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Date:      Sat, 20 Jan 1996 21:59:39 -0800 (PST)
From:      Donald Burr <>
To:        Tony Jones <>
Subject:   Re: 4X SCSI CDROM recommendation
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On Fri, 19 Jan 1996, Tony Jones wrote:

> What would folks recommend as a good 4X scsi cdrom for FreeBSD [I'm assuming 
> that the 4x vs 2x performance data (Windoze derived) generally holds true for
> FreeBSD also ?]
> I'd like to spend no more than $200 - I found a Sanyo CRD-254SH 4x for $169 
> but have no idea if it would be a good drive. I know that the equivalently
> low priced Teac 4x scsi is supposed to suck big time.
> Or would people recommend paying extra and going with the more expensive 
> Toshiba/Maxstor units.

I HIGHLY recommend the Toshiba drives.  They are easy to install, 
everything is well labeled and easy to configure, and the drive is 
rock-solid and stable.  The XM-3501 (older model) is uses a caddy.  The 
XM-3601 (the latest model) is caddyless.

Everyone seems to have his/her own opinion of whether caddyless drives or 
caddied drives are better, and this topic is often hotly disputed on the 
Internet.  IMHO, I like caddies, because you can seal your CD-ROM titles 
in them, and you don't have to go through the hassle of juggling jewel 
cases when you want to switch CD's -- you just remove the old caddy, 
store it (they fit into the slots on CD holders, because they are the 
exact shape and thickness of a jewel case), and stick in the new one.

I seem to recall that the XM-3501 (the old model) can be found for 
significantly less money than the new XM-3601.  You might want to shop 
around for this.

> Primarily going to be using the cdrom for WC/FreeBSD installs and for 
> /usr/src (which I currently have on scsi hard disc). Perhaps some Windoze95 
> use also.

Well, if that's all you're gonna be doing, a 4x may be a bit overkill for 
you.  4x performance really matters only for multimedia-type stuff, e.g. 
video and stuff.  YMMV.

Donald Burr [], PO Box 91212, Santa Barbara CA 93190-1212
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