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Subject: svn commit: r43037 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia
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Author: dru
Date: Thu Oct 24 01:28:39 2013
New Revision: 43037

  White space fix only. Translators can ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.xml	Wed Oct 23 23:35:27 2013	(r43036)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.xml	Thu Oct 24 01:28:39 2013	(r43037)
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
       recorded audio, adding sound effects, and controlling attached
       MIDI devices.</para>
-    <para>&os; also supports the playback of video files and <acronym>DVD</acronym>s.
-      The &os; Ports Collection contains applications to encode,
-      convert, and playback various video media.</para>
+    <para>&os; also supports the playback of video files and
+      <acronym>DVD</acronym>s.  The &os; Ports Collection contains
+      applications to encode, convert, and playback various video
+      media.</para>
     <para>This chapter describes how to configure sound cards, video
       playback, TV tuner cards, and scanners on &os;.  It also
@@ -61,12 +62,13 @@
-	<para>Play <acronym>DVD</acronym>s, <filename>.mpg</filename>, and
-	  <filename>.avi</filename> files.</para>
+	<para>Play <acronym>DVD</acronym>s, <filename>.mpg</filename>,
+	  and <filename>.avi</filename> files.</para>
-	<para>Rip CD and <acronym>DVD</acronym> content into files.</para>
+	<para>Rip CD and <acronym>DVD</acronym> content into
+	  files.</para>
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@
       <listitem><para>Know how to install applications as described in
 	<xref linkend="ports"/>.</para></listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
+    </itemizedlist>
   <sect1 id="sound-setup">
@@ -112,25 +114,25 @@
     <title>Setting Up the Sound Card</title>
-      <indexterm><primary>PCI</primary></indexterm>
-      <indexterm><primary>sound cards</primary></indexterm>
-      <para>Before beginning the configuration, determine the model of
-	the sound card and the chip it uses.  &os; supports a wide
-	variety of sound cards.  Check the supported audio devices
-	list of the <ulink url="&rel.current.hardware;">Hardware
-	  Notes</ulink> to see if the card is supported and which &os;
-	driver it uses.</para>
+    <indexterm><primary>PCI</primary></indexterm>
+    <indexterm><primary>sound cards</primary></indexterm>
+    <para>Before beginning the configuration, determine the model of
+      the sound card and the chip it uses.  &os; supports a wide
+      variety of sound cards.  Check the supported audio devices
+      list of the <ulink url="&rel.current.hardware;">Hardware
+	Notes</ulink> to see if the card is supported and which &os;
+      driver it uses.</para>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>kernel</primary>
-	<secondary>configuration</secondary>
-      </indexterm>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>kernel</primary>
+      <secondary>configuration</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
-      <para>In order to use the sound device, its device driver
-	must be loaded.
-	The easiest way is to load a kernel module for the sound card
-	with &man.kldload.8;.  This example loads the driver for a
-	built-in audio chipset based on the Intel specification:</para>
+    <para>In order to use the sound device, its device driver must be
+      loaded.  The easiest way is to load a kernel module for the
+      sound card with &man.kldload.8;.  This example loads the driver
+      for a built-in audio chipset based on the Intel
+      specification:</para>
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>kldload snd_hda</userinput></screen>
@@ -157,23 +159,24 @@
       after loading the <filename>snd_driver</filename> metadriver,
       type <command>cat /dev/sndstat</command>.</para>
-  <sect2>
-    <title>Configuring a Custom Kernel with Sound Support</title>
+    <sect2>
+      <title>Configuring a Custom Kernel with Sound Support</title>
-    <para>This section is for users who prefer to statically compile in support for the
-      sound card in a custom kernel.  For more information about recompiling a
-      kernel, refer to <xref linkend="kernelconfig"/>.</para>
-    <para>When using a custom kernel to provide sound support, make
-      sure that the audio framework driver exists in the custom kernel
-      configuration file:</para>
-    <programlisting>device sound</programlisting>
-    <para>Next, add support for the sound card.  To continue the example
-      of the built-in audio chipset based on the Intel specification from the
-      previous section, use the following line in the custom kernel
-      configuration file:</para>
+      <para>This section is for users who prefer to statically compile
+	in support for the sound card in a custom kernel.  For more
+	information about recompiling a kernel, refer to <xref
+	  linkend="kernelconfig"/>.</para>
+      <para>When using a custom kernel to provide sound support, make
+	sure that the audio framework driver exists in the custom
+	kernel configuration file:</para>
+      <programlisting>device sound</programlisting>
+      <para>Next, add support for the sound card.  To continue the
+	example of the built-in audio chipset based on the Intel
+	specification from the previous section, use the following
+	line in the custom kernel configuration file:</para>
       <programlisting>device snd_hda</programlisting>
@@ -215,69 +218,71 @@ hint.sbc.0.flags="0x15"</programlisting>
 	cases, the IRQ or other settings may need to be changed to
 	match the card.  Refer to &man.snd.sbc.4; for more information
 	about this card.</para>
-  </sect2>
+    </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="sound-testing">
-    <title>Testing Sound</title>
+    <sect2 id="sound-testing">
+      <title>Testing Sound</title>
-    <para>After loading
-      the required module or rebooting into the custom kernel,
-      the sound card should be detected.
-	To confirm, run <command>dmesg | grep pcm</command>.  This
-	example is from a system with a built-in Conexant CX20590 chipset:</para>
+      <para>After loading the required module or rebooting into the
+	custom kernel, the sound card should be detected.  To confirm,
+	run <command>dmesg | grep pcm</command>.  This example is
+	from a system with a built-in Conexant CX20590 chipset:</para>
-    <screen>pcm0: &lt;NVIDIA (0x001c) (HDMI/DP 8ch)&gt; at nid 5 on hdaa0
+      <screen>pcm0: &lt;NVIDIA (0x001c) (HDMI/DP 8ch)&gt; at nid 5 on hdaa0
 pcm1: &lt;NVIDIA (0x001c) (HDMI/DP 8ch)&gt; at nid 6 on hdaa0
 pcm2: &lt;Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+HP/2.0)&gt; at nid 31,25 and 35,27 on hdaa1</screen>
-    <para>The status of the sound card may also be checked using this
-      command:</para>
+      <para>The status of the sound card may also be checked using
+	this command:</para>
-    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cat /dev/sndstat</userinput>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cat /dev/sndstat</userinput>
 FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 64bit 2009061500/amd64)
 Installed devices:
 pcm0: &lt;NVIDIA (0x001c) (HDMI/DP 8ch)&gt; (play)
 pcm1: &lt;NVIDIA (0x001c) (HDMI/DP 8ch)&gt; (play)
 pcm2: &lt;Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+HP/2.0)&gt; (play/rec) default</screen>
-    <para>The output will vary depending upon the sound card.  If no
-      <devicename>pcm</devicename> devices are listed, double-check that the correct
-      device driver was loaded or compiled into the kernel.  The
-      next section lists some common problems and their solutions.</para>
-    <para>If all goes well, the sound card should now work in os;.  If
-      the <acronym>CD</acronym> or <acronym>DVD</acronym> drive is properly
-      connected to the sound card, one can insert an audio CD in the
-      drive and play it with &man.cdcontrol.1;:</para>
+      <para>The output will vary depending upon the sound card.  If no
+	<devicename>pcm</devicename> devices are listed, double-check
+	that the correct device driver was loaded or compiled into the
+	kernel.  The next section lists some common problems and their
+	solutions.</para>
+      <para>If all goes well, the sound card should now work in os;.
+	If the <acronym>CD</acronym> or <acronym>DVD</acronym> drive
+	is properly connected to the sound card, one can insert an
+	audio CD in the drive and play it with
+	&man.cdcontrol.1;:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdcontrol -f /dev/acd0 play 1</userinput></screen>
-    <warning>
-      <para>Audio CDs have specialized encodings which means that they should not be
-	mounted using &man.mount.8;.</para>
-    </warning>
-    <para>Various applications, such as <filename
-	role="package">audio/workman</filename>, provide a friendlier
-      interface.  The <filename role="package">audio/mpg123</filename>
-      port can be installed to listen to MP3 audio files.</para>
-    <para>Another quick way to test the card is to send data to
-      <devicename>/dev/dsp</devicename>:</para>
-    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cat <replaceable>filename</replaceable> &gt; /dev/dsp</userinput></screen>
-    <para>where
-      <filename><replaceable>filename</replaceable></filename> can
-      be any type of file.  This command should produce some noise, confirming
-      that the sound card is working.</para>
+      <warning>
+	<para>Audio CDs have specialized encodings which means that
+	  they should not be mounted using &man.mount.8;.</para>
+      </warning>
+      <para>Various applications, such as <filename
+	  role="package">audio/workman</filename>, provide a
+	friendlier interface.  The <filename
+	  role="package">audio/mpg123</filename> port can be installed
+	to listen to MP3 audio files.</para>
+      <para>Another quick way to test the card is to send data to
+	<devicename>/dev/dsp</devicename>:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cat <replaceable>filename</replaceable> &gt; /dev/dsp</userinput></screen>
+      <para>where
+	<filename><replaceable>filename</replaceable></filename> can
+	be any type of file.  This command should produce some noise,
+	confirming that the sound card is working.</para>
-    <note>
-      <para>The <devicename>/dev/dsp*</devicename> device nodes will
-	be created automatically as needed.  When not in use, they
-	do not exist and will not appear in the output of
-	&;.</para>
-    </note>
+      <note>
+	<para>The <devicename>/dev/dsp*</devicename> device nodes will
+	  be created automatically as needed.  When not in use, they
+	  do not exist and will not appear in the output of
+	  &;.</para>
+      </note>
     <sect2 id="troubleshooting">
@@ -292,7 +297,8 @@ pcm2: &lt;Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+H
       <table frame="none" pgwide="1">
-      <title>Common Error Messages</title>
+	<title>Common Error Messages</title>
 	<tgroup cols="2">
@@ -327,8 +333,8 @@ pcm2: &lt;Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+H
 	      <entry><errorname>xxx: can't open
 	      <entry><para>Type <command>fstat | grep
-		  dsp</command> to check if another application is holding the
-		device open.  Noteworthy troublemakers are
+		  dsp</command> to check if another application is
+		holding the device open.  Noteworthy troublemakers are
 		<application>esound</application> and
 		<application>KDE</application>'s sound
@@ -337,11 +343,10 @@ pcm2: &lt;Conexant CX20590 (Analog 2.0+H
-      <para>Modern graphics cards often come
-	with their own sound driver for use with
-	<acronym>HDMI</acronym>.  This sound device is
-	sometimes enumerated before the sound card meaning that the sound
-	card will not be used as the default playback
+      <para>Modern graphics cards often come with their own sound
+	driver for use with <acronym>HDMI</acronym>.  This sound
+	device is sometimes enumerated before the sound card meaning
+	that the sound card will not be used as the default playback
 	device.  To check if this is the case, run
 	<application>dmesg</application> and look for
 	<literal>pcm</literal>.  The output looks something like
@@ -365,11 +370,12 @@ pcm6: &lt;HDA Realtek ALC889 PCM #2 Digi
 pcm7: &lt;HDA Realtek ALC889 PCM #3 Digital&gt; at cad 2 nid 1 on hdac1
-      <para>In this example, the graphics card (<literal>NVidia</literal>) has
-	been enumerated before the sound card (<literal>Realtek
-	ALC889</literal>).  To use the sound card as the default
-	playback device, change <varname>hw.snd.default_unit</varname>
-	to the unit that should be used for playback:</para>
+      <para>In this example, the graphics card
+	(<literal>NVidia</literal>) has been enumerated before the
+	sound card (<literal>Realtek ALC889</literal>).  To use the
+	sound card as the default playback device, change
+	<varname>hw.snd.default_unit</varname> to the unit that should
+	be used for playback:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=<replaceable>n</replaceable></userinput></screen>
@@ -401,25 +407,24 @@ pcm7: &lt;HDA Realtek ALC889 PCM #3 Digi
 	Sound Channels</quote> to multiplex the
       sound card's playback by mixing sound in the kernel.</para>
-    <para>Three
-      &man.sysctl.8; knobs are available for configuring virtual channels:</para>
+    <para>Three &man.sysctl.8; knobs are available for configuring
+      virtual channels:</para>
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl dev.pcm.0.rec.vchans=4</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=4</userinput></screen>
-    <para>This example allocates four virtual channels, which
-      is a practical number for everyday use.  Both
+    <para>This example allocates four virtual channels, which is a
+      practical number for everyday use.  Both
       <varname></varname> and
-      <varname>dev.pcm.0.rec.vchans=4</varname> are configurable after a device has been
-      attached and represent the number of
-      virtual channels <devicename>pcm0</devicename> has for playback
-      and recording.  Since the
-      <devicename>pcm</devicename> module can be loaded independently
-      of the hardware drivers, <varname>hw.snd.maxautovchans</varname>
-      indicates how many virtual channels will be given to an audio device
-      when it is attached.  Refer to &man.pcm.4; for more
-      information.</para>
+      <varname>dev.pcm.0.rec.vchans=4</varname> are configurable after
+      a device has been attached and represent the number of virtual
+      channels <devicename>pcm0</devicename> has for playback and
+      recording.  Since the <devicename>pcm</devicename> module can be
+      loaded independently of the hardware drivers,
+      <varname>hw.snd.maxautovchans</varname> indicates how many
+      virtual channels will be given to an audio device when it is
+      attached.  Refer to &man.pcm.4; for more information.</para>
       <para>The number of virtual channels for a device cannot be
@@ -451,10 +456,9 @@ pcm7: &lt;HDA Realtek ALC889 PCM #3 Digi
     <para>The default values for the different mixer channels are
       hardcoded in the source code of the &man.pcm.4; driver.  While
       sound card mixer levels can be changed using &man.mixer.8; or
-      third-party applications and daemons, this is not a permanent solution.
-      To instead set default
-      mixer values at the driver level,
-      define the appropriate values in
+      third-party applications and daemons, this is not a permanent
+      solution.  To instead set default mixer values at the driver
+      level, define the appropriate values in
       <filename>/boot/device.hints</filename>, as seen in this
@@ -727,18 +731,19 @@ MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz
     <title>Video Playback</title>
-    <para>Before configuring video playback, determine the model
-      and chipset of the video card.  While
+    <para>Before configuring video playback, determine the model and
+      chipset of the video card.  While
       <application>&xorg;</application> supports a wide variety of
-      video cards, not all provide good playback performance.  To obtain
-      a list of extensions supported by the
+      video cards, not all provide good playback performance.  To
+      obtain a list of extensions supported by the
       <application>&xorg;</application> server using the card, run
-      <command>xdpyinfo</command> while <application>&xorg;</application> is
-      running.</para>
+      <command>xdpyinfo</command> while
+      <application>&xorg;</application> is running.</para>
     <para>It is a good idea to have a short MPEG test file for
-      evaluating various players and options.  Since some <acronym>DVD</acronym>
-      applications look for <acronym>DVD</acronym> media in <filename
+      evaluating various players and options.  Since some
+      <acronym>DVD</acronym> applications look for
+      <acronym>DVD</acronym> media in <filename
 	class="directory">/dev/dvd</filename> by default, or have this
       device name hardcoded in them, it might be useful to make a
       symbolic links to the proper device:</para>
@@ -746,14 +751,15 @@ MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ln -sf /dev/cd0 /dev/dvd</userinput></screen>
     <para>Due to the nature of &man.devfs.5;, manually created links
-      will not persist after a system reboot.  In order to recreate the
-      symbolic link automatically when the system boots, add the
+      will not persist after a system reboot.  In order to recreate
+      the symbolic link automatically when the system boots, add the
       following line to <filename>/etc/devfs.conf</filename>:</para>
     <programlisting>link cd0 dvd</programlisting>
-    <para><acronym>DVD</acronym> decryption invokes certain functions that
-      require write permission to the <acronym>DVD</acronym> device.</para>
+    <para><acronym>DVD</acronym> decryption invokes certain functions
+      that require write permission to the <acronym>DVD</acronym>
+      device.</para>
     <para>To enhance the shared memory
       <application>&xorg;</application> interface, it is
@@ -785,35 +791,38 @@ kern.ipc.shmall=32768</programlisting>
 	<para>XVideo: an extension to the
-	  <application>&xorg;</application> interface which 
-	allows video to be directly displayed in drawable objects
-	through a special acceleration.  This extension provides
-	good quality playback even on low-end machines.  The next section describes
-	  how to determine if this extension is running.</para>
+	  <application>&xorg;</application> interface which
+	  allows video to be directly displayed in drawable objects
+	  through a special acceleration.  This extension provides
+	  good quality playback even on low-end machines.  The next
+	  section describes how to determine if this extension is
+	  running.</para>
-	<para><acronym>SDL</acronym>: the Simple Directmedia
-	  Layer is a porting layer for many operating systems,
-      allowing cross-platform applications to be developed which make
-      efficient use of sound and graphics.  <acronym>SDL</acronym> provides a
-      low-level abstraction to the hardware which can sometimes be
-      more efficient than the <application>&xorg;</application>
-      interface.  On &os;, <acronym>SDL</acronym> can be installed using the <filename
-	role="package">devel/sdl20</filename> package or port.</para>
+	<para><acronym>SDL</acronym>: the Simple Directmedia Layer is
+	  a porting layer for many operating systems, allowing
+	  cross-platform applications to be developed which make
+	  efficient use of sound and graphics.  <acronym>SDL</acronym>
+	  provides a low-level abstraction to the hardware which can
+	  sometimes be more efficient than the
+	  <application>&xorg;</application> interface.  On &os;,
+	  <acronym>SDL</acronym> can be installed using the <filename
+	    role="package">devel/sdl20</filename> package or
+	  port.</para>
-	<para><acronym>DGA</acronym>: the Direct Graphics
-	  Access is an
-      <application>&xorg;</application> extension which allows a
-      program to bypass the <application>&xorg;</application> server
-      and directly alter the framebuffer.  Because it relies on a low
-      level memory mapping, programs using it must be run as
-      <username>root</username>.  The <acronym>DGA</acronym> extension can be tested and
-      benchmarked using &man.dga.1;.  When <command>dga</command> is
-      running, it changes the colors of the display whenever a key is
-      pressed.  To quit, press <keycap>q</keycap>.</para>
+	<para><acronym>DGA</acronym>: the Direct Graphics Access is an
+	  <application>&xorg;</application> extension which allows a
+	  program to bypass the <application>&xorg;</application>
+	  server and directly alter the framebuffer.  Because it
+	  relies on a low level memory mapping, programs using it must
+	  be run as <username>root</username>.  The
+	  <acronym>DGA</acronym> extension can be tested and
+	  benchmarked using &man.dga.1;.  When <command>dga</command>
+	  is running, it changes the colors of the display whenever a
+	  key is pressed.  To quit, press <keycap>q</keycap>.</para>
@@ -901,23 +910,22 @@ kern.ipc.shmall=32768</programlisting>
         depth: 1
         red, green, blue masks: 0x0, 0x0, 0x0</screen>
-    <para>The formats listed, such as YUV2 and YUV12, are not present
-      with every implementation of XVideo and their absence may hinder
-      some players.</para>
+      <para>The formats listed, such as YUV2 and YUV12, are not
+	present with every implementation of XVideo and their absence
+	may hinder some players.</para>
-    <para>If the result instead looks like:</para>
+      <para>If the result instead looks like:</para>
-    <screen>X-Video Extension version 2.2
+      <screen>X-Video Extension version 2.2
 screen #0
 no adaptors present</screen>
-    <para>XVideo is probably not supported for the card.  This means
-      that it will be more difficult for the display to meet the
-      computational demands of rendering video, depending on the
-      video card and processor.</para>
-  </sect3>
+      <para>XVideo is probably not supported for the card.  This means
+	that it will be more difficult for the display to meet the
+	computational demands of rendering video, depending on the
+	video card and processor.</para>
+    </sect3>
+  </sect2>
   <sect2 id="video-ports">
     <title>Ports and Packages Dealing with Video</title>
@@ -930,162 +938,163 @@ no adaptors present</screen>
     <sect3 id="video-mplayer">
-      <title><application>MPlayer</application> and <application>MEncoder</application></title>
+      <title><application>MPlayer</application> and
+	<application>MEncoder</application></title>
       <para><application>MPlayer</application> is a command-line video
 	player with an optional graphical interface which aims to
-	provide speed and flexibility.  Other
-	graphical front-ends to <application>MPlayer</application> are available from the &os; Ports
-	Collection.</para>
+	provide speed and flexibility.  Other graphical front-ends to
+	<application>MPlayer</application> are available from the &os;
+	Ports Collection.</para>
+      <indexterm><primary>MPlayer</primary></indexterm>
+      <para><application>MPlayer</application> can be installed using
+	the <filename role="package">multimedia/mplayer</filename>
+	package or port.  Several compile options are available and a
+	variety of hardware checks occur during the build process.
+	For these reasons, some users prefer to build the port rather
+	than install the package.</para>
+      <para>When compiling the port, the menu options should be
+	reviewed to determine the type of support to compile into the
+	port.  If an option is not selected,
+	<application>MPlayer</application> will not be able to
+	display that type of video format.  Use the arrow keys and
+	spacebar to select the required formats.  When finished,
+	press <keycap>Enter</keycap> to continue the port compile
+	and installation.</para>
+      <para>By default, the package or port will build the
+	<command>mplayer</command> command line utility and the
+	<command>gmplayer</command> graphical utility.  To encode
+	videos, compile the <filename
+	  role="package">multimedia/mencoder</filename> port.  Due to
+	licensing restrictions, a package is not available for
+	<application>MEncoder</application>.</para>
+      <para>The first time <application>MPlayer</application> is run,
+	it will create <filename
+	  class="directory">~/.mplayer</filename> in the user's home
+	directory.  This subdirectory contains default versions of
+	the user-specific configuration files.</para>
+      <para>This section describes only a few common uses.  Refer to
+	mplayer(1) for a complete description of its numerous
+	options.</para>
+      <para>To play the file
+	<filename><replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></filename>,
+	specify the video interfaces with <option>-vo</option>, as
+	seen in the following examples:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo xv <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo sdl <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo x11 <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo dga <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo 'sdl:dga' <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <para>It is worth trying all of these options, as their
+	relative performance depends on many factors and will vary
+	significantly with hardware.</para>
+      <para>To play a <acronym>DVD</acronym>, replace
+	<filename><replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></filename>
+	with <option>dvd://<replaceable>N</replaceable> -dvd-device
+	 <replaceable>DEVICE</replaceable></option>, where
+	<replaceable>N</replaceable> is the title number to play and
+	<replaceable>DEVICE</replaceable> is the device node for the
+	<acronym>DVD</acronym>.  For example, to play title 3 from
+	<devicename>/dev/dvd</devicename>:</para>
-        <indexterm><primary>MPlayer</primary></indexterm>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo xv dvd://3 -dvd-device /dev/dvd</userinput></screen>
-	<para><application>MPlayer</application> can be installed using
-	  the <filename
-	    role="package">multimedia/mplayer</filename> package or port.  Several
-	  compile options are available and a variety of hardware
-	  checks occur during the build process.  For these reasons,
-	  some users prefer to build the port rather than install the
-	  package.</para>
-	<para>When compiling the port, the menu options should be reviewed to determine the
-	  type of support to compile into the port.  If an option is
-	  not selected, <application>MPlayer</application> will not be
-	  able to display that type of video format.  Use the arrow
-	  keys and spacebar to select the required formats.  When
-	  finished, press <keycap>Enter</keycap> to continue the port
-	  compile and installation.</para>
-	<para>By default, the package or port will build the
-	  <command>mplayer</command> command line utility and the
-	  <command>gmplayer</command> graphical utility.  To encode
-	  videos, compile the <filename
-	    role="package">multimedia/mencoder</filename> port.  Due
-	  to licensing restrictions, a package is not available for
-	  <application>MEncoder</application>.</para>
-	<para>The first time <application>MPlayer</application> is
-	  run, it will create <filename
-	    class="directory">~/.mplayer</filename> in the user's
-	  home directory.  This subdirectory contains default versions
-	  of the user-specific configuration files.</para>
-	<para>This section describes only a few common uses.  Refer
-	  to mplayer(1) for a complete
-	  description of its numerous options.</para>
-	<para>To play the file
-	  <filename><replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></filename>,
-	  specify the video interfaces with
-	  <option>-vo</option>, as seen in the following examples:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo xv <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo sdl <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mplayer -vo x11 <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo dga <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo 'sdl:dga' <replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-	<para>It is worth trying all of these options, as their
-	  relative performance depends on many factors and will vary
-	  significantly with hardware.</para>
-	<para>To play a <acronym>DVD</acronym>, replace
-	  <filename><replaceable>testfile.avi</replaceable></filename>
-	  with <option>dvd://<replaceable>N</replaceable> -dvd-device
-	   <replaceable>DEVICE</replaceable></option>, where
-	  <replaceable>N</replaceable> is the title number to play
-	  and <replaceable>DEVICE</replaceable>
-	  is the device node for the <acronym>DVD</acronym>.  For example, to play
-	  title 3 from <devicename>/dev/dvd</devicename>:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -vo xv dvd://3 -dvd-device /dev/dvd</userinput></screen>
-	<note>
-	  <para>The default <acronym>DVD</acronym> device can be defined during the build
-	    of the <application>MPlayer</application> port by
-	    including the
-	    <makevar>WITH_DVD_DEVICE=/path/to/desired/device</makevar>
-	    option.  By default, the device is
-	    <filename>/dev/cd0</filename>.  More details can be found
-	    in the port's
-	    <filename>Makefile.options</filename>.</para>
-	</note>
-	<para>To stop, pause, advance, and so on, use a
-	  keybinding.  To see the list of keybindings, run <command>mplayer
-	    -h</command>  or read mplayer(1).</para>
-	<para>Additional playback options include
-	  <option>-fs -zoom</option>, which engages fullscreen mode,
-	  and <option>-framedrop</option>, which helps
-	  performance.</para>
+      <note>
+	<para>The default <acronym>DVD</acronym> device can be defined
+	  during the build of the <application>MPlayer</application>
+	  port by including the
+	  <makevar>WITH_DVD_DEVICE=/path/to/desired/device</makevar>
+	  option.  By default, the device is
+	  <filename>/dev/cd0</filename>.  More details can be found in
+	  the port's <filename>Makefile.options</filename>.</para>
+      </note>
-	<para>Each user can add commonly used options to their
-	  <filename>~/.mplayer/config</filename> like so:</para>
+      <para>To stop, pause, advance, and so on, use a keybinding.  To
+	see the list of keybindings, run <command>mplayer
+	  -h</command> or read mplayer(1).</para>
+      <para>Additional playback options include <option>-fs
+	  -zoom</option>, which engages fullscreen mode, and
+	<option>-framedrop</option>, which helps performance.</para>
-	<programlisting>vo=xv
+      <para>Each user can add commonly used options to their
+	<filename>~/.mplayer/config</filename> like so:</para>
+      <programlisting>vo=xv
-	<para><command>mplayer</command> can be used to rip a <acronym>DVD</acronym>
-	  title to a <filename>.vob</filename>.  To dump the second
-	  title from a <acronym>DVD</acronym>:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile out.vob dvd://2 -dvd-device /dev/dvd</userinput></screen>
-	<para>The output file, <filename>out.vob</filename>, will be
-	  in <acronym>MPEG</acronym> format.</para>
-	<para>Anyone wishing to obtain a high level
-	  of expertise with &unix; video should consult <ulink url=""></ulink> as it is technically informative.
-	  This documentation should be considered as required reading
-	  before submitting any bug reports.</para>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary>mencoder</primary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<para>Before using <command>mencoder</command>, it is a good
-	  idea to become familiar with the options described at
-	  <ulink
-	    url=""></ulink>.  There are innumerable ways to
-	  improve quality, lower bitrate, and change formats, and some
-	  of these options may make the difference between good or bad
-	  performance.  Improper combinations of command line options
-	  can yield output files that are unplayable even by
-	  <command>mplayer</command>.</para>
-	<para>Here is an example of a simple copy:</para>
-	 <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mencoder <replaceable>input.avi</replaceable> -oac copy -ovc copy -o <replaceable>output.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-	<para>To rip to a file, use <option>-dumpfile</option> with
-	  <command>mplayer</command>.</para>
-	<para>To convert
-	  <filename><replaceable>input.avi</replaceable></filename>
-	  to the MPEG4 codec with MPEG3 audio encoding, first install
-	  the <filename role="package">audio/lame</filename> port.
-	  Due to licensing restrictions, a package is not available.
-	  Once installed, type:</para>
+      <para><command>mplayer</command> can be used to rip a
+	<acronym>DVD</acronym> title to a <filename>.vob</filename>.
+	To dump the second title from a <acronym>DVD</acronym>:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile out.vob dvd://2 -dvd-device /dev/dvd</userinput></screen>
+      <para>The output file, <filename>out.vob</filename>, will be in
+	<acronym>MPEG</acronym> format.</para>
+      <para>Anyone wishing to obtain a high level of expertise with
+	&unix; video should consult <ulink
+	  url=""></ulink>
+	as it is technically informative.  This documentation should
+	be considered as required reading before submitting any bug
+	reports.</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mencoder <replaceable>input.avi</replaceable> -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=192 \
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>mencoder</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>Before using <command>mencoder</command>, it is a good
+	idea to become familiar with the options described at
+	<ulink
+	  url=""></ulink>.
+	There are innumerable ways to improve quality, lower bitrate,
+	and change formats, and some of these options may make the
+	difference between good or bad performance.  Improper
+	combinations of command line options can yield output files
+	that are unplayable even by <command>mplayer</command>.</para>
+      <para>Here is an example of a simple copy:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mencoder <replaceable>input.avi</replaceable> -oac copy -ovc copy -o <replaceable>output.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <para>To rip to a file, use <option>-dumpfile</option> with
+	<command>mplayer</command>.</para>
+      <para>To convert
+	<filename><replaceable>input.avi</replaceable></filename> to
+	the MPEG4 codec with MPEG3 audio encoding, first install the
+	<filename role="package">audio/lame</filename> port.  Due to
+	licensing restrictions, a package is not available.  Once
+	installed, type:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mencoder <replaceable>input.avi</replaceable> -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=192 \
 	 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -o <replaceable>output.avi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-	<para>This will produce output playable by applications such
-	  as <command>mplayer</command> and
-	  <command>xine</command>.</para>
-	<para><filename><replaceable>input.avi</replaceable></filename>
-	  can be replaced with <option>dvd://1 -dvd-device
-	    /dev/dvd</option> and run as <username>root</username>
-	  to re-encode a <acronym>DVD</acronym> title directly.  Since it may take a few
-	  tries to get the desired result, it is recommended to instead dump
-	  the title to a file and to work on the file.</para>
+      <para>This will produce output playable by applications such as
+	<command>mplayer</command> and <command>xine</command>.</para>
+      <para><filename><replaceable>input.avi</replaceable></filename>
+	can be replaced with <option>dvd://1 -dvd-device
+	  /dev/dvd</option> and run as <username>root</username> to
+	re-encode a <acronym>DVD</acronym> title directly.  Since it
+	may take a few tries to get the desired result, it is
+	recommended to instead dump the title to a file and to work on
+	the file.</para>
     <sect3 id="video-xine">
@@ -1129,8 +1138,8 @@ zoom=yes</programlisting>
 	with stdin/stdout stream
-      <para>In &os;, <application>Transcode</application> can be installed
-	using the <filename
+      <para>In &os;, <application>Transcode</application> can be
+	installed using the <filename
 	  role="package">multimedia/transcode</filename> package or
 	port.  Many users prefer to compile the port as it provides a
 	menu of compile options for specifying the support and codecs
@@ -1144,23 +1153,25 @@ zoom=yes</programlisting>
       <para>This example demonstrates how to convert a DivX file into
 	a PAL MPEG-1 file (PAL VCD):</para>
-    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>transcode -i
+      <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>transcode -i
 <replaceable>input.avi</replaceable> -V --export_prof vcd-pal -o output_vcd</userinput>
 &prompt.user; <userinput>mplex -f 1 -o <replaceable>output_vcd.mpg output_vcd.m1v output_vcd.mpa</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-    <para>The resulting <acronym>MPEG</acronym> file,
-      <filename><replaceable>output_vcd.mpg</replaceable></filename>,
-      is ready to be played with <application>MPlayer</application>.
-      The file can be burned on a <acronym>CD</acronym> media to create a video <acronym>CD</acronym> using a utility such as
-      <filename
-	role="package">multimedia/vcdimager</filename> or <filename
-	role="package">sysutils/cdrdao</filename>.</para>
-    <para>In addition to the manual page for
-      <command>transcode</command>, refer to  <ulink
-	url=""></ulink> for further information and examples.</para>
-  </sect3>
+      <para>The resulting <acronym>MPEG</acronym> file,
+	<filename><replaceable>output_vcd.mpg</replaceable></filename>,
+	is ready to be played with <application>MPlayer</application>.
+	The file can be burned on a <acronym>CD</acronym> media to
+	create a video <acronym>CD</acronym> using a utility such as
+	  <filename
+	  role="package">multimedia/vcdimager</filename> or <filename
+	  role="package">sysutils/cdrdao</filename>.</para>
+      <para>In addition to the manual page for
+	<command>transcode</command>, refer to  <ulink
+	  url=""></ulink>
+	for further information and examples.</para>
+    </sect3>
+  </sect2>
 <sect1 id="tvcard">
@@ -1189,16 +1200,16 @@ zoom=yes</programlisting>
     <primary>TV cards</primary>
-    <para>TV cards can be used to watch broadcast or cable TV on
-      a computer.  Most cards accept composite video via an <acronym>RCA</acronym> or
-      S-video input and some cards include a <acronym>FM</acronym> radio tuner.</para>
-    <para>&os; provides support for PCI-based TV cards using a
-      Brooktree Bt848/849/878/879
-      video capture chip with the &man.bktr.4; driver.  This driver
-      supports most Pinnacle PCTV video cards.  Before purchasing a TV card,
-      onsult &man.bktr.4; for a
-      list of supported tuners.</para>
+  <para>TV cards can be used to watch broadcast or cable TV on a
+    computer.  Most cards accept composite video via an
+    <acronym>RCA</acronym> or S-video input and some cards include a
+    <acronym>FM</acronym> radio tuner.</para>
+  <para>&os; provides support for PCI-based TV cards using a
+    Brooktree Bt848/849/878/879 video capture chip with the
+    &man.bktr.4; driver.  This driver supports most Pinnacle PCTV
+    video cards.  Before purchasing a TV card, onsult &man.bktr.4; for
+    a list of supported tuners.</para>
     <title>Loading the Driver</title>
@@ -1223,9 +1234,9 @@ device	smbus</programlisting>
 	components are interconnected via an I2C bus.  Then, build and
 	install a new kernel.</para>
-      <para>To test that the tuner is correctly detected, reboot the system.  The TV card
-	should appear in the boot messages, as seen in this
-	example:</para>
+      <para>To test that the tuner is correctly detected, reboot the
+	system.  The TV card should appear in the boot messages, as
+	seen in this example:</para>
       <programlisting>bktr0: &lt;BrookTree 848A&gt; mem 0xd7000000-0xd7000fff irq 10 at device 10.0 on pci0
 iicbb0: &lt;I2C bit-banging driver&gt; on bti2c0
@@ -1247,8 +1258,8 @@ bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV, Philips SECAM t
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl hw.bt848.tuner=6</userinput></screen>
-      <para>Refer to &man.bktr.4; for a description
-	of the available &man.sysctl.8; parameters and kernel options.</para>
+      <para>Refer to &man.bktr.4; for a description of the available
+	&man.sysctl.8; parameters and kernel options.</para>
@@ -1281,10 +1292,10 @@ bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV, Philips SECAM t
-      <para>If any problems are encountered with the TV card,
-	check that the video capture chip and the tuner are
-	supported by &man.bktr.4; and that the right configuration
-	options were used.  For more support or to ask questions
+      <para>If any problems are encountered with the TV card, check
+	that the video capture chip and the tuner are supported by
+	&man.bktr.4; and that the right configuration options were
+	used.  For more support or to ask questions
 	about supported TV cards, refer to the
 	&; mailing list.</para>
@@ -1294,44 +1305,45 @@ bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV, Philips SECAM t
     <para>MythTV is a popular, open source Personal Video Recorder
-      (<acronym>PVR</acronym>)
-      application.  This section demonstrates how to install and
-      setup MythTV on &os;.  Refer to <ulink
+      (<acronym>PVR</acronym>) application.  This section demonstrates
+      how to install and setup MythTV on &os;.  Refer to <ulink
 	url=""></ulink> for
       more information on how to use MythTV.</para>
-      <para>MythTV requires a frontend and a backend.  These components
-	can either be installed on the same system or on
-	different machines.</para>
-      <para>The frontend can be installed on &os; using the <filename
-	  role="package">multimedia/mythtv-frontend</filename> package or port.
-	<application>&xorg;</application> must also be installed and configured as described in
-	<xref linkend="x11"/>.  Ideally, this
-	system has a video card that supports X-Video Motion Compensation
-	(<acronym>XvMC</acronym>) and,
-	optionally, a Linux Infrared Remote Control
-	(<acronym>LIRC</acronym>)-compatible remote.</para>
-      <para>To install both the backend and the frontend on &os;, use the <filename
-	  role="package">multimedia/mythtv</filename> package or port.
-	A &mysql; database server is also required and should
-	automatically be installed as a dependency.
-	Optionally, this system should have a tuner card
-	and sufficient storage to hold recorded data.</para>
+    <para>MythTV requires a frontend and a backend.  These
+      components can either be installed on the same system or on
+      different machines.</para>
+    <para>The frontend can be installed on &os; using the <filename
+	role="package">multimedia/mythtv-frontend</filename> package
+      or port.  <application>&xorg;</application> must also be
+      installed and configured as described in <xref
+	linkend="x11"/>.  Ideally, this system has a video card that
+      supports X-Video Motion Compensation
+      (<acronym>XvMC</acronym>) and, optionally, a Linux Infrared
+      Remote Control (<acronym>LIRC</acronym>)-compatible
+      remote.</para>
+    <para>To install both the backend and the frontend on &os;, use
+      the <filename role="package">multimedia/mythtv</filename>
+      package or port.  A &mysql; database server is also required
+      and should automatically be installed as a dependency.
+      Optionally, this system should have a tuner card and
+      sufficient storage to hold recorded data.</para>
-      <para>MythTV uses Video for Linux (<acronym>V4L</acronym>) to access video input
-	devices such as encoders and tuners.  In &os;, MythTV
-	works best with <acronym>USB</acronym> DVB-S/C/T cards as they are well supported by the <filename
-	  role="package">multimedia/webcamd</filename> package or port which provides
-	a <acronym>V4L</acronym> userland application.
-	Any Digital Video Broadcasting (<acronym>DVB</acronym>)
-	card supported by <application>webcamd</application> should
-	work with MythTV.  A list of known working cards can be
-	found at <ulink
+      <para>MythTV uses Video for Linux (<acronym>V4L</acronym>) to
+	access video input devices such as encoders and tuners.  In
+	&os;, MythTV works best with <acronym>USB</acronym> DVB-S/C/T
+	cards as they are well supported by the <filename
+	  role="package">multimedia/webcamd</filename> package or port
+	which provides a <acronym>V4L</acronym> userland application.
+	Any Digital Video Broadcasting (<acronym>DVB</acronym>) card
+	supported by <application>webcamd</application> should work
+	with MythTV.  A list of known working cards can be found at
+	<ulink
 	Drivers are also available for Hauppauge cards in the
@@ -1342,7 +1354,8 @@ bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV, Philips SECAM t
 	restrictions, no packages are available and these two ports
 	must be compiled.</para>