From owner-cvs-all  Tue Apr 28 16:53:32 1998
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Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 18:51:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chuck Robey <>
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To: Satoshi Asami <asami@FreeBSD.ORG>
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Subject: Re: cvs commit: ports/math/gnuplot Makefile ports/math/gnuplot/files         md5 ports/math/gnuplot/patches patch-ad patch-aa patch-ab
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On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Satoshi Asami wrote:

> I don't think that's the case.  The runtime linker ( looks at
> the shared library cache but ld definitely needs -L for non-standard
> libraries.
>  * I should have seen the build for png in your listing.  The png
>  * dependency worked.  I know you keep careful control of your environment,
>  * but it *seems* like something is missing there.  I checked the png
>  * install, and it *does* do the ldconfig, and it works here.  If I stick
>  * in the missing "=" in the makefile, it all works here.
> I think that was the case, as it works now here.  Do you want to
> remove gd, take out the = and see if it still works?

Not much .. I do want the gd in there, as it adds the gif terminal.  I
know the -L is needed for static linking, but I was fairly sure it
wasn't needed for dynamic linking, which is intended here.

You said above it was working with the "=" in it, right?  (leaving it
out was my fubar) then I think I'm happy with it the way it is, ok?  I
included the --with-gd in the configure line on purpose, and the libgd
is a static build only, BTW.  I might take a look at that and change it
(I dislike static libs without some good reason, and I don't see one

Some of the patches deal with goofs in bringing in the gd includes.

> Since
> ===
> CONFIGURE_ARGS= --exec-prefix=${PREFIX} \
>                 --includedir=${PREFIX}/include --libdir=${PREFIX}/lib \
>                 --with-x --without-linux-vga \
>                 --with-gd=$(PREFIX)/lib \
>                 --with-gnu-readline --with-lasergnu --with-png
> ===
> includes some references to gd, I can only assume that the missing gd
> confused configure.  I tried it with and without gd (both without the
> "="), and it only worked when gd was actually installed.
> Satoshi

Chuck Robey                 | Interests include any kind of voice or data         | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1  |
Greenbelt, MD 20770         | I run Journey2 and picnic, both FreeBSD
(301) 220-2114              | version 3.0 current -- and great FUN!

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