Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2016 23:33:34 -0700 From: Russell Haley <> To: Ian Lepore <> Cc: Boris Samorodov <>, freebsd-arm <>, Mark Millard <> Subject: Re: Indication of Successful Build Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
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--001a114304d6cfadb0052ff35fc5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Okay, I just expaneded Ian's script from the crossbuild page. This is most of the way for what I want. Does someone know how to pull values out of the "svn info" command output (in the script there is a hard coded revision number in the revision variable)? I was able to use sudo -E by putting it in quotes, which fixes the environment variable issues. The one thing that is missing is archiving the old nfsroot directory. hmmmm.... argh! ... must... sleep... Russ On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Russell Haley <> wrote: > Okay, I'm getting there now. The script below is a rough start of what > I was thinking. Check for success of each step and log it. It would be > neat to include the script(1) command into this and only preserve the > file if the a build step fails. As well, I'm thinking on "archiving" > the build and deleting the last one if the current run succeeds. I'm > new(ish) and self taught in Unix shell scripting so please point out > anything wonky. > > #!/bin/bash > > BASEDIR=3D~/Projects > > if [ -z $1 ] > then > echo "Please include a project name" > else > PROJNAME=3D$1 > fi > > echo "`date` - Building for ${BASEDIR}/${PROJNAME}" >> ${BASEDIR}/logfile= .log > > cd ${BASEDIR}/${PROJNAME} && make > > retval=3D$? > > if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; > then > echo "`date` - Buildworld Succeeded" >> ${BASEDIR}/logfile.log > else > echo "`date` - Buildworld Failed with code $retval" >> ${BASEDIR}/logfile= .log > fi > > > On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Ian Lepore <> wrote: >> On Thu, 2016-04-07 at 00:14 -0700, Russell Haley wrote: >>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:44 PM, Boris Samorodov <> >>> wrote: >>> > 06.04.16 23:14, Russell Haley =D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D1=82: >>> > > Thanks for the input Mark. >>> > > >>> > > I'm currently looking into the cross build script on the >>> > > developers >>> > >>> > Sees that you misunderstood Marks word "script". He uses SCRIPT(1) >>> > to save build script output to a log-file. >>> >>> Thank you, I understood what he was doing. I was refering to the >>> script here: >>> >>> >>> > >>> > > wiki, as well as considering updating crochet to use the u-boot >>> > > ports >>> > > and adding hummingboard to it. I'm going to take all these >>> > > suggestions >>> > > and see what I can come up with. In my mind it wouldn't be hard >>> > > to use >>> > > the return codes indicated by Boris to create a running log of >>> > > make >>> > > results and copy successful outputs to a different directory. >>> > > What >>> > > raises my concern is that I can't be the first person to ever >>> > > come up >>> > > with this idea, so where are all the other attempts at this? In >>> > > my >>> > > mind that means I'm either way ahead of the curve (not) or I am >>> > > going >>> > > down the wrong path and there is something else to this I haven't >>> > > considered. >>> > >>> > I'd say that most developers have different purposes, plus it's not >>> > hard >>> > to create a shell script to automate the task. So everybody have >>> > some of >>> > them at their armoury. Here is mine (written once in a hurry, but >>> > used >>> > to be helpful and used often). >>> >>> Thank you for your script. This is precisely what I was looking for: >>> some input on how other people build! >> >> It would be fairly trivial to add automatic log generation to that >> script on the wiki page. I usually don't care, but when I want logs >> while I'm building I just add "2>&1 | tee make.log" (bash/sh syntax, it >> would be different for csh) when I launch the script. It would be easy >> enough to put that inside the script, perhaps with some logic to >> generate a log name that includes date and time. >> >> -- Ian --001a114304d6cfadb0052ff35fc5 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=mk Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=mk Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_imrbwsk70 IyEvdXNyL2xvY2FsL2Jpbi9iYXNoCgpCQVNFRElSPSQocHdkKQpQUk9KRUNUX05BTUU9aHVtbWlu Z2JvYXJkCgpCVUlMRF9PVVRQVVQ9YnVpbGRvdXRwdXQubG9nCgojIEZpcnN0IHNldCBhbGwgdHdl YWthYmxlIHZhcmlhYmxlcyB0byBkZWZhdWx0IHZhbHVlcyBiZWZvcmUgbG9hZGluZwojIGNvbmZp Zy9tay5jb25mIHdoaWNoIGNhbiBvdmVycmlkZSBhbnkgb2YgdGhlc2UgZGVmYXVsdHMuCm1rX2Fy Y2g9ImFybXY2Igpta19pbnNkaXI9IiR7QkFTRURJUn0vbmZzcm9vdCIKbWtfam9icz0iJChzeXNj dGwgLW4gaHcubmNwdSkiCm1rX2tlcm5lbD0iSU1YNiIKbWtfbWFrZWNvbmY9IiR7QkFTRURJUn0v Y29uZmlnL21ha2UuY29uZiIKbWtfbWthcmdzPSIiCm1rX25pY2U9Im5pY2UgLTEwIgpta19vYmpk aXI9IiR7QkFTRURJUn0vb2JqIgpta19zcmNjb25mPSIke0JBU0VESVJ9L2NvbmZpZy9zcmMuY29u ZiIKbWtfc3JjZGlyPSIke0JBU0VESVJ9L3NyYyIKbWtfdWJsZHJhZGRyPSIweDAiCgojIElmIG1h a2luZyBhIHRhcmdldCB0aGF0IHJlcXVpcmVzIHJvb3QgcHJpdnMsIGF1dG9tYXRpY2FsbHkgYWRk IHN1ZG8uCiMgVGhpcyBjYW4gYmUgb3ZlcnJpZGRlbiBieSBzZXR0aW5nIG1rX3N1ZG89IiIgaW4g Y29uZmlnL21rLmNvbmYuCmNhc2UgIiQqIiBpbgogICppbnN0YWxsd29ybGQqIHwgKmluc3RhbGxr ZXJuZWwqIHwgKmRpc3RyaWJ1dGlvbiogfCAqYnVpbGRkdGIqICkgbWtfc3Vkbz0ic3VkbyAtRSI7 Owplc2FjCgoKIyBTb3VyY2UgaW4gY29uZmlnL21rLmNvbmYgaWYgaXQgZXhpc3RzLgppZiBbIC1y IGNvbmZpZy9tay5jb25mIF0gOyB0aGVuCiAgICAuIGNvbmZpZy9tay5jb25mCmZpCgojIElmIHRo ZXJlIGlzIGEgbG9jYWwga2VybmVsIGNvbmZpZyBmaWxlLCBsaW5rIGl0IGludG8gdGhlIHNvdXJj ZSB0cmVlLgppZiBbIC1yICJjb25maWcvJHtta19rZXJuZWx9IiBdIDsgdGhlbgogICAgbG4gLWZz ICIuLi8uLi8uLi8uLi9jb25maWcvJHtta19rZXJuZWx9IiAgICJzcmMvc3lzL2FybS9jb25mLyR7 bWtfa2VybmVsfSIKZmkKCiMgTUFLRU9CSkRJUlBSRUZJWCBtdXN0IGJlIGluIHRoZSBlbnZpcm9u bWVudCwgbm90IG9uIHRoZSBtYWtlIGNvbW1hbmQgbGluZS4KZXhwb3J0IE1BS0VPQkpESVJQUkVG SVg9IiR7bWtfb2JqZGlyfSIKCiMgRG8gaXQuCgpjZCAke21rX3NyY2Rpcn0gCgppbmZvPSIkKHN2 biBpbmZvKSIgCmVjaG8gJHtpbmZvfQoKcmV2aXNpb249InIyOTc1MTciCgpMT0dfRklMRT0ke0JB U0VESVJ9L2xvZ3MvJHtQUk9KRUNUX05BTUV9LmxvZwoKZWNobyAiYGRhdGVgIC0gQnVpbGRpbmcg JEAgZm9yICR7UFJPSkVDVF9OQU1FfS0ke3JldmlzaW9ufSIKCmVjaG8gImBkYXRlYCAtIEJ1aWxk aW5nICRAIGZvciAke1BST0pFQ1RfTkFNRX0tJHtyZXZpc2lvbn0iID4+ICR7TE9HX0ZJTEV9Cgok e21rX25pY2V9ICR7bWtfc3Vkb30gbWFrZSAtaiAke21rX2pvYnN9IFwKICAgICItRE5PX0NMRUFO IiBcCiAgICAiVEFSR0VUX0FSQ0g9JHtta19hcmNofSIgXAogICAgIkRFU1RESVI9JHtta19pbnNk aXJ9IiBcCiAgICAiX19NQUtFX0NPTkY9JHtta19tYWtlY29uZn0iIFwKICAgICJzcmNjb25mPSR7 bWtfc3JjY29uZn0iIFwKICAgICJLRVJOQ09ORj0ke21rX2tlcm5lbH0iIFwKICAgICJVQkxEUl9M T0FEQUREUj0ke21rX3VibGRyYWRkcn0iIFwKICAgICR7bWtfbWthcmdzfSBcCiAgICAiJEAiID4g L3RtcC90ZW1wLSR7cmV2aXNpb259Lm91dHB1dAoKcmV0dmFsPSQ/CiNleGl0CmlmIFsgJHJldHZh bCAtZXEgMCBdOwp0aGVuCmVjaG8gImBkYXRlYCAtICQqIFN1Y2NlZWRlZCIKZWNobyAiYGRhdGVg IC0gJCogU3VjY2VlZGVkIiA+PiAke0xPR19GSUxFfQojbXYgL3RtcC90ZW1wLSR7cmV2aXNpb259 Lm91dHB1dCAke0JBU0VESVJ9L2xvZ3MvJHtyZXZpc2lvbn0ub3V0cHV0CmVsc2UKZWNobyAiYGRh dGVgIC0gJCogRmFpbGVkIHdpdGggY29kZSAkcmV0dmFsIiAKZWNobyAiYGRhdGVgIC0gJCogRmFp bGVkIHdpdGggY29kZSAkcmV0dmFsIiA+PiAke0xPR19GSUxFfQptdiAvdG1wL3RlbXAtJHtyZXZp c2lvbn0ub3V0cHV0IC9sb2dzLyR7cmV2aXNpb259X2Vycm9ycy5vdXRwdXQKZmkKCg== --001a114304d6cfadb0052ff35fc5--
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