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Date:      Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:14:46 -0400
From:      "Carrick, David" <>
To:        Julian Elischer <>
Cc:        "" <>
Subject:   RE: 3-Line MLPPP DSL on BSD - MTU/MRRU/MRU??
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <>

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The config works - just don't think it is optimal=2E I structured it based =
on the mpd5=2Econf=2Esample and some other configurations stolen from dslre=
ports=2Ecom=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AI am looking more for advised MRU/MTU, and MRRU v=
alues for the links and the bundle as a whole as I do not believe my settin=
gs are optimal=2E I have tested a 2link configuration with similar values a=
nd obtained very, very fast speeds=2E Adding the 3rd link with the settings=
 below does improve the speed, but I do not feel it is as fast as it should=
 be=2E =0D=0A=0D=0ARepsectfully, =0D=0A=0D=0ADavid Carrick=0D=0AAIX Service=
s | Spectra Energy=0D=0A519=2E436=2E4600=A0x2464 (desk)=0D=0A800=2E571=2E84=
46 x2464 (toll free) =0D=0A519=2E437=2E7194 (cell)=0D=0A=0D=0A-----Original=
 Message-----=0D=0AFrom: Julian Elischer [mailto:julianelischer@gmail=2Ecom=
] On Behalf Of Julian Elischer=0D=0ASent: April-22-10 12:12 PM=0D=0ATo: Car=
rick, David=0D=0ACc: freebsd-net@freebsd=2Eorg=0D=0ASubject: Re: 3-Line MLP=
PP DSL on BSD - MTU/MRRU/MRU??=0D=0A=0D=0AOn 4/22/10 8:35 AM, Carrick, Davi=
d wrote:=0D=0A> Hi Guys,=0D=0A>=0D=0A>  I have posted this question in a fe=
w different forums but I have not=0D=0A> had much luck with a response and =
I'm hoping someone can help me=0D=0A> out=2E I recently upgraded to a tripl=
e-5meg DSL service setup with=0D=0A> MLPPP here in Ontario Canada through a=
 provider called Teksavvy=2E I=0D=0A> chose FreeBSD as my o/s of choice and=
 I'm using MPD5=2E5 to bond the=0D=0A> connections=2E I believe they are us=
ing Juniper equipment on their=0D=0A> end, not sure if=0D=0A > matters=2E=
=0D=0A>=0D=0A> I have been using Linux for 15 years, and am an AIX Infrastr=
ucture=0D=0A> Analyst by trade, but I am not very familiar with more advanc=
ed=0D=0A> networking terms and technologies, and I am pretty new to FreeBSD=
=2E=0D=0A>=0D=0A> I was wondering if someone could help me with the optimal=
 values=0D=0A> for my mpd=2Econf file - Max Transmit units, Max recieve uni=
t, all=0D=0A> that stuff=2E Here is what I've got going so far=2E=2E=2E Ple=
ase note I am=0D=0A> not on the freebsd-net mailing list so if you could CC=
 me on the=0D=0A> responses that would be great!=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0ANot my ar=
ea of best knowledge but a couple of points=2E=2E=0D=0AUse 'load' to abstra=
ct away common items from the links=0D=0ATry not to reference things until =
after they are defined=2E=2E=0D=0A=0D=0Ais this working? and if not, what h=
appens?=0D=0A(keep list on Cc please)=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A# How I would have s=
tructured it:=0D=0A# just off the top of my head=2E=2E untested and probabl=
y with errors=2E=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0Adefault:=0D=0A	load DSL=0D=0A=0D=0Acommon=
:=0D=0A	set link max-redial 0=0D=0A	set link keep-alive 10 60=0D=0A	set ppp=
oe service "teksavvy"=0D=0A	set link enable multilink=0D=0A	set link enable=
 shortseq=0D=0A	set link disable protocomp=0D=0A	set link mrru 1500=0D=0A# =
	set link mru 1500=0D=0A	set link mtu 1492=0D=0A	set link bandwidth 5056000=
=0D=0A	set link action bundle B1=0D=0A=0D=0AL1:=0D=0A	create link static L1=
 pppoe=0D=0A	set auth authname xxx@wiredhighspeed=2Ecom=0D=0A	set auth pass=
word xxx=0D=0A	set pppoe iface fxp1=0D=0A	load common=0D=0A	open=0D=0A=0D=
=0AL2:=0D=0A	create link static L2 pppoe=0D=0A	set auth authname xxx@wiredh=
ighspeed=2Ecom=0D=0A	set auth password xxx=0D=0A	set pppoe iface fxp2=0D=0A=
	load common=0D=0A	open=0D=0A=0D=0AL3:=0D=0A	create link static L3 pppoe=0D=
=0A	set auth authname xxx@wiredhighspeed=2Ecom=0D=0A	set auth password xxx=
=0D=0A	set pppoe iface fxp3=0D=0A	load common=0D=0A	open=0D=0A=0D=0ADSL:=0D=
=0A	create bundle static B1=0D=0A	set iface route default=0D=0A	set ipcp ra=
nges 0=2E0=2E0=2E0/0 0=2E0=2E0=2E0/0=0D=0A	set ipcp enable req-pri-dns=0D=
=0A	set ipcp enable req-sec-dns=0D=0A	set ipcp disable vjcomp=0D=0A	set bun=
dle disable round-robin=0D=0A	set bundle disable bw-manage=0D=0A	set iface =
mtu 1492=0D=0A	set iface disable on-demand=0D=0A	set iface enable tcpmssfix=
=0D=0A	load L1=0D=0A	load L2=0D=0A	load L3=0D=0A	set bundle links L1 L2 L3=

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