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Date:      Wed, 15 Aug 2001 06:42:16 -0400
From:      "Potts, Ross" <>
To:        'Adam LaBarge' <>,
Subject:   RE: port forwarding with natd
Message-ID:  <>

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This is what I am using on a Solaris based network I administer.

/usr/sbin/arp -s new.ext.ernal.address pub

This allows the internal mail server to have a virtual external address.
The firewall must route packets to it via the external address and arp them out
to external.

I am also using natd.

Problem is, off the top of my head, I can't remember if the hex address is for
the firewall's card or the mail server's card.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam LaBarge []
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:15 AM
Subject: port forwarding with natd

Hi, I am trying to forward port 25 from a FreeBSD router, running natd
with an open firewall to an internal machine running FreeBSD set up as a
sendmail server.  So, I have tried two ways to forward this port, but can
not get it to work.  Way 1)  in /etc/natd.conf I added the line 
permanent_link tcp internalmachineaddress:25 0:0 25
way 2) was from the command line, and that just hung, this is what I could
figure best.
natd -redirect_port internalmachne:25 myIP:25 25
That would hang, not even a sintax error.  I know that natd runs great, i
have been using this router for about 8 month now, works great.  The only
open connection port to the router is 22.  all other tcp is passed to the
machines inside.  I know that sendmail is working ok on the internal
sendmail server, i telnet to port 25 and it give me the sendmail info.  I
just used the defualt sendmail set up.  I also know that the domain
information is set up coorectly.  So, i figure it is just the forwarding
of the port that is messing things up.  If anyones has done this, or knows
any way to get it working.  please help, it is driving me mad.  thanks

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