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Date:      Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:54:39 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Jan Beich <>
Subject:   svn commit: r465859 - in branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox: . files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: jbeich
Date: Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018
New Revision: 465859

  MFH: r465858
  www/waterfox: apply some FF60 fixes
  Approved by:	ports-secteam blanket

     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1340039
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1402380
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1409440
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1416045
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1433609
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1441941
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1443092
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1444231
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1448136
     - copied unchanged from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-servo19654
Directory Properties:
  branches/2018Q1/   (props changed)

Modified: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/Makefile
--- branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/Makefile	Thu Mar 29 00:53:36 2018	(r465858)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/Makefile	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	waterfox
 CATEGORIES=	www ipv6

Copied: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1340039 (from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1340039)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1340039	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859, copy of r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1340039)
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+commit 753d522440f6
+Author: Hector Zhao <>
+Date:   Wed Mar 14 16:44:36 2018 +0800
+    Bug 1340039 - Set contentPolicyType when copying image, and pass it between processes. r=smaug, a=jcristau
+    MozReview-Commit-ID: CJj1a1Lj699
+    --HG--
+    extra : source : 445ec9da938f984a6fe2fe163c7f3d7be4710a77
+ dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp      | 2 ++
+ dom/base/nsContentUtils.h        | 1 +
+ dom/base/nsCopySupport.cpp       | 1 +
+ dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp | 5 ++++-
+ dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp        | 2 ++
+ dom/ipc/ContentParent.h          | 1 +
+ dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl            | 3 ++-
+ dom/ipc/PContent.ipdl            | 1 +
+ dom/ipc/TabChild.cpp             | 4 +++-
+ dom/ipc/TabChild.h               | 3 ++-
+ dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp            | 6 ++++--
+ dom/ipc/TabParent.h              | 3 ++-
+ widget/nsClipboardProxy.cpp      | 5 ++++-
+ 13 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp
+index fe773465faba..63e1ac06bf2d 100644
+--- dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp
++++ dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp
+@@ -7986,6 +7986,7 @@ nsresult
+ nsContentUtils::IPCTransferableToTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                               const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+                                               nsIPrincipal* aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                              const nsContentPolicyType& aContentPolicyType,
+                                               nsITransferable* aTransferable,
+                                               mozilla::dom::nsIContentParent* aContentParent,
+                                               mozilla::dom::TabChild* aTabChild)
+@@ -8051,6 +8052,7 @@ nsContentUtils::IPCTransferableToTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransf
+   aTransferable->SetIsPrivateData(aIsPrivateData);
+   aTransferable->SetRequestingPrincipal(aRequestingPrincipal);
++  aTransferable->SetContentPolicyType(aContentPolicyType);
+   return NS_OK;
+ }
+diff --git dom/base/nsContentUtils.h dom/base/nsContentUtils.h
+index 356d3841b9e9..9ef79a569ea3 100644
+--- dom/base/nsContentUtils.h
++++ dom/base/nsContentUtils.h
+@@ -2845,6 +2845,7 @@ public:
+   static nsresult IPCTransferableToTransferable(const mozilla::dom::IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                                 const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+                                                 nsIPrincipal* aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                                const nsContentPolicyType& aContentPolicyType,
+                                                 nsITransferable* aTransferable,
+                                                 mozilla::dom::nsIContentParent* aContentParent,
+                                                 mozilla::dom::TabChild* aTabChild);
+diff --git dom/base/nsCopySupport.cpp dom/base/nsCopySupport.cpp
+index 0f680c21c126..5e2d4065b3b7 100644
+--- dom/base/nsCopySupport.cpp
++++ dom/base/nsCopySupport.cpp
+@@ -680,6 +680,7 @@ static nsresult AppendImagePromise(nsITransferable* aTransferable,
+   NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
+   aTransferable->SetRequestingPrincipal(node->NodePrincipal());
++  aTransferable->SetContentPolicyType(nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE);
+   // add the dataless file promise flavor
+   return aTransferable->AddDataFlavor(kFilePromiseMime);
+diff --git dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp
+index 4423e3aecc5e..bdc1bb6e50c9 100644
+--- dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp
++++ dom/events/EventStateManager.cpp
+@@ -5469,8 +5469,11 @@ EventStateManager::DoContentCommandEvent(WidgetContentCommandEvent* aEvent)
+             transferable->GetIsPrivateData(&isPrivateData);
+             nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> requestingPrincipal;
+             transferable->GetRequestingPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(requestingPrincipal));
++            nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER;
++            transferable->GetContentPolicyType(&contentPolicyType);
+             remote->SendPasteTransferable(ipcDataTransfer, isPrivateData,
+-                                          IPC::Principal(requestingPrincipal));
++                                          IPC::Principal(requestingPrincipal),
++                                          contentPolicyType);
+             rv = NS_OK;
+           } else {
+             nsCOMPtr<nsICommandController> commandController = do_QueryInterface(controller);
+diff --git dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp
+index e27f3eedc1b1..3c3d2fbc3735 100644
+--- dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp
++++ dom/ipc/ContentParent.cpp
+@@ -2605,6 +2605,7 @@ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
+ ContentParent::RecvSetClipboard(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                 const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+                                 const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType,
+                                 const int32_t& aWhichClipboard)
+ {
+   nsresult rv;
+@@ -2619,6 +2620,7 @@ ContentParent::RecvSetClipboard(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+   rv = nsContentUtils::IPCTransferableToTransferable(aDataTransfer,
+                                                      aIsPrivateData,
+                                                      aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                                     aContentPolicyType,
+                                                      trans, this, nullptr);
+diff --git dom/ipc/ContentParent.h dom/ipc/ContentParent.h
+index 1977cfbfd651..a1311bd39403 100644
+--- dom/ipc/ContentParent.h
++++ dom/ipc/ContentParent.h
+@@ -976,6 +976,7 @@ private:
+   virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetClipboard(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                                    const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+                                                    const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                                   const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType,
+                                                    const int32_t& aWhichClipboard) override;
+   virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetClipboard(nsTArray<nsCString>&& aTypes,
+diff --git dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
+index 3a7b21271fec..b1cf9efbe964 100644
+--- dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
++++ dom/ipc/PBrowser.ipdl
+@@ -720,7 +720,8 @@ child:
+      */
+     async PasteTransferable(IPCDataTransfer aDataTransfer,
+                             bool aIsPrivateData,
+-                            Principal aRequestingPrincipal);
++                            Principal aRequestingPrincipal,
++                            uint32_t aContentPolicyType);
+     /**
+      * Activate event forwarding from client to parent.
+diff --git dom/ipc/PContent.ipdl dom/ipc/PContent.ipdl
+index 7e33b2920cbe..4ab9da3cc105 100644
+--- dom/ipc/PContent.ipdl
++++ dom/ipc/PContent.ipdl
+@@ -837,6 +837,7 @@ parent:
+     async SetClipboard(IPCDataTransfer aDataTransfer,
+                        bool aIsPrivateData,
+                        Principal aRequestingPrincipal,
++                       uint32_t aContentPolicyType,
+                        int32_t aWhichClipboard);
+     // Given a list of supported types, returns the clipboard data for the
+diff --git dom/ipc/TabChild.cpp dom/ipc/TabChild.cpp
+index 50725636d280..72df59ea98c0 100644
+--- dom/ipc/TabChild.cpp
++++ dom/ipc/TabChild.cpp
+@@ -2164,7 +2164,8 @@ TabChild::RecvNormalPrioritySelectionEvent(const WidgetSelectionEvent& aEvent)
+ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
+ TabChild::RecvPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                 const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+-                                const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal)
++                                const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType)
+ {
+   nsresult rv;
+   nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> trans =
+@@ -2175,6 +2176,7 @@ TabChild::RecvPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+   rv = nsContentUtils::IPCTransferableToTransferable(aDataTransfer,
+                                                      aIsPrivateData,
+                                                      aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                                     aContentPolicyType,
+                                                      trans, nullptr, this);
+diff --git dom/ipc/TabChild.h dom/ipc/TabChild.h
+index f18906568c1c..48bd8e9eb86e 100644
+--- dom/ipc/TabChild.h
++++ dom/ipc/TabChild.h
+@@ -454,7 +454,8 @@ public:
+   virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
+   RecvPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                         const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+-                        const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal) override;
++                        const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                        const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType) override;
+   virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult
+   RecvActivateFrameEvent(const nsString& aType, const bool& aCapture) override;
+diff --git dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp
+index d4e3d11ea2e9..ae43c24e8891 100644
+--- dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp
++++ dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp
+@@ -2312,11 +2312,13 @@ TabParent::SendSelectionEvent(WidgetSelectionEvent& aEvent)
+ bool
+ TabParent::SendPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                                  const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+-                                 const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal)
++                                 const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                 const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType)
+ {
+   return PBrowserParent::SendPasteTransferable(aDataTransfer,
+                                                aIsPrivateData,
+-                                               aRequestingPrincipal);
++                                               aRequestingPrincipal,
++                                               aContentPolicyType);
+ }
+ /*static*/ TabParent*
+diff --git dom/ipc/TabParent.h dom/ipc/TabParent.h
+index c31827499403..e3c2601ce0b4 100644
+--- dom/ipc/TabParent.h
++++ dom/ipc/TabParent.h
+@@ -497,7 +497,8 @@ public:
+   bool SendPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+                              const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+-                             const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal);
++                             const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal,
++                             const uint32_t& aContentPolicyType);
+   static TabParent* GetFrom(nsFrameLoader* aFrameLoader);
+diff --git widget/nsClipboardProxy.cpp widget/nsClipboardProxy.cpp
+index f7d863475b13..4fb90721c0b6 100644
+--- widget/nsClipboardProxy.cpp
++++ widget/nsClipboardProxy.cpp
+@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ nsClipboardProxy::SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable,
+   aTransferable->GetIsPrivateData(&isPrivateData);
+   nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> requestingPrincipal;
+   aTransferable->GetRequestingPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(requestingPrincipal));
++  nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER;
++  aTransferable->GetContentPolicyType(&contentPolicyType);
+   child->SendSetClipboard(ipcDataTransfer, isPrivateData,
+-                          IPC::Principal(requestingPrincipal), aWhichClipboard);
++                          IPC::Principal(requestingPrincipal),
++                          contentPolicyType, aWhichClipboard);
+   return NS_OK;
+ }

Copied: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1402380 (from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1402380)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1402380	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859, copy of r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1402380)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+commit fb06fdcf7d66
+Author: Tooru Fujisawa <>
+Date:   Sun Mar 25 17:23:48 2018 +0900
+    Bug 1402380 - Set text/x-moz-url flavor of data transfer for places container with URLs inside it. r=enndeakin, a=jcristau
+    --HG--
+    extra : source : e4cc022b417a1268fa063fe054aa79f3c141c2e2
+ .../components/places/tests/browser/browser.ini    |  1 +
+ .../tests/browser/browser_drag_folder_on_newTab.js | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js   | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm          | 11 ++-
+ 4 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser.ini browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser.ini
+index 64b7782c5f83..33c4cf5cc416 100644
+--- browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser.ini
++++ browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser.ini
+@@ -63,3 +63,4 @@ support-files =
+ support-files =
+   bookmark_dummy_1.html
+   bookmark_dummy_2.html
+diff --git browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_drag_folder_on_newTab.js browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_drag_folder_on_newTab.js
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000000..00646fff18b4
+--- /dev/null
++++ browser/components/places/tests/browser/browser_drag_folder_on_newTab.js
+@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
++/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
++ * */
++"use strict";
++add_task(async function setup() {
++  let toolbar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar");
++  let wasCollapsed = toolbar.collapsed;
++  // Uncollapse the personal toolbar if needed.
++  if (wasCollapsed) {
++    await promiseSetToolbarVisibility(toolbar, true);
++  }
++  // Clean before and after so we don't have anything in the folders.
++  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
++  registerCleanupFunction(async function() {
++    // Collapse the personal toolbar if needed.
++    if (wasCollapsed) {
++      await promiseSetToolbarVisibility(toolbar, false);
++    }
++    await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
++  });
++const TEST_FOLDER_NAME = "Test folder";
++add_task(async function test_change_location_from_Toolbar() {
++  let newTabButton = document.getElementById("new-tab-button");
++  let children = [
++    {
++      title: "first",
++      url: "http://www.mochi.test/first"
++    },
++    {
++      title: "second",
++      url: "http://www.mochi.test/second"
++    },
++    {
++      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
++    },
++    {
++      title: "third",
++      url: "http://www.mochi.test/third"
++    },
++  ];
++  let guid = PlacesUtils.history.makeGuid();
++  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
++    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
++    children: [
++      {
++        guid,
++        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
++        title: TEST_FOLDER_NAME,
++        children,
++      },
++    ],
++  });
++  let folder = getToolbarNodeForItemGuid(guid);
++  let loadedPromises = children.filter(item => "url" in item).map(
++    item => BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, item.url, false, true));
++  let srcX = 10, srcY = 10;
++  // We should drag upwards, since dragging downwards opens menu instead.
++  let stepX = 0, stepY = -5;
++  // We need to dispatch mousemove before dragging, to populate
++  // PlacesToolbar._cachedMouseMoveEvent, with the cursor position after the
++  // first step, so that the places code detects it as dragging upward.
++  EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(folder, srcX + stepX, srcY + stepY,
++                             { type: "mousemove" });
++  await EventUtils.synthesizePlainDragAndDrop({
++    srcElement: folder,
++    destElement: newTabButton,
++    srcX,
++    srcY,
++    stepX,
++    stepY,
++  });
++  let tabs = await Promise.all(loadedPromises);
++  for (let tab of tabs) {
++    BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
++  }
++  ok(true);
+diff --git testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js
+index cad43966d91d..907cf60dc254 100644
+--- testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js
++++ testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+  *  synthesizeMouseExpectEvent
+  *  synthesizeKeyExpectEvent
+  *  synthesizeNativeOSXClick
++ *  synthesizePlainDragAndDrop
+  *
+  *  When adding methods to this file, please add a performance test for it.
+  */
+@@ -2161,6 +2162,91 @@ function synthesizeDrop(aSrcElement, aDestElement, aDragData, aDropEffect, aWind
+   }
+ }
++ * Emulate a drag and drop by emulating a dragstart by mousedown and mousemove,
++ * and firing events dragenter, dragover, drop, and mouseup.
++ * This does not modify dataTransfer and tries to emulate the plain drag and
++ * drop as much as possible, compared to synthesizeDrop.
++ *
++ * @param aParams
++ *        {
++ *          srcElement:   The element to start dragging
++ *          destElement:  The element to drop on
++ *          srcX:         The initial x coordinate inside srcElement
++ *          srcY:         The initial y coordinate inside srcElement
++ *          stepX:        The x-axis step for mousemove inside srcElement
++ *          stepY:        The y-axis step for mousemove inside srcElement
++ *          destX:        The x coordinate inside destElement
++ *          destY:        The x coordinate inside destElement
++ *          srcWindow:    The window for dispatching event on srcElement,
++ *                        defaults to the current window object
++ *          destWindow:   The window for dispatching event on destElement,
++ *                        defaults to the current window object
++ *        }
++ */
++async function synthesizePlainDragAndDrop(aParams)
++  let {
++    srcElement,
++    destElement,
++    srcX = 2,
++    srcY = 2,
++    stepX = 9,
++    stepY = 9,
++    destX = 2,
++    destY = 2,
++    srcWindow = window,
++    destWindow = window,
++  } = aParams;
++  const ds = _EU_Cc[";1"]
++        .getService(_EU_Ci.nsIDragService);
++  ds.startDragSession();
++  try {
++    let dataTransfer = null;
++    function trapDrag(aEvent) {
++      dataTransfer = aEvent.dataTransfer;
++    }
++    srcElement.addEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, true);
++    synthesizeMouse(srcElement, srcX, srcY, { type: "mousedown" }, srcWindow);
++    // Wait for the next event tick after each event dispatch, so that UI elements
++    // (e.g. menu) work like the real user input.
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    srcX += stepX; srcY += stepY;
++    synthesizeMouse(srcElement, srcX, srcY, { type: "mousemove" }, srcWindow);
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    srcX += stepX; srcY += stepY;
++    synthesizeMouse(srcElement, srcX, srcY, { type: "mousemove" }, srcWindow);
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    srcElement.removeEventListener("dragstart", trapDrag, true);
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    let event = createDragEventObject("dragover", destElement, destWindow,
++                                      dataTransfer, {});
++    sendDragEvent(event, destElement, destWindow);
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    event = createDragEventObject("drop", destElement, destWindow,
++                                  dataTransfer, {});
++    sendDragEvent(event, destElement, destWindow);
++    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0));
++    synthesizeMouseAtCenter(destElement, { type: "mouseup" }, destWindow);
++  } finally {
++    ds.endDragSession(true, 0);
++  }
+ var PluginUtils =
+ {
+   withTestPlugin : function(callback)
+diff --git toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm
+index f6315f68eb4c..5aebe0496ee8 100644
+--- toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm
++++ toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm
+@@ -896,6 +896,11 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
+       case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL: {
+         if (aFeedURI || PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI(aNode))
+           return (aFeedURI || aNode.uri) + NEWLINE + aNode.title;
++        if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(aNode)) {
++          return PlacesUtils.getURLsForContainerNode(aNode)
++            .map(item => item.uri + "\n" + item.title)
++            .join("\n");
++        }
+         return "";
+       }
+       case this.TYPE_HTML: {
+@@ -1491,7 +1496,11 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
+     for (let i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) {
+       let child = root.getChild(i);
+       if (this.nodeIsURI(child))
+-        urls.push({uri: child.uri, isBookmark: this.nodeIsBookmark(child)});
++        urls.push({
++          uri: child.uri,
++          isBookmark: this.nodeIsBookmark(child),
++          title: child.title,
++        });
+     }
+     if (!wasOpen) {

Copied: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1409440 (from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1409440)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1409440	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859, copy of r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1409440)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+commit 362d0bb251e6
+Author: Andrew Osmond <>
+Date:   Tue Mar 27 09:01:14 2018 -0400
+    Bug 1409440. r=tnikkel, a=RyanVM
+    --HG--
+    extra : source : 52c14d32d9812951c12d92b2594056fc15c5de80
+ image/Downscaler.cpp      | 14 ++++++++++----
+ image/DownscalingFilter.h | 14 ++++++++++----
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git image/Downscaler.cpp image/Downscaler.cpp
+index 475d18319a19..f97d067720b6 100644
+--- image/Downscaler.cpp
++++ image/Downscaler.cpp
+@@ -195,13 +195,14 @@ Downscaler::CommitRow()
+     int32_t inLineToRead = filterOffset + mLinesInBuffer;
+     MOZ_ASSERT(mCurrentInLine <= inLineToRead, "Reading past end of input");
+     if (mCurrentInLine == inLineToRead) {
++      MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mLinesInBuffer < mWindowCapacity, "Need more rows than capacity!");
+       mXFilter.ConvolveHorizontally(mRowBuffer.get(), mWindow[mLinesInBuffer++], mHasAlpha);
+     }
+     MOZ_ASSERT(mCurrentOutLine < mTargetSize.height,
+                "Writing past end of output");
+-    while (mLinesInBuffer == filterLength) {
++    while (mLinesInBuffer >= filterLength) {
+       DownscaleInputLine();
+       if (mCurrentOutLine == mTargetSize.height) {
+@@ -297,9 +298,14 @@ Downscaler::DownscaleInputLine()
+   // Shift the buffer. We're just moving pointers here, so this is cheap.
+   mLinesInBuffer -= diff;
+-  mLinesInBuffer = max(mLinesInBuffer, 0);
+-  for (int32_t i = 0; i < mLinesInBuffer; ++i) {
+-    swap(mWindow[i], mWindow[filterLength - mLinesInBuffer + i]);
++  mLinesInBuffer = min(max(mLinesInBuffer, 0), mWindowCapacity);
++  // If we already have enough rows to satisfy the filter, there is no need
++  // to swap as we won't be writing more before the next convolution.
++  if (filterLength > mLinesInBuffer) {
++    for (int32_t i = 0; i < mLinesInBuffer; ++i) {
++      swap(mWindow[i], mWindow[filterLength - mLinesInBuffer + i]);
++    }
+   }
+ }
+diff --git image/DownscalingFilter.h image/DownscalingFilter.h
+index 6f516d0e0d90..764aade2e63b 100644
+--- image/DownscalingFilter.h
++++ image/DownscalingFilter.h
+@@ -232,13 +232,14 @@ protected:
+     int32_t inputRowToRead = filterOffset + mRowsInWindow;
+     MOZ_ASSERT(mInputRow <= inputRowToRead, "Reading past end of input");
+     if (mInputRow == inputRowToRead) {
++      MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mRowsInWindow < mWindowCapacity, "Need more rows than capacity!");
+       mXFilter.ConvolveHorizontally(mRowBuffer.get(), mWindow[mRowsInWindow++], mHasAlpha);
+     }
+     MOZ_ASSERT(mOutputRow < mNext.InputSize().height,
+                "Writing past end of output");
+-    while (mRowsInWindow == filterLength) {
++    while (mRowsInWindow >= filterLength) {
+       DownscaleInputRow();
+       if (mOutputRow == mNext.InputSize().height) {
+@@ -297,9 +298,14 @@ private:
+     // Shift the buffer. We're just moving pointers here, so this is cheap.
+     mRowsInWindow -= diff;
+-    mRowsInWindow = std::max(mRowsInWindow, 0);
+-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < mRowsInWindow; ++i) {
+-      std::swap(mWindow[i], mWindow[filterLength - mRowsInWindow + i]);
++    mRowsInWindow = std::min(std::max(mRowsInWindow, 0), mWindowCapacity);
++    // If we already have enough rows to satisfy the filter, there is no need
++    // to swap as we won't be writing more before the next convolution.
++    if (filterLength > mRowsInWindow) {
++      for (int32_t i = 0; i < mRowsInWindow; ++i) {
++        std::swap(mWindow[i], mWindow[filterLength - mRowsInWindow + i]);
++      }
+     }
+   }

Copied: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1416045 (from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1416045)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1416045	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859, copy of r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1416045)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+commit 5d7b84950d03
+Author: vinoth <>
+Date:   Thu Mar 22 21:02:16 2018 +0200
+    Bug 1416045. r=mayhemer, a=RyanVM
+    Reviewers: mayhemer
+    Reviewed By: mayhemer
+    Subscribers: freddyb, dveditz, mayhemer, ckerschb, vinoth
+    Tags: PHID-PROJ-wkydohdk6pajyfn2llkb
+    Bug #: 1416045
+    Differential Revision:
+    --HG--
+    extra : source : a0a2092724797e534549cc2d80dc9c423bfaf43d
+    extra : amend_source : f1ddea498e322b79b6d1b9af45c7e04832f43ed1
+ .../test/csp/file_multipart_testserver.sjs         | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++-
+ dom/security/test/csp/test_multipartchannel.html   |  42 +++++++-
+ netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp |  36 +++++++
+ netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.h   |   3 +
+ 4 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git dom/security/test/csp/file_multipart_testserver.sjs dom/security/test/csp/file_multipart_testserver.sjs
+index d2eb58c82b52..3934df0a9572 100644
+--- dom/security/test/csp/file_multipart_testserver.sjs
++++ dom/security/test/csp/file_multipart_testserver.sjs
+@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+ // SJS file specifically for the needs of bug
+-// Bug 1223743 - CSP: Check baseChannel for CSP when loading multipart channel
++// Bug 1416045/Bug 1223743 - CSP: Check baseChannel for CSP when loading multipart channel
+ var CSP = "script-src 'unsafe-inline', img-src 'none'";
+-var BOUNDARY = "fooboundary"
++var rootCSP = "script-src 'unsafe-inline'";
++var part1CSP = "img-src *";
++var part2CSP = "img-src 'none'";
++var BOUNDARY = "fooboundary";
+ // small red image
+ const IMG_BYTES = atob(
+@@ -14,16 +17,72 @@ var RESPONSE = `
+   var myImg = new Image;
+   myImg.src = "file_multipart_testserver.sjs?img";
+   myImg.onerror = function(e) {
+-    window.parent.postMessage("img-blocked", "*");
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "rootCSP_test",
++                               "msg": "img-blocked"}, "*");
+   };
+   myImg.onload = function() {
+-    window.parent.postMessage("img-loaded", "*");
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "rootCSP_test",
++                               "msg": "img-loaded"}, "*");
+   };
+   document.body.appendChild(myImg);
+   </script>
+ `;
+-var myTimer;
++var RESPONSE1 = `
++  <body>
++  <script>
++  var triggerNextPartFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
++  var myImg = new Image;
++  myImg.src = "file_multipart_testserver.sjs?img";
++  myImg.onerror = function(e) {
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "part1CSP_test",
++                               "msg": "part1-img-blocked"}, "*");
++    triggerNextPartFrame.src = 'file_multipart_testserver.sjs?sendnextpart';
++  };
++  myImg.onload = function() {
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "part1CSP_test",
++                               "msg": "part1-img-loaded"}, "*");
++    triggerNextPartFrame.src = 'file_multipart_testserver.sjs?sendnextpart';
++  };
++  document.body.appendChild(myImg);
++  document.body.appendChild(triggerNextPartFrame);
++  </script>
++  </body>
++var RESPONSE2 = `
++  <body>
++  <script>
++  var myImg = new Image;
++  myImg.src = "file_multipart_testserver.sjs?img";
++  myImg.onerror = function(e) {
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "part2CSP_test",
++                               "msg": "part2-img-blocked"}, "*");
++  };
++  myImg.onload = function() {
++    window.parent.postMessage({"test": "part2CSP_test",
++                               "msg": "part2-img-loaded"}, "*");
++  };
++  document.body.appendChild(myImg);
++  </script>
++  </body>
++function setGlobalState(data, key)
++  x = { data: data, QueryInterface: function(iid) { return this } };
++  x.wrappedJSObject = x;
++  setObjectState(key, x);
++function getGlobalState(key)
++  var data;
++  getObjectState(key, function(x) {
++    data = x &&;
++  });
++  return data;
+ function handleRequest(request, response)
+ {
+@@ -39,6 +98,29 @@ function handleRequest(request, response)
+     return;
+   }
++  if (request.queryString == "partcspdoc") {
++    response.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", rootCSP, false);
++    response.setHeader("Content-Type",
++                       "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=" + BOUNDARY, false);
++    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
++    response.processAsync();
++    response.write("--"+BOUNDARY+"\r\n");
++    sendNextPart(response, 1);
++    return;
++  }
++  if (request.queryString == "sendnextpart") {
++    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 204, "No content");
++    var blockedResponse = getGlobalState("root-document-response");
++    if (typeof blockedResponse == "object") {
++      sendNextPart(blockedResponse, 2);
++      sendClose(blockedResponse);
++    } else {
++      dump("Couldn't find the stored response object.");
++    }
++    return;
++  }
+   if (request.queryString == "img") {
+     response.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/png");
+     response.write(IMG_BYTES);
+@@ -48,3 +130,21 @@ function handleRequest(request, response)
+   // we should never get here - return something unexpected
+   response.write("d'oh");
+ }
++function sendClose(response) {
++  response.write("--"+BOUNDARY+"--\r\n");
++  response.finish();
++function sendNextPart(response, partNumber) {
++  response.write("Content-type: text/html" + "\r\n");
++  if (partNumber == 1) {
++    response.write("Content-Security-Policy:" + part1CSP + "\r\n");
++    response.write(RESPONSE1);
++    setGlobalState(response, "root-document-response");
++  } else {
++    response.write("Content-Security-Policy:" + part2CSP + "\r\n");
++    response.write(RESPONSE2);
++  }
++  response.write("--"+BOUNDARY+"\r\n");
+diff --git dom/security/test/csp/test_multipartchannel.html dom/security/test/csp/test_multipartchannel.html
+index 120f9712d0e0..1c03157cc0b4 100644
+--- dom/security/test/csp/test_multipartchannel.html
++++ dom/security/test/csp/test_multipartchannel.html
+@@ -2,32 +2,66 @@
+ <html>
+ <head>
+   <meta charset="utf-8">
+-  <title>Bug 1223743 - CSP: Check baseChannel for CSP when loading multipart channel</title>
++  <title>Bug 1416045/Bug 1223743 - CSP: Check baseChannel for CSP when loading multipart channel</title>
+   <!-- Including SimpleTest.js so we can use waitForExplicitFinish !-->
+   <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
+   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <iframe style="width:100%;" id="testframe"></iframe>
++<iframe style="width:100%;" id="testPartCSPframe"></iframe>
+ <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
++var testsToRunMultipartCSP = {
++  rootCSP_test: false,
++  part1CSP_test: false,
++  part2CSP_test: false,
+ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
++function checkTestsCompleted() {
++  for (var prop in testsToRunMultipartCSP) {
++    // some test hasn't run yet so we're not done
++    if (!testsToRunMultipartCSP[prop]) {
++      return;
++    }
++  }
++  window.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
++  SimpleTest.finish();
+ /* Description of the test:
+  * We apply a CSP to a multipart channel and then try to load an image
+  * within a segment making sure the image is blocked correctly by CSP.
++ * We also provide CSP for each part and try to load an image in each
++ * part and make sure the image is loaded in first part and blocked in
++ * second part correctly based on its CSP accordingly.
+  */
+ window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
+ function receiveMessage(event) {
+-  is(, "img-blocked", "image should be blocked");
+-  window.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
+-  SimpleTest.finish();
++  switch ( {
++    case "rootCSP_test":
++      is(, "img-blocked", "image should be blocked");
++      testsToRunMultipartCSP["rootCSP_test"] = true;
++      break;
++    case "part1CSP_test":
++      is(, "part1-img-loaded", "Part1 image should be loaded");
++      testsToRunMultipartCSP["part1CSP_test"] = true;
++      break;
++    case "part2CSP_test":
++      is(, "part2-img-blocked", "Part2 image should be blocked");
++      testsToRunMultipartCSP["part2CSP_test"] = true;
++      break;
++  }
++  checkTestsCompleted();
+ }
+ // start the test
+ document.getElementById("testframe").src = "file_multipart_testserver.sjs?doc";
++document.getElementById("testPartCSPframe").src =
++                                    "file_multipart_testserver.sjs?partcspdoc";
+ </script>
+ </body>
+diff --git netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp
+index 1af800eb8d90..80cb030a6fab 100644
+--- netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp
++++ netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp
+@@ -488,6 +488,12 @@ nsMultiMixedConv::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt)
+         if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+             return rv;
+         }
++        nsCString csp;
++        rv = httpChannel->GetResponseHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("content-security-policy"),
++                                            csp);
++        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
++          mRootContentSecurityPolicy = csp;
++        }
+     } else {
+         // try asking the channel directly
+         rv = mChannel->GetContentType(contentType);
+@@ -528,6 +534,10 @@ nsMultiMixedConv::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt)
+       mTokenizer.AddCustomToken("content-range", mTokenizer.CASE_INSENSITIVE, false);
+     mHeaderTokens[HEADER_RANGE] =
+       mTokenizer.AddCustomToken("range", mTokenizer.CASE_INSENSITIVE, false);
++      mTokenizer.AddCustomToken("content-security-policy",
++                                mTokenizer.CASE_INSENSITIVE,
++                                false);
+     mLFToken = mTokenizer.AddCustomToken("\n", mTokenizer.CASE_SENSITIVE, false);
+     mCRLFToken = mTokenizer.AddCustomToken("\r\n", mTokenizer.CASE_SENSITIVE, false);
+@@ -1001,6 +1011,7 @@ nsMultiMixedConv::HeadersToDefault()
+     mContentLength = UINT64_MAX;
+     mContentType.Truncate();
+     mContentDisposition.Truncate();
++    mContentSecurityPolicy.Truncate();
+     mIsByteRangeRequest = false;
+ }
+@@ -1053,6 +1064,31 @@ nsMultiMixedConv::ProcessHeader()
+       }
+       break;
+     }
++      mContentSecurityPolicy = mResponseHeaderValue;
++      mContentSecurityPolicy.CompressWhitespace();
++      nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(mChannel);
++      if (httpChannel) {
++        nsCString resultCSP = mRootContentSecurityPolicy;
++        if (!mContentSecurityPolicy.IsEmpty()) {
++          // We are updating the root channel CSP header respectively for
++          // each part as: CSP-root + CSP-partN, where N is the part number.
++          // Here we append current part's CSP to root CSP and reset CSP
++          // header for each part.
++          if (!resultCSP.IsEmpty()) {
++            resultCSP.Append(";");
++          }
++          resultCSP.Append(mContentSecurityPolicy);
++        }
++        nsresult rv = httpChannel->SetResponseHeader(
++                        NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Content-Security-Policy"),
++                        resultCSP, false);
++        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
++          return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT;
++        }
++      }
++      break;
++    }
+     case HEADER_UNKNOWN:
+       // We ignore anything else...
+       break;
+diff --git netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.h netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.h
+index b46a094608a5..fdd7e73c7fd1 100644
+--- netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.h
++++ netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.h
+@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ protected:
+     nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mContext;
+     nsCString           mContentType;
+     nsCString           mContentDisposition;
++    nsCString           mContentSecurityPolicy;
++    nsCString           mRootContentSecurityPolicy;
+     uint64_t            mContentLength;
+     uint64_t            mTotalSent;
+@@ -198,6 +200,7 @@ protected:
+     } mResponseHeader;
+     // Cumulated value of a response header.

Copied: branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1433609 (from r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1433609)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2018Q1/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1433609	Thu Mar 29 00:54:38 2018	(r465859, copy of r465858, head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1433609)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+commit 9d65f87e8479
+Author: Valentin Gosu <>
+Date:   Wed Feb 14 14:40:05 2018 +0100
+    Bug 1433609 - Ensure that deserialized URL is correct. r=mayhemer, a=RyanVM
+    MozReview-Commit-ID: BMQfPzPhDhc
+    --HG--
+    extra : source : d0da2be2c9508f48b8e4804bd4a4ca3b37b56d4f
+ netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+diff --git netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp
+index 85ab13fed7ae..67dc701e7272 100644
+--- netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp
++++ netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp
+@@ -3726,10 +3726,29 @@ ToIPCSegment(const nsStandardURL::URLSegment& aSegment)
+ }
+ inline
+-FromIPCSegment(const ipc::StandardURLSegment& aSegment)
++FromIPCSegment(const nsACString& aSpec, const ipc::StandardURLSegment& aSegment, nsStandardURL::URLSegment& aTarget)
+ {
+-    return nsStandardURL::URLSegment(aSegment.position(), aSegment.length());
++    // This seems to be just an empty segment.
++    if (aSegment.length() == -1) {
++        aTarget = nsStandardURL::URLSegment();
++        return true;
++    }
++    // A value of -1 means an empty segment, but < -1 is undefined.
++    if (NS_WARN_IF(aSegment.length() < -1)) {
++        return false;
++    }
++    // Make sure the segment does not extend beyond the spec.
++    if (NS_WARN_IF(aSegment.position() + aSegment.length() > aSpec.Length())) {
++        return false;
++    }
++    aTarget.mPos = aSegment.position();
++    aTarget.mLen = aSegment.length();
++    return true;
+ }
+ void
+@@ -3797,24 +3816,39 @@ nsStandardURL::Deserialize(const URIParams& aParams)
+     mPort = params.port();
+     mDefaultPort = params.defaultPort();
+     mSpec = params.spec();
+-    mScheme = FromIPCSegment(params.scheme());
+-    mAuthority = FromIPCSegment(params.authority());
+-    mUsername = FromIPCSegment(params.username());
+-    mPassword = FromIPCSegment(params.password());


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