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Date:      Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:09:23 -0700
From:      Brooks Davis <>
To:        Jamie Bowden <>
Cc:        freebsd-multimedia@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: DVD drive.
Message-ID:  <20010419140923.A2284@Odin.AC.HMC.Edu>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 01:59:38PM -0700
References:  <20010419135144.A27643@Odin.AC.HMC.Edu> <>

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On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 01:59:38PM -0700, Jamie Bowden wrote:
> Maybe I'm just confused.  I'm trying to use Charles Hannum's efdtt util to
> access the file.
> >From the source:
> /*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob	*/
> So what's going on here, is that I need something else just to read the
> scrambled vob off the disc, beforce efdtt can unscramble it?  I can only
> assume the title key the the long string in the file.  If someone
> has an actual reference on how to use this, I'd really appreciate a
> pointer.

Yup, you're confused. ;-)  There's hardware locking in the driver you
must circumvent.  That's what css-auth is for.  I believe you just need
to use css-auth to get the data off the disk and then any player will
play it.  The title key is actually encoded on the disk using player
keys (many of which are unassigned).  The player uses it's key to decode
the title key which is used by code like efdtt to decode the stream into
an MPEG2 stream.

One of the things that the MPAA was pissed about in decss is that it
stole a player key from XING (who violated their license agreement with
the DVD-CCA by not hiding the key at all).  It turns out that you don't
need a player key though because the crypto used is so totally lame that
you can just break it in a couple of minutes.

-- Brooks

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