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Date:      Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:22:15 -0700
From:      Amancio Hasty <>
To:        Roger Hardiman <>
Cc:        hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Star Office
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<pre><b>Subject:      <font size=+1 color="#cc0000">StarOffice 4.0 SP3 
installed on FreeBSD 2.2.6</font>
From:         Christian Kreiner &lt;;
Date:         1998/07/01
Message-ID:   &lt;;
Newsgroups:   comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc </b>
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Hello !

A hack to the procfs part of the kernel helped me to install StarOffice
4.0 SP3:
it provides a substitute for the linux &quot;cmdline&quot; entry in /proc,
enabling the setup program to
run. There is a limitation though: as this hack provides only the
command name and not it's
arguments as the original linux cmdline does, which  prevents passing
command-line arguments.

patch installation (2.2.6-RELEASE system, should work for others):
1. apply the attached patches in /usr/src/sys/miscfs/procfs to procfs.h,
2. build a new kernel or loadable procfs module, install/reboot

- -&gt; now you should see the cmdline entry in the /proc/xxx/ subdirs !

- -- christian

BTW: no warranty, use at your risk !

- --------------80F1D85D782D94FF84792E8D
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=&quot;procfs.h.diff&quot;
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*** procfs.h.orig	Tue Aug 12 06:45:20 1997
- --- procfs.h	Tue Jun 30 20:15:19 1998
*** 54,60 ****
  	Pnote,		/* process notifier */
  	Pnotepg,	/* process group notifier */
  	Pmap,		/* memory map */
! 	Ptype		/* executable type */
  } pfstype;
- --- 54,61 ----
  	Pnote,		/* process notifier */
  	Pnotepg,	/* process group notifier */
  	Pmap,		/* memory map */
! 	Ptype,		/* executable type */
! 	Pcmdln		/* command line */
  } pfstype;
*** 150,155 ****
- --- 151,157 ----
  extern int procfs_dostatus __P((struct proc *, struct proc *, struct pfsnode 
*pfsp, struct uio *uio));
  extern int procfs_domap __P((struct proc *, struct proc *, struct pfsnode 
*pfsp, struct uio *uio));
  extern int procfs_dotype __P((struct proc *, struct proc *, struct pfsnode 
*pfsp, struct uio *uio));
+ extern int procfs_docmdln __P((struct proc *, struct proc *, struct pfsnode 
*pfsp, struct uio *uio));
  /* check to see if the process has the &quot;items&quot; (regs/file) */
  int procfs_validfile __P((struct proc *));

- --------------80F1D85D782D94FF84792E8D
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*** procfs_status.c.orig	Fri Feb  2 06:19:20 1996
- --- procfs_status.c	Wed Jul  1 10:39:32 1998
*** 150,152 ****
- --- 150,203 ----
  	return (error);
+ int
+ procfs_docmdln(curp, p, pfs, uio)
+ 	struct proc *curp;
+ 	struct proc *p;
+ 	struct pfsnode *pfs;
+ 	struct uio *uio;
+ {
+ 	struct session *sess;
+ 	struct tty *tp;
+ 	struct ucred *cr;
+ 	char *ps;
+ 	char *sep;
+ 	int pid, ppid, pgid, sid;
+ 	int i;
+ 	int xlen;
+ 	int error;
+ 	char psbuf[256];		/* XXX - conservative */
+ 	if (uio-&gt;uio_rw != UIO_READ)
+ 		return (EOPNOTSUPP);
+ 	pid = p-&gt;p_pid;
+ 	ppid = p-&gt;p_pptr ? p-&gt;p_pptr-&gt;p_pid : 0,
+ 	pgid = p-&gt;p_pgrp-&gt;pg_id;
+ 	sess = p-&gt;p_pgrp-&gt;pg_session;
+ 	sid = sess-&gt;s_leader ? sess-&gt;s_leader-&gt;p_pid : 0;
+ /* comm pid ppid pgid sid maj,min ctty,sldr start ut st wmsg 
+                                 euid ruid rgid,egid,groups[1 .. NGROUPS]
+ */
+ 	ps = psbuf;
+ 	bcopy(p-&gt;p_comm, ps, MAXCOMLEN);
+ 	ps[MAXCOMLEN] = '\0';
+ 	ps += strlen(ps);
+ 	xlen = ps - psbuf;
+ 	xlen -= uio-&gt;uio_offset;
+ 	ps = psbuf + uio-&gt;uio_offset;
+ 	xlen = min(xlen, uio-&gt;uio_resid);
+ 	if (xlen &lt;= 0)
+ 		error = 0;
+ 	else
+ 		error = uiomove(ps, xlen, uio);
+ 	return (error);
+ }

- --------------80F1D85D782D94FF84792E8D
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=&quot;procfs_subr.c.diff&quot;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=&quot;procfs_subr.c.diff&quot;

*** procfs_subr.c.orig	Sat Jun 21 18:16:34 1997
- --- procfs_subr.c	Tue Jun 30 20:28:22 1998
*** 170,175 ****
- --- 170,176 ----
  	case Ptype:
  	case Pmap:
  	case Pstatus:
+ 	case Pcmdln:
  		pfs-&gt;pfs_mode = (VREAD) |
  				(VREAD &gt;&gt; 3) |
  				(VREAD &gt;&gt; 6);
*** 276,281 ****
- --- 277,286 ----
  	case Ptype:
  		rtval = procfs_dotype(curp, p, pfs, uio);
+ 		break;
+ 	case Pcmdln:
+ 		rtval = procfs_docmdln(curp, p, pfs, uio);

- --------------80F1D85D782D94FF84792E8D
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=&quot;procfs_vnops.c.diff&quot
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=&quot;procfs_vnops.c.diff&quot;

*** procfs_vnops.c.orig	Tue Aug 12 06:45:27 1997
- --- procfs_vnops.c	Tue Jun 30 21:48:59 1998
*** 98,103 ****
- --- 98,104 ----
  	{  N(&quot;notepg&quot;),	Pnotepg, NULL },
  	{  N(&quot;map&quot;), 	Pmap,	 procfs_validmap },
  	{  N(&quot;etype&quot;),	Ptype,	 procfs_validtype },
+ 	{  N(&quot;cmdline&quot;),Pcmdln,	 NULL },
  #undef N
  #define Nprocent (sizeof(procent)/sizeof(procent[0]))
*** 445,450 ****
- --- 446,452 ----
  	case Pstatus:
  	case Pnote:
  	case Pnotepg:
+ 	case Pcmdln:
  		vap-&gt;va_nlink = 1;
  		vap-&gt;va_uid = procp-&gt;p_ucred-&gt;cr_uid;
  		vap-&gt;va_gid = procp-&gt;p_ucred-&gt;cr_gid;
*** 720,726 ****
  			dp-&gt;d_fileno = PROCFS_FILENO(pfs-&gt;pfs_pid, dt-&gt;d_pfstype);
  			dp-&gt;d_type = DT_REG;
  			dp-&gt;d_namlen = dt-&gt;d_namlen;
! 			bcopy(dt-&gt;d_name, dp-&gt;d_name, sizeof(dt-&gt;d_name)-1);
  			error = uiomove((caddr_t) dp, UIO_MX, uio);
  			if (error)
- --- 722,728 ----
  			dp-&gt;d_fileno = PROCFS_FILENO(pfs-&gt;pfs_pid, dt-&gt;d_pfstype);
  			dp-&gt;d_type = DT_REG;
  			dp-&gt;d_namlen = dt-&gt;d_namlen;
! 			bcopy(dt-&gt;d_name, dp-&gt;d_name, dt-&gt;d_namlen+1);
  			error = uiomove((caddr_t) dp, UIO_MX, uio);
  			if (error)

- --------------80F1D85D782D94FF84792E8D--

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