From owner-freebsd-current  Sat Jul 29 19:19:33 1995
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From: michael butler <>
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Subject: 950726-SNAP installation problems - WD1007 ESDI
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 12:19:19 +1000 (EST)
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This is a friend of mine (600+ miles south of here) trying to install the
current SNAP ..

Any ideas would be much appreciated .. the panic is a worry ..

From: David Nugent <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: FreeBSD
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 05:39:36 +1000 (EST)

Well, I tried an install and it's gotten even worse.

The install seems slicker now with the "Express" option, and I tried both
that an the usual installation. I get through making the partitions (the
drive etc. is correctly detected and so forth) get through disklabel ok,
then all of the other setup garbage. I get to Proceed, and go - partition
information is written correctly, and bad144 starts up. At that time the
kernel panics with the message "buffer already in use".

The system is a 386/20M (DX) with 6 meg of RAM, drive is a
Micropolos ESDI 1224 x 15 x 35 using a WD1007 controller.

Previous attempts to install FreeBSD 2.0 and 2.0.5 had been "successful",
although as i said, I was unable to boot from the drive after the
installation. Yes, my root partition *is* in a small partition at the start
of the drive, and I also tried using 'translated' geometries as well which
lowered the number if cylinders < 1024 (in case this confused the BIOS).
Same result in each case - installed fine, but booting not. I tried both the
'standard' MBR and 'boot manager', even attempted converting from one to the
other. If the boot manager is installed, it does indeed fire up, but
pressing F1 tickles the drive then prompts for the function key again (ie.
it can't seem to boot from that point).

MFM drives work on this motherboard, btw, and I've actually had it running
on that machine (albiet with hardly any disk space available and a less than
useful installation, which is the problem :-)).

Oh well, looks like I might have to opt for Linux after all. :( I'll see if
the latest Slackware release works on this drive. Here's hoping.


Of course, I'd MUCH prefer that he be able to run FreeBSD ..
