Modem Control Register operations */
X-	switch (R_AH) {
X-	case 0x00:	/* Read Modem Control Register */
X+    case 0x05:	/* Modem Control Register operations/FOSSIL deinit */
X+	if (fossil && cdsp->fossil_mode)
X+	    cdsp->fossil_mode = 0;
X+	else {
X+	    switch (R_AH) {
X+	    case 0x00:	/* Read Modem Control Register */
X 		R_AX = (LS_SW_TIME_OUT) << 8;
X 		break;
X-	case 0x01:	/* Write Modem Control Register */
X+	    case 0x01:	/* Write Modem Control Register */
X 		R_AX = (LS_SW_TIME_OUT) << 8;
X 		break;
X-	default:
X+	    default:
X 		unknown_int3(0x14, 0x05, R_AL, REGS);
X 		break;
X+	    }
X 	}
X 	break;
X+    case 0x06:	/* FOSSIL raise/lower DTR */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    switch (R_AL) {
X+	    case 0:
X+		ioctl(cdsp->fd, TIOCCDTR);
X+		break;
X+	    case 1:
X+		ioctl(cdsp->fd, TIOCSDTR);
X+		break;
X+	    }
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x08:	/* FOSSIL Flush output buffer */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    flush_out(cdsp);
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x09:	/* FOSSIL Purge output buffer */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    cdsp->ods = 0;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x0a:	/* FOSSIL Purge input buffer */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    cdsp->ids = 0;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x0b:	/* FOSSIL Transmit no wait */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    if (cdsp->ods < N_BYTES) {
X+		if (write_char(cdsp, R_AL))
X+		    R_AX = 1;
X+	        else
X+		    R_AX = 0;
X+	    }
X+	    else
X+		R_AX = 0;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x0c:	/* FOSSIL Non-destructive read-ahead */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    if(cdsp->ods) {
X+		R_AH = 0;
X+		R_AL = cdsp->inbuf[0];
X+	    } else
X+		R_AX = 0xffff;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x0f:	/* FOSSIL Set flow control */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    if(R_AL & 0x01)	/* Enable output Xon/Xoff */
X+		cdsp->tty.c_iflag |= IXON;
X+	    else
X+		cdsp->tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON);
X+	    if(R_AL & 0x02)	/* Enable CTR/RTS */
X+		cdsp->tty.c_cflag |= CCTS_OFLOW|CRTS_IFLOW;
X+	    else
X+		cdsp->tty.c_iflag &= ~(CCTS_OFLOW|CRTS_IFLOW);
X+	    if(R_AL & 0x08)	/* Enable input Xon/Xoff */
X+		cdsp->tty.c_iflag |= IXOFF;
X+	    else
X+		cdsp->tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXOFF);
X+	    tcsetattr(cdsp->fd, 0, &cdsp->tty);
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x18:	/* FOSSIL Read block */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    int rd = R_CX;
X+ 	    input(cdsp, 0);
X+	    if(rd > cdsp->ids)
X+		rd=cdsp->ids;
X+	    if(rd) {
X+		memmove((char *)MAKEPTR(R_ES, R_DI), cdsp->inbuf, rd);
X+		if(rd < cdsp->ids)
X+		    memmove(cdsp->inbuf, cdsp->inbuf + rd, N_BYTES - rd);
X+		cdsp->ids -= rd;
X+		R_AX = rd;
X+	    } else
X+		R_AX = 0;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x19:	/* FOSSIL Write block */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    int wr = R_CX;
X+	    if(wr > N_BYTES - cdsp->ods)
X+		wr=N_BYTES - cdsp->ods;
X+	    if(wr) {
X+		memcpy(cdsp->outbuf + cdsp->ods, (char *)MAKEPTR(R_ES, R_DI), wr);
X+		cdsp->ods += wr;
X+		output(cdsp);
X+		R_AX = wr;
X+	    } else
X+		R_AX = 0;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x1a:	/* FOSSIL Break begin/end */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    switch(R_AL) {
X+	    case 0:
X+		ioctl(cdsp->fd, TIOCCBRK);
X+		break;
X+	    case 1:
X+		ioctl(cdsp->fd, TIOCSBRK);
X+		break;
X+	    }
X+	    break;
X+	}
X+    case 0x1b:	/* FOSSIL Driver information */
X+	if(cdsp->fossil_mode) {
X+	    unsigned char *p;
X+	    int  bufpos=0;
X+	    int  info_size=19;
X+	    const char *id_string="doscmd FOSSIL";
X+	    p = (unsigned char *)MAKEPTR(R_ES, R_DI);
X+	    p[bufpos++]=info_size&0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=(info_size>>8)&0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=5;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=0;
X+	    PUTVEC(*(u_short *)p, *(ushort *)(p + sizeof(u_short)), (u_long)id_string);
X+	    bufpos+=sizeof(u_short)*2;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=N_BYTES & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=(N_BYTES>>8) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=(N_BYTES - cdsp->ids) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=((N_BYTES - cdsp->ids) >> 8) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=N_BYTES & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=(N_BYTES>>8) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=(N_BYTES - cdsp->ods) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=((N_BYTES - cdsp->ods) >> 8) & 0xff;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=80;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=25;
X+	    p[bufpos++]=cdsp->param & BITRATE_9600;
X+	    break;
X+	}
X     default:
X 	unknown_int2(0x14, R_AH, REGS);
X 	break;
X@@ -353,6 +538,7 @@
X 	      port, cdsp->path);
X 	return;
X     }
X+    cdsp->param = param;
X     cdsp->ids = cdsp->ods = cdsp->emptyint = 0;
X     cdsp->int_enable = 0;
X@@ -402,12 +588,24 @@
X     }
X     switch (param & BITRATE_9600) {
X     case BITRATE_110:
X-	speed = B110;
X-	spd = 110;
X+	if (fossil) {
X+	    speed = B19200;
X+	    spd = 19200;
X+	}
X+	else {
X+	    speed = B110;
X+	    spd = 110;
X+	}
X 	break;
X     case BITRATE_150:
X-	speed = B150;
X-	spd = 150;
X+	if (fossil) {
X+	    speed = B38400;
X+	    spd = 38400;
X+	}
X+	else {
X+	    speed = B150;
X+	    spd = 150;
X+	}
X 	break;
X     case BITRATE_300:
X 	speed = B300;
echo x - files/patch-quietmode
sed 's/^X//' >files/patch-quietmode << 'END-of-files/patch-quietmode'
Xdiff -u ./debug.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/debug.c
X--- ./debug.c	Mon Mar 29 16:00:00 2004
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/debug.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
X     dead = 1;
X-    if (xmode) {
X+    if (xmode && !quietmode) {
X 	char buf[1024];
X 	const char *m;
Xdiff -u ./dos.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/dos.c
X--- ./dos.c	Mon Mar 29 16:00:00 2004
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/dos.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -625,9 +625,12 @@
X {
X     int		n;
X-    /* XXX this is pretty bogus, actually */
X-    if (!xmode) {
X-	R_AL = 0xff;		/* no X mode, always claim data available */
X+    if (quietmode && !xmode) {
X+	const struct timespec rqtp={0,1};
X+	/* In case of camping */
X+	nanosleep(&rqtp, NULL);
X+	R_AL = 0;
X 	return(0);
X     }
X     /* XXX tty_peek is broken */
Xdiff -u ./doscmd.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.c
X--- ./doscmd.c	Wed May  3 14:06:55 2006
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
X int		capture_fd = -1;
X int		dead = 0;
X int		xmode = 0;
X+int		quietmode = 0;
X int		booting = 0;
X int		raw_kbd = 0;
X int		timer_disable = 0;
X@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@
X     kbd_init();
X     kbd_bios_init();
X     video_init();
X-    if (xmode)
X+    if (xmode || quietmode)
X 	mouse_init();
X     video_bios_init();
X     disk_bios_init();
X@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@
X     FILE	*fp;
X     char 	*col;
X-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "234AbCc:Dd:EFGHIi:kLMOo:Pp:RrS:TtU:vVxXYz")) != -1) {
X+    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "234AbCc:Dd:EFGHIi:kLMOo:PpQ:RrS:TtU:vVxXYz")) != -1) {
X 	switch (c) {
X 	case '2':
X 	    debug_flags |= D_TRAPS2;
X@@ -620,6 +621,9 @@
X 		define_output_port_handler(p++, outb_port);
X 	    }
X 	    break;
X+	case 'Q':
X+	    quietmode = 1;
X+	    break;
X 	case 'R':
X 	    debug_flags |= D_REDIR;
X 	    break;
X@@ -826,7 +830,7 @@
X done(regcontext_t *REGS, int val)
X {
X     if (curpsp < 2) {
X-	if (xmode) {
X+	if (xmode && !quietmode) {
X 	    const char *m;
X 	    tty_move(24, 0);
X@@ -861,7 +865,7 @@
X 	coq = coq->next;
X 	c->func(c->arg);
X     }
X-    if (!xmode)		/* XXX not for bootmode */
X+    if (!(xmode || quietmode))		/* XXX not for bootmode */
X 	puts("\n");
X     exit(status);
X }
Xdiff -u ./doscmd.h /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.h
X--- ./doscmd.h	Wed May  3 14:06:55 2006
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/doscmd.h	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@
X extern int		capture_fd;
X extern int		dead;
X extern int		xmode;
X+extern int		quietmode;
X extern int		booting;
X extern int		raw_kbd;
X extern int		timer_disable;
Xdiff -u ./int10.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/int10.c
X--- ./int10.c	Mon Mar 29 16:00:00 2004
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/int10.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
X 	switch (R_AH) {
X 	case 0x00:		/* Set display mode */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		init_mode(R_AL);
X 		break;
X@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
X 		break;
X 	}
X 	case 0x02:		/* Position cursor */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		tty_move(R_DH, R_DL);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x03:		/* Read cursor position */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		tty_report(&i, &j);
X 		R_DH = i;
X@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
X 		debug(D_VIDEO, "Select current display page %d\n", R_AL);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x06:		/* initialize window/scroll text upward */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		if (R_AL == 0)		/* clear screen */
X 			R_AL = DpyRows + 1;
X@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
X 		    R_AL, R_BH << 8);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x07:		/* initialize window/scroll text downward */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		if (R_AL == 0)		/* clear screen */
X 			R_AL = DpyRows + 1;
X@@ -129,24 +129,24 @@
X 		    R_AL, R_BH << 8);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x08:		/* read character/attribute */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		i = tty_char(-1, -1);
X 		R_AX = i;
X 		break;
X 	case 0x09:		/* write character/attribute */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		tty_rwrite(R_CX, R_AL, R_BL << 8);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x0a:		/* write character */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		debug(D_HALF, "Int 10:0a: Write char: %02x\n", R_AL);
X 		tty_rwrite(R_CX, R_AL, -1);
X 		break;
X 	case 0x0b:		/* set border color */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		video_setborder(R_BL);
X 		break;
X@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
X 		R_BH = 0;/*ActivePage *//* display page */
X 		break;
X 	case 0x10:
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		switch (R_AL) {
X 		case 0x00:		/* Set single palette register */
X@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
X 		}
X 		break;
X 	case 0x12:		/* Alternate function select */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		switch (R_BL) {
X 		case 0x10:	/* Read EGA/VGA config */
X@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
X 		}
X 		break;
X 	case 0x13: /* write character string */
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X                 addr = (char *)MAKEPTR(R_ES, R_BP);
X 		switch (R_AL & 0x03) {
X@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
X 		}
X 		break;
X 	case 0x1a:
X-		if (!xmode)
X+		if (!(xmode || quietmode))
X 			goto unsupported;
X 		R_AL = 0x1a;		/* I am VGA */
X 		R_BL = 8;		/* Color VGA */
Xdiff -u ./int16.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/int16.c
X--- ./int16.c	Mon Mar 29 16:00:00 2004
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/int16.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
X void
X int16(regcontext_t *REGS)
X {               
X-    if (!xmode && !raw_kbd) {
X+    if (!(xmode || raw_kbd || quietmode)) {
X 	if (vflag) dump_regs(REGS);
X 	fatal ("int16 func 0x%x only supported in X mode\n", R_AH);
X     }
Xdiff -u ./tty.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/tty.c
X--- ./tty.c	Wed May  3 14:06:55 2006
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/tty.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
X __FBSDID("$FreeBSD: projects/doscmd/tty.c,v 1.25 2002/04/12 21:18:05 charnier Exp $");
X #include <sys/ioctl.h>
X+#include <sys/select.h>
X #include <sys/time.h>
X #include <sys/types.h>
X #include <sys/mman.h>
X@@ -1471,7 +1472,8 @@
X {
X     	if (attr == TTYF_REDIRECT) {
X 		if (redirect1) {
X-		    write(1, &c, 1);
X+		    if(!quietmode)
X+			write(1, &c, 1);
X 		    return;
X 		}
X 		attr = -1;
X@@ -1487,8 +1489,10 @@
X #ifndef NO_X
X 			XBell(dpy, 0);
X #endif
X-		} else
X+		} else {
X+		    if(!quietmode)
X 			write(1, "\007", 1);
X+		}
X 		break;
X 	case 0x08:
X 		if (row > (height - 1) || col > width)
X@@ -1658,20 +1662,14 @@
X {
X     int r;
X+    if(quietmode && !xmode)
X+	return(0);
X     if ((r = nextchar) != 0) {
X 	nextchar = 0;
X 	return(r & 0xff);
X     }
X-    if ((flag & TTYF_REDIRECT) && redirect0) {
X-	char c;
X-    	if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) != 1)
X-	    return(-1);
X-	if (c == '\n')
X-	    c = '\r';
X-	return(c);
X-    }
X     if (KbdEmpty()) {
X 	if (flag & TTYF_BLOCK) {
X 	    while (KbdEmpty())
X@@ -1858,6 +1856,22 @@
X int
X KbdEmpty()
X {
X+	if(!xmode) {
X+	    fd_set rd;
X+	    struct timeval tv;
X+	    FD_ZERO(&rd);
X+	    tv.tv_sec=0;
X+	    tv.tv_usec=0;
X+	    if(select(STDIN_FILENO+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, &tv)==1) {
X+		char ch=0;
X+		read(STDIN_FILENO, &ch, 1);
X+		if(ch == '\n')
X+			ch = '\r';
X+		KbdWrite(ch);
X+	    }
X+	}
X 	return(K_NEXT == K_FREE);
X }
Xdiff -u ./video.c /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/video.c
X--- ./video.c	Wed May  3 14:06:55 2006
X+++ /home/admin/doscmd.working/doscmd-20040330/video.c	Wed May  3 13:58:35 2006
X@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@
X 	define_output_port_handler(GDC_DataPort, video_outb);
X     }
X-    redirect0 = isatty(0) == 0 || !xmode ;
X-    redirect1 = isatty(1) == 0 || !xmode ;
X-    redirect2 = isatty(2) == 0 || !xmode ;
X+    redirect0 = isatty(0) == 0 || !(xmode || quietmode);
X+    redirect1 = isatty(1) == 0 || !(xmode || quietmode);
X+    redirect2 = isatty(2) == 0 || !(xmode || quietmode);
X     return;
X }


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